Bach Flowers

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Bach Flowers

Post by Giovanna »

Hi everybody.
About one month ago I wrote telling my problems of "fights" between my two biggest dogs I have, they are two sisters.
Well, just outside my garden a family is building a new house and it will be I think three floor, so as the workers make progress and the house is getting higher, one of the two sister is going crazy.
When I go downstairs in the morning to open them, as they sleep unders a covered porch in their kennels, this one is panting furiously, and she goes in the garden to do pipi only if I go with her, then she goes back immediately under the porch, or better she makes me understand that she want to come upstairs ( in the house), with some excuse I manage to go out and I remain outside to listen just in case she gets so upset to decide to start a fight with the sister. Usually she cries a little, then at lunch time I allow them to come upstair when I come home from work for lunch, and after a little I take them back downstairs. When in the evening I go downstair to take their dinner she is more relaxed as the workers have finished their work since a couple of hours minimum, she eats normally, and she doesn't ask to come upstairs. The next morning all starts again. I'm almost sure that the workers didn't do anything wrong to them, like shouting or throwing something, but when working they are now in a higher position than them and this seem a big problem for Susy.
The building of the house could go on for some more months and don't want to give her Valium or similar things till then, so I was thinking about the Bach flower for Fear: does any of you know something about? In a book I have written from a Veterinary, she says that the Mimulus Guttatus is specific for these cases.
Any suggestions?
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Re: Bach Flowers

Post by Bobbie »

I can't help you with the fighting- when two females start fighting there is often nothing to do but separate them permanently. But research has shown the Bach Flower remedies to be no more effective than placebos.

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Re: Bach Flowers

Post by Giovanna »

Thanks Bobby, I don't have high expectations myself!
To separate them is almost out of question, as when I've tried in the past to do it, or when they fight and I separate them for the night, they cry all the time as they want to stay together!!
They are spoiled I have to admit. They are something like: not with you not without you.
Anyhow, I've already bought the drops and I'll try: the worse that could happen is that there won't be any effect!
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Re: Bach Flowers

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

I have the same situation at myhouse. BlindPup trying to kill DeafBlindPup, They have gotten along for over a year, and then every now and again, Allicks would strike, and now it is every single time. So she has not had contact with him for months. There is no way I will subject him to this relentless, vicious attack. Bachs is not cut out for the 'zone' that they go into when they go on the attack. I need two strong people to work on the desensitization techniques you see on Cesar's show. Most every trainer on the planet embraces desensitization for all sorts of issues. I have searched and searched for the REASON WHY! If you can figure out the WHY, you have the answer. I have no clue what sets her off. She will wake up from a dead sleep, keep in mind she is 100% blind, and fly across the room to attack him.
Separation - a baby gate and sending downstairs are my answers.
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Re: Bach Flowers

Post by Zorro »

Hi! I've been trained to Level II with the Bach Flower Institute. Bach Flower Essences can be very effective in helping animals with different emotional problems, and don't have the side effects that drugs have. I use the essences with my animals routinely.

The first thing to do before using flower essences is to make sure there isn't a physical problem with your dogs. A check-up at the vet is important to rule out medical problems that need to be treated. A dog who is panting the way you are describing may be having pain due to illness. After a vet determines the dogs are physically healthy, then you can try flower essences. The workers that are building nearby may be making loud noises resembling gunshots that are scaring the dogs. This type of fear can be helped by using the Bach Flower Esssences "Aspen," with "Cherry Plum" and "Star of Bethlehem." Place 10 drops of each essence in a gallon of water for the dogs each day. "Aspen" helps to calm unknown fears, "Cherry Plum" helps the animal to regain self-control and rationality, and "Star of Bethlehem" comforts when a shock or sudden fright occurs.

If you are present when the dogs become very anxious, you can rub several drops of each essence into their gums for a faster effect. Some people say that rubbing the drops into the skin on the tips of the ears works as well.

For aggressive dogs that frequently fight, you can try "Vine," "Holly," and "Cherry Plum." Keep in mind that the essences work by clearing and altering the energy field of the animal. Because of this, sometimes their effect isn't evident for several days or a week. The key is consistent, daily dosing to see the best results. Depending on the severity of the problem, the animal may need to remain on the essences for several months to achieve the complete relief needed.

I have a West Highland Terrier who was given the Bach Essence "Crab Apple" for nearly a year before his severe allergies were finally under control. He has been symptom-free for 6 years.

I hope this helps and good luck with your dogs!
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Re: Bach Flowers

Post by Giovanna »

Hello ZOrro!
I just wanted to update you about my dog.
It seems that the Bach flowers are doing their job, as Susy is much more quiet now and is the "old" Susy again.
She's still a little bit afraid of going near tha fence, where the workers are working, but she feels more sure if I'm with her and anyhow I often catch her strolling in the garden without any problem.
I'm still putting the drops of Mimulus inside the water they drink and I change the water every evening.
Let's cross the fingers!
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Re: Bach Flowers

Post by Zorro »

Glad the essences are working! If you find your dog's anxious behavior returning, please restart the essences again. Thanks for the update!
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