Starting to get diaper rash/sores

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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by critters »

krisrath11 wrote: The scoul on her face only got worse with the look she gave when she saw catniss had on a diaper.Yeah, people can be. I about slapped her! She was very judgmental u could tell and even when I heard her telling the Dr. O well, only cost me $15 to get a peace of mind and know she is "as healthy as she will ever be" according to that vet. I straight told her I don't care if she pees or poops on herself she is still healthy if she isn't sick or in pain. I made it out without killing anyone so that's a plus. She did say use mineral oil to clean her ears. U know if I can use a few drops as a laxative when one of them gets clogged?The last I heard was that you should mix it well with canned food should you do this because it can cause a nasty chemical pneumonia should they aspirate it. It says that's what it is for, doesn't say about cats, but everything down to a dog under 50 lbs it does. Figure if it does then I only have a gallon of it so y not use it if I need. O, fb closed my claim so I'm screwed there as they said they are not opening it back again and refuse to discuss it further. O well, have to find a new approach.
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

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I like to find vets who are willing to see handicappers (not all of them are because handicappers take so much extra time and research). Unwilling ones may not flatly turn down a handicapper, but it's pretty easy to tell that they don't want to be bothered; they're the ones most likely to trumpet putting everybody who's weird to sleep. If they're willing, it's nice to find a vet who's interested in the challenge of a handicapper, and to find one with actual experience with handicappers is the icing on the cake.
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by krisrath11 »

So get this, I took Katniss to the vet the other day to get the fecal test which was negative. This morning I found out this afternoon when I got home because I forgot to dispose of her diaper contents, found a giant tapeworm in it. The vet at vetco which thank God is open on Saturday, said it is perfectly normal for it to be negative which kind of ticks me off and itself, however I feel like these people at this vet's office that I got her from need to be turned in for her poor care. It took me two days or less to realize she was eating way too much and her stools are inconsistent because the day after the diarrhea explosion she's back to making poop balls. This poor kitten has had a very very crappy run of luck at life apparently. I am going to call them and allow them to make everything right with the bills if they do not for sure they are getting turned in and most likely anyway. I feel like at this point I owe them absolutely nothing but I will pay her fee and get her records because as of Monday I am no longer going to be an association with them because they are a terrible terrible vet. I am extremely upset right now to say the least. On a good note however, the vet at vetco was extremely nice and helpful and in no way did she think Katniss needed to be put to sleep. So that was at least refreshing
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by BendyMom »

tapeworms don't show up on the tests they do, they are looking for eggs of other worms, or microscopic bits of worms, which tapes don't give off. YOu only know you have tapeworms when you see a wiggly bit. fortunately they aer easy to see. They get tapes from fleas, the fleas carry the eggs. Just eat one flea and tadah, tapes. So it's safe to assume if any cat has fleas, they have tapes or will shortly.

Glad her poop is doing better, I am well acquainted with the frustrations of butt explosions, I wish I could say this will be your last encounter with it...
If you call and complain to them they will most likely not listen. Generally unless a vet has caused a cat to die there isnt' anything legally you can do. It sucks and it's frustrating but that's how it is. I am very glad to hear the vet at vetco didn't feel she needed to be put down. I would just wash your hands of the other vet. they clearly are not the one for Katniss. They may not have realized she was eating too much, either. Standard procedure is to test for parasites when you see diarrhea, so technically they did nothing wrong. Her gut is going to be more sensitive than most cats and they simply aren't going to be up to dealing with it, it sounds like. I do understand your anger and frustration. I've been super busy and super tired here, juggling petsitting, cat care of the gang and my typing job all get difficult soemtimes. I have 18 special needs cats, needing meds or special feeding or needing to be seperate for some reason. I have some peopel would call special needs that I don't because ok they look different but so what, they don't really need anything different. I even have a few "normal" cats just to remind myself they exist. If you don't see me online, it's probably because I'm swamped or sleeping. If you ever need to get a hold of me asap for any reason, send me a private message. it sends an alert to my emailbox.


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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by krisrath11 »

O, I didn't know u could private message in here. I will keep that in mind. I am even more ticked now bcz she has round worms! I looked and the vet lied! I also had told them she was eating to much and that with the diareah was y I was bringing her. Idk y they wouldn't just give it to her as precaution anyway. I have called and complained and asked for the money back or the vet to be fired from vetco (I still have the worm as proof for all the vets) and am going to get her dewormer. O, can strongid for horses, cows, or pigs be used for cats? I know pig can for dogs, but I am not risking it unless someone knows. If not we will get that crazy cat or whatever it is. Wow, 18! That's a load of them! U mean like missing limbs as far as look different? I figure if they play and act cute them who cares! I too have regulars, there r 4 of those that r mine here, only 1 I adopted just for me and she was my first kitty here after my dog passed from cancer (he hated cats). They won't do anything about how they treat them? I would hope they would, bcz she is not cared for at all! A vet didn't give her medical treatment! Ugh, such b's, excuse my acronyms...
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by BendyMom »

they should have caught the roundworms and I use the strongid paste for horses for my cats. I give them a blob about the size of a pea. it's a #### of a lot cheaper, my vets know i do this and are cool with it. they told me "you could bathe them in strongid and it woudln't hurt them"

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Tommy Chestnut and Shrimpie both have deformed back legs, but get around fine and can use the box fine except when they are picky and use the floor instead, thanks guys. I have two who are blind. so what, they don't need anything special. yup, it's a lot. I don't think I'm capable of doing anything just a little bit. :)


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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by krisrath11 »

I was going to take in a kitty with back legs that were wretched out but ended up things never came to happen. If i get a bigger home I will but at the moment I think the inn is full lol. I was a bit reluctant too since they said she had a bad attitude when she needed a bath (she used the floor, had long hair, and no diapers... Poor girl, but they did try and she was so sweet. I find I love the odd ones now too! I used to adopt all the old cats from this kill shelter. Most only lived a year but they at least had a good year. I have worked her (thank god). I am giving someone an earful for all of this with her. My mom said I should just tell them she passed away from all the worms so I don't have to deal with them at all and her medical they claim she has had is taken care of for real. The lady claimed they dewormed her when I talked to her and asked what the money was for. I'm so upset about everything and all these ppl treating her like she doesn't matter.
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by BendyMom »

roundworms take mutliple treatments to kill, anyone working with animals should know that. Roundworms actually migrate through the body, the wormer kills the ones in the intestines, so you have to do repeated treatments. I usually treat anything that has been outside every other week for three treatments, with a compromised cat/kitten it can take longer.
here is a good link. ... on-in-cats

no one I know of who works with animals thinks one treatment does it!

It's great you love the "odd" ones so much, I'd at least wait until you have her all settled and straightend out and a routine down before bringing in someone else. I swear some years it seems to be raining bendy-legged kitties of all sorts. I get notifications about them all the time, drives me nuts because no no no i can't take them and no i don't know anyone who does. People seem to think I have all sorts of connections, I don't.


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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by krisrath11 »

O we are not even thinking about bringing anyone in lol. There r now 6 cats and 3 dogs in my house, and it isn't that big. I bet they do, and they all want u to adopt each one! If u had connections I bet u wouldn't have quite so many already. I think it is great u have them though, most people can't or won't take them. The two I have were meant for me I figure. I might take another one on one day once we have larger area but until then we have plenty! Yeah the worm that came out of her was huge! If they had wormed her like they were supposed to she wouldn't have had that. My kittens never pooped a worm, nor did mom bcz they were wormed every 2 weeks like the vet told me. She will be at least for a month. That should get them I would say. Just terrible care from ppl who didn't care obviously.. so sad. She's wonderful too!
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by critters »

krisrath11 wrote:So get this, I took Katniss to the vet the other day to get the fecal test which was negative. This morning I found out this afternoon when I got home because I forgot to dispose of her diaper contents, found a giant tapeworm in it. The vet at vetco which thank God is open on Saturday, said it is perfectly normal for it to be negative which kind of ticks me off and itself, however I feel like these people at this vet's office that I got her from need to be turned in for her poor care. It took me two days or less to realize she was eating way too much and her stools are inconsistent because the day after the diarrhea explosion she's back to making poop balls. This poor kitten has had a very very crappy run of luck at life apparently. I am going to call them and allow them to make everything right with the bills if they do not for sure they are getting turned in and most likely anyway. I feel like at this point I owe them absolutely nothing but I will pay her fee and get her records because as of Monday I am no longer going to be an association with them because they are a terrible terrible vet. I am extremely upset right now to say the least. On a good note however, the vet at vetco was extremely nice and helpful and in no way did she think Katniss needed to be put to sleep. So that was at least refreshingThat's TERRIFIC!!
That DOES happen with tapes. I've forgotten exactly why, but I think it has to do with timing of the test as to what the worms are doing.
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by krisrath11 »

It turned out it was actually a roundworms and the vet just gave her the shot anyway. I was not happy and I called to have it taken care of but have yet to actually hear anything. I gave her strongid for the roundworms from tractor supply.
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by krisrath11 »

So just an update...

Catniss is now spayed which was a disaster! It cost me almost $200 for the spay and her incision got infected. She didn't get the stitches out for 3 weeks and had to get antibiotics and have it cleaned multiple times per day. I should've taken her to the cheaper places where they use glue and I doubt it would've happened. She got so impacted afterward that I took her to the vet once I had been "bombing" her for 3 days and 2 suppositories and 2 enemas did nothing. Once they told me at the vet she would all in all need to be put down if the lactulose they gave me didn't help writhin 2 days or she would have to see a specialist I took to major mommy mode. I went home and just decided that I was going to squeeze her even if she had just gotten the stitches out. It took a lot of work and quite a bit of time but I eventually worked it out of her. She came out with a terrible cracked rectum from the size of the 2 giant balls of poop blocking her up followed by a mound of poop as big as her. She's finally getting back to normal poop because she had the worst smelling just plain nasty poop for almost 2 weeks. I believe she was very very close to death as she was to where she could not walk as well as normal. I felt terrible but I'm glad I had bob to teach me how to help her as she would've likely not made it. Bob is doing great and I guess all I've read about close to a year old they level out and have little problems. Bob did get a kidney stone after a 3 day trip I was gone for. That was a mess and I am sure now that's what it was but I was a mess for a couple days after I got home worrying. He's great now with perfect urine. I think I worry about them so much sometimes that I forget about myself.
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by BendyMom »

Sometimes we have to go into super-mom mode. I'm glad you managed to express her, I've had to do similar things with my girl Black Cherry a couple times. ugh. I've had spay incisions that were glued get infected, it's just on my list of "crap that can go wrong" and now whenever I get a spay I ask for the long acting antibiotic shot. here, at least, $200 isn't bad. varies a lot by region, though.
I am very glad to see an update on Catniss, so often I read about pets here and then the people disappear and I am left wondering. We love it when people post happy stories too, and pictures! I know, I don't do that much myself anymore and I really should.

I hope she is all healed up now and her plumbing is working well. The plumbing drama is very stressful some days!


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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by krisrath11 »

$200 here is steep unless you go to the really high end neighborhoods. The spay and neuter clinics average at around 65 for it and pain meds and that usually includes updated shots as well. They conned me into an iv she didn't need and all that as well. They charged me 45 for clavomox after her infection and my normal cat Merlin just got one and they gave me a bottle of the same stuff at another vet large enough to do the entire house for 20. I am now done with that vet for the reasons of I can't afford them, and they con u into things u do not need. They told me mama kitty (my first cat that's normal) needed her teeth cleaned for $250. I called another vet and they said it cost 160 there. Well mama hasn't had it done and she had to go in for an eye that got scratched and I had this vet look at her and he said everything looked great and she didn't need anything done for a few years most likely. People say bad things about the cheap places but I've found while it is definitely more rushed and they don't make a fuss over everyone, they are fast (I'm all for that) and sufficient and cost effective. Bob LOVES Dr wingert too, and he never gets all purrs for anyone but him so that's a big one for me. Just the same as uneducated people believe giving their shots yourself is bad and that u have to take them to have them dewormed.

She's worked all the plumbing issues out, except she's peeing now like crazy. I bought a giant water bowl (really a pig pan) and they have that in the dining room so I believe everyone drinks more because it reminds them. So u said u use disposables, what brand do u find the most absorbancy? Catniss has either medium or long hair so her furr on her belly and sometimes up her back is just soaked when I change her. I obviously have to work so more changes really isn't an option, so better diapers is. I've been using just the sams club brand and she wears a newborn still and hopefully always as that's where bob stopped. These will work for when I'm home after work but not at night or while I am gone for work so much anymore.

I will try and post pics but they have to be resized it says. I wish they would change that so it could take all of them I take with my phone
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by critters »

Interesting--I'd never heard of a pig pan!! I had to put down a kidney boy in January who drank loads, and I have another kidney boy now. Almost everybody's 16+, so we'll probably see it again before it's over. Could you post a pic or a link to a pan like that? :thankyou:
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