I think Spookie had a seizure...

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I think Spookie had a seizure...

Post by Michelle »

I was working in my home office, and then I heard Cole getting all upset and howling. So I opened my office door and there was Spookie, sort of shaking as though she was very cold - her eyes were dialated and she was laying down on the floor. After a few seconds she stopped shaking - but she was all tired and groggy. I called my vets office, and the assistant (my vet is on vacation right now) told me that it was probably just a muscle spasm. But her whole body was shaking and she was breathing very oddly...does this sound like a mild seizure to anyone, or does it really just sound like a muscle spasm? She hasn't had an episode like this before, and hasn't had one since (this happened yesterday), but I'm debating whether or not to take the assistant's advice or not (she told me not to bother bringing Spookie to get checked - she maintains it's a muscle spasm because Spookie has never had a history of seizures). So, I'm hoping someone can tell me what they think happened to Spookie (I'll take the opinion of the people on this board over the assistant's any day!) - whether it was a seizure or not. Please help!
Thanking you in advance,
(and Spookie!)
Alisa G
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Re: I think Spookie had a seizure...

Post by Alisa G »

Hmmm-I'm not an expert but it does sound like some kind of seizure. Cat Fancy Magazine has a great article in it about seizures. I have a feline health link on my web page that has info on epilepsy and seizures on it. I would definately get Spookie in to the vet. Siezures can be treated but there is a chance that there is an underlying trauma or illness that could be triggering them. Good luck and please keep us posted!

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I think Spookie had a seizure, too msg

Post by critters »

Aside from the actual shaking, the grogginess afterward (called post ictal) is a dead giveaway. Definitely check out the article Alisa mentioned; I can't remember if it was the Aug or Sept issue (think Sept), but I posted it below.

Did she poop or pee when it happened? This is indicative, but I wouldn't rule out seizures if she didn't.

I'd get to a dr and INSIST on phenobarb, if it were me. Some people fart around with it until the seizures get too frequent to overcome the inertia of getting up and doing something about it, but, to me, that's playing Russian roulette (sp?). Not to scare you, but I had a little brain damaged girl die of her very first seizure. That's why I'd INSIST on having phenobarb around, even if you don't use it everyday, or even regularly at all. It's beyond horrible to have your hands tied like that.

Good luck!
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I'd be happy to pee on the stupid vet tech's head for you

Post by Bendy Kitty »

she sounds pretty stupid and uncaring
muscle spasms don't effect the whole animal like that! and they don't make them groggy.
when teh vet gets back, insist on talking to him/her and also complain about the stupid vet tech.

mom doesn't know much about seizures in domestic cats. AT the preserve there wre several big cats with seizure disorders. With them it was an inbreeding problem. The scariest thing mom ever saw was Isabella tiger have a seizure, and ended up rolling down a hill while still seizing :(
good thing she had a radio!
Cato jaguar also had seizures, tho mom didn't witness them.
Sometimes the animals would paw at their face, and often damage themselves while doing so :(

They were treated with Phenobarb which controlled things well. Took a little getting used to for them, they'd be groggy for the first couple weeks.

good luck with little Spookie!

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Just found a seizure link

Post by critters »

It's for puppers, but my experience is that seizures are pretty much the same, whether cat, dog, or human. You might also check the comprehensive health link I posted for Bendy.

seizure link
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