Salem's Strides

Neurological Disorders Resources. Treatment and care for pets having pain or trouble walking or standing due to spinal injuries or neurological disorders like IVDD, FCE and DM.
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Salem's Strides

Post by smaselli »

My five-year-old black lab was running chasing a ball when she suddenly yelped out in pain and collapsed. She is now paralyzed from her midback and has no use of her hindlegs. She went in for an MRI and was confirmed that she suffered from a type three-disc extrusion. The neurologist said there was nothing we could do surgically. Her chances of walking again are slim. She will start her physical therapy on Saturday. Yesterday and today she peed on her own, but she does not have any deep pain sensation. I can pinch her back toes and she does not look at me. I may get a lick because she sees what I am doing. Does anyone else have a dog that is DPS negative, but peeing without assistance?
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Re: Salem's Strides

Post by CarolC »

This is hard to answer because I don't know that much about Hansen Type III. From what I've read there is a similarity to FCE(?), and if that's the case that's good because the great majority of dogs with FCE will recover. Normally you would rest a dog with a disk problem, but a dog with FCE benefits from exercise.

Deep pain can be difficult to detect because not all dogs respond to pain stimulus the same way, some will be very obvious in their response and others will kind of hide it.

Your other post said she is "now peeing" on her own, which sounds like she wasn't before and there has been improvement. That may be because she has improved, which would be great and could be expected with FCE. Or it may be because she is overflowing. Or it may also be that she has developed a urinary infection, which can cause dribbling. That would not be surprising but I wouldn't expect that unless she has been down for a while (like maybe a week or more). I could get a better sense of which is more likely based on how long it has been. How long ago did it happen? How much does your dog weigh? Sorry this is not a lot of help. :oops: wrote:Hansen Type III discs are sometimes referred to as “missile discs”, “traumatic disc” or “low volume, high velocity”. These are non-surgical and result from the liquid nucleus pulposus hitting the spinal cord at high impact. There is no resulting compression as the material dissipates, but the cord experiences contusive injury. wrote:Acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion refers to the extrusion of hydrated nucleus pulposus due to a sudden increase in intradiscal pressure during vigorous exercise (such as running and jumping) or trauma (18). The hydrated nucleus pulposus herniates through a tear in the annulus fibrosus contuses the spinal cord and then dissipates within the epidural space causing minimal to no spinal cord compression. This condition has also been named as traumatic disk extrusion, traumatic disk prolapse, dorsolateral intervertebral disk “explosion,” high-velocity–low volume disk extrusion, exercise-associated peracute thoracolumbar disk extrusion, and Hansen type III intervertebral disk disease (14–17, 19). The terminology “Hansen type III intervertebral disk disease” or “type III intervertebral disk extrusion” should not be used to indicate extrusion of hydrated nucleus pulposus, resulting in non-compressive myelopathy (39). Hansen described only two types of intervertebral disk degeneration, resulting in type I and type II intervertebral disk herniation, respectively (38, 39). Type III IVDEs were originally described by Funquist as a subtype of Hansen type I intervertebral disk degeneration and herniation characterized by extension of disk material “like a carpet over several vertebrae”
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Re: Salem's Strides

Post by smaselli »

This happened Friday morning. Tomorrow it will be a week. Initially, she had the deep pain sensation, but as of Sunday, it has been lost. The first day home (Monday) we had to express her bladder. However, since then she has been successfully peeing without assistance. She did wet her bed last night so we're not certain if she has full control (it was her first accident). It's best to describe the injury as a traumatic acute disc extrusion. She has no decompression on the spine, but severe swelling and bruising. This morning during our PT I was pinching between her back left toes and swore she tugged away just slightly. She has not done that since. It is possible that it's my hopes messing with me. She will be going to PT on Saturday for potential hydrotherapy, acupuncture, and laser therapy.
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Re: Salem's Strides

Post by smaselli »

Salem is a five-year-old spayed female black lab that weighs 68-pounds.
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Re: Salem's Strides

Post by Lynne54 »

My German Short Haired Pointer was playing ball October the 13 and got a spinal injury like your dog. Our dog has ANNPE or traumatic disc extrusion and is given a 50% to 80% to recover. Right now, Kona (our dog) is now a paraplegia, but she can wag her tail, just a little. The neurology vet told us that this is a long process that will take 3 or more months to fully recover. We have our rehabilitation consult scheduled next week and we are hoping to do laser therapy, acupuncture and any other thing they suggest. Did your dog have laser therapy this past weekend? If so, how did it go?
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Re: Salem's Strides

Post by critters »

:whale: Lynne!
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Re: Salem's Strides

Post by Jenna123 »

Hi, is anyone still active on this post? My dog suffered exactly the same injury and we are now 1 year on.

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Re: Salem's Strides

Post by critters »

Hard to tell, Jenna, whether anybody's still watching this post.
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