Muscle spasms in spinal cord injury recovery

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Muscle spasms in spinal cord injury recovery

Post by Jenna123 »

Peppa ruptured disc chasing a ball, injuring her spinal cord. This was 1 year ago.
Her recovery was slow but when put on steriods 6 months in she started to be able to move her back legs more and do a kind of walking /bunny hop. Over the past few weeks she has been doing amazing and getrinf stronger, tail wagging more etc.
2 days ago she was lying on her right side (always been weaker) her back legs started to spasm and move, this went on for about 5 minutes, her right leg after was quite limp but recovered later but she is walking less now and has been set back a few weeks in terms of what she was like.

Any ideas if this is related to nerve recovery? Something that just happens? Or any other ideas??

Thank you
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Re: Muscle spasms in spinal cord injury recovery

Post by CarolC »

Hi Jenna123,

That does not sound familar to me. I've heard of dogs "running in their sleep" after FCE (your dog has a diagnosis of ANNPE), but it is not associated with a setback so it sounds like this might be something different. Had she been unusually active the day before? Did she slip or try to jump down a step or anything? Did she act like it was uncomfortable for her? I wonder if she was sore after the muscle spasm and taking it easy. They do have medication for muscle spasms if needed.

If you are still in touch with the physical therapy place where she was doing her treadmill, maybe you could ask them. They might be able to check her, isolate the area, and see if it is associated with the original injury. Perhaps they would have some kind of advice and treatment for it, and hopefully an explanation. If you do, I hope you will post back what they say. Wish I could be more help. :)
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Re: Muscle spasms in spinal cord injury recovery

Post by Jenna123 »

Thank you. Maybe she has just over done it as she's been very active both in her wheels and walking around the house.
Because her situation has baffled the neurologist I don't feel ringing anyone would help or her seeing anyone.
I have contacted the vet for advice, she's OK in herself, I think maybe a few days rest and see how it goes.
Poor girl, was doing so well. We will get back to the walking again with some tlc.
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