Steroid use long term

Neurological Disorders Resources. Treatment and care for pets having pain or trouble walking or standing due to spinal injuries or neurological disorders like IVDD, FCE and DM.
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Steroid use long term

Post by Jenna123 »

Quick over view.
Peppa suffered an injury which caused acute disc explosion which caused paralysis. Steroids seem to help her walk, the neurologist does not know why... But it does.
She can walk pretty well on 10mg but if dropped to 5mg she quickly declined, have also tried 10mg every other day but this does not work either. She has been on them 6 months now and weighs 26kgs. Does anyone have experience of long term steroid use?
Trying to weigh up her quality of life with the risks of long term use...

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Re: Steroid use long term

Post by CarolC »

Connie's Yorkie, Dukie, was on low dose prednisone for at least a year. It caused him to gain a little weight. I am not sure how much this helps, since I'm not sure all dogs respond to medication in the same way exactly. But here is one of Connie's early messages, and then one a year later when she says he is still on prednisone.


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