Acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion

Neurological Disorders Resources. Treatment and care for pets having pain or trouble walking or standing due to spinal injuries or neurological disorders like IVDD, FCE and DM.
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Acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion

Post by Buddy's_Mum »

Hello all =)

Firstly - reading your posts have been so informative and reassuring. You guys seem so amazing.

My boy Buddy is a Pug x Jack and is 5 years old. 11 days ago he suddenly yelped and since has been paralysed in his rear legs. He had had a CT & MRI and been diagnosed with acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion at level of T12-T13. His prognosis is very bleak and surgery wasn't an option.

Has anyone else had this diagnosis? I haven't seen it on the boards yet so far.

In short, it means his disc has ruptured his spinal cord and caused haemorrhaging and inflammation (correct me if I'm wrong).

We are staying optimistic and will start therapy in 2 weeks. For now it's crate rest.

Can anyone shed some light on their experience with this diagnosis?

Thanks so much =)
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Re: Acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion

Post by critters »

:whale: Personally, I've never heard of that diagnosis, probably because most critters don't get CTs and MRIs, but I'd bet at least many critters around the board have had it, but nobody knew it. Look around this board at the other posts about spinal cord injuries, IVDD (disc disease), and even FCE (spinal stroke). Expressing, bowel care, etc. are much the same for spinal cord cases whatever the cause.
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Re: Acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion

Post by CarolC »

Does he still have deep pain sensation in his feet?
Is he still able to urinate voluntarily (not retaining urine and not dribbling or leaking)?
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Re: Acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion

Post by Smokey&Bandit »

I'm so sorry to hear about your fur baby. Im new here to the site myself. I recently posted and have received so much support and advise. It's just nice to be able to talk to people that understand what your going through.

My little guy is in a similar situation. He is 5 this month and Monday his back legs stopped working. He was favoring his leg last week and we thought he maybe pulled it as it was so minor my husband thought I was crazy as he couldn't tell. It's been an emotional few days. Our vet hasn't did an MRI or CT scan but she thinks it's IVDD. He is being treated with a lot of medicine and strict cage rest. Today was the first day I've seen any improvement and it was slight (he pooped without too much issues and he had some use of his right back leg). However this evening he must be exhausted or just not feeling it as he isn't use his either of his back legs while being taken outside.

Don't give up. Check out dodgerslist. It has so much information. It has helped me find hope and in some ways come to terms with what if he doesn't regain use of his legs. It's ok. I'll just get him the coolest wheelie cart available with nice off road tires and an awesome paint job.

I'll pray for you and your fur baby as I know it's tough.
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Re: Acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion

Post by Buddy's_Mum »

Thanks all for the support so far.
You're right - the diagnosis matters for treatment, but the care is very similar.

He can poop on his own. We are expressing his bladder for him, but he occasionaly leaks so we have bought a belly band to try. He doesn't have any deep pain according to the neurologist. That said, lately if we pinch his paw, he pulls it away and sometimes looks at us. Not sure if it's a reflex or pain. But it's a grade 5 injury.

Smokey&Bandir sorry about your pup too... It's so sad.. We definitely need all the prayers we can get...

=) any advice is always appreciated so I can best look after Buddy.
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Re: Acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion

Post by Smokey&Bandit »

How is Buddy doing? And how are you? I almost think it's as tough (not as painful) on us human parents as we have the emotions and fear to deal with. Wishing you and your fur baby the best.
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Re: Acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion

Post by Buddy's_Mum »

Buddy is doing well! Very happy and recovering well from his bladder infection. No improvement in his legs yet. He can stand for a few seconds but it seems to be more balance. We are his neuro next week and meet his physio then too!

You're right. It's so tough for us. Really rough. I worry constantly and wish I could do more....

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Re: Acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion

Post by vera »

How is Buddy now? My pup Gemma has the same diagnosis. Is Buddy walking? Thank you
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Re: Acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion

Post by Buddy's_Mum »

Buddy is doing great. He is walking again, although not 100%. But he can go for walks up to 15-20 mins and run. He does fall over but he is strong and happy. Physio helped a lot! He does still have continence issues but this is a small price to pay. Good luck. It's such a hard time x I hope your Gemma has a great outcome.
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Re: Acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion

Post by vera »

So glad Buddy is doing good. Gives me so much hope. Thank you
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Re: Acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion

Post by Buddy's_Mum »

No worries at all. It's a really hard time, and hard to have hope against the odds. But our physio have us so much hope. And there are products around that help them too.
Buddy had an Instagram if you'd like to see his progress.

=) wishing you all the best!! X
Liz and nels
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Re: Acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion

Post by Liz and nels »

Hi, it's been really helpful reading these posts. My dog, Nelly was diagnosed with the same injury 8 weeks ago, like Buddy she was a 5 and after 2 weeks in hospital cathaterised was given 0 chance of recovery. I bought her home anyway and have been caring for her on my own. She's a way off walking on her own but has shown good improvement and will now take a few strange steps with rear harness support. What has struck me the most is how negative all the so-called experts have been.. And how little time they seem to give for recovery. 2 weeks is no time at all to see improvement and give such a dire prognosis for severe nerve damage. Also, some friends and family have been very critical of my decision to carry on with this. But while I can see improvents (no matter how small) there is no way I can have her euthanised. So it's been really helpful reading people's stories and successes who have actually been there and done it, it has given me some hope because it is really really hard and, at times disheartening, especially on your own (with small child in tow!). I will just carry on doing what I can for her and hope that she will walk again. How long did it take for Buddy to take his first unsupported steps? Thanks for sharing. It's helped! X
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Re: Acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion

Post by Buddy's_Mum »

I'm so so so sorry to hear about Nelly. I know how hard it is, and you're right - a lot of vets are quite negative. We actually found a great dog physio who helped and was positive which we really needed.

Buddy's progress was so gradual - one day I noticed he was standing on a grip mat we had (very wonky stance). He would try to kind of move his legs when he had the full harness on and those movements became better. I'd say he started these movements within a month like your Nelly has. When he used the under water treadmill you could see his legs moving and trying so hard. Then he just kept on improving with the exercises and harness.

My advice is to find a physio if you are near one and can afford it. Hydrotherapy is great too. Appropriate pain medication as well - Buddy is one long term for nerve pain. Some people support acupuncture too. We tried it but not too sure if it helped.
Support through aids too like grip mats (I used shower mats lol) help.

I don't think you're crazy or mean for taking her home. If she is happy and has a quality of life it's okay. If Buddy didn't improve I don't know what we would have done, but I had started researching wheelchairs etc. It's pretty much 3 years ago now and Buddy is still gaining strength and improving. He still has continence issues but we live with it and don't mind. We get him in our lives so it's okay.

You're doing an awesome job. It's tough but so worth it. Happy to help if I can! Sorry for the long post, I just totally empathise with you. X
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Re: Acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion

Post by Buddy's_Mum »

And yes! Nerve damage recovery is measured in months and years. Not days or weeks. I also didn't get why they were so negative? Maybe to prepare us? But like you, we had to try and luckily it worked out x I hope your little one is OK. And you're so amazing doing this plus having a little one too x
Liz and nels
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Re: Acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion

Post by Liz and nels »

Thanks so much... I will try grip mats.. I think it's good for their feet to feel different textures. Nelly doesn't seem to be in pain (I think I'd know if she was - she's a big wuss when it comes to pain), and she is in remarkably good spirits considering. She's still playful and affectionate and we're getting tail wags now occasionally. I am realistic about recovery, I know she'll probably never catch another rabbit or squirrel (she's a lurcher!), but I'd be so happy if she can go on walks and trot a bit one day. The incontinence doesn't bother me too much either. I checked out your Instagram.. You and Buddy are an inspiration.. Hope Nels makes it that far too. Thanks again x
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