New ramp for Olive

Blind and deaf pets can live happy, healthy, quality lives. In fact, sometimes it's hard to tell them from sighted pets. They do, though, have their own special needs.
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New ramp for Olive

Post by CarolC »

Olive has been using a ramp out the back door since we moved here, but a week ago I noticed she was stepping off the edge because she's apparently having trouble seeing. She would be on her way down and miss the edge and do a shoulder roll. Then she fell off the edge going up, too. The ramp was only 13" wide, so it was time for a wider ramp.

Today my handyman neighbor made a wide one for her. It's nice! I like the way it also has a contrast on the edge between the dark mat and the light wood, and perhaps her paws will feel the difference if she gets to the edge of the mat or onto the wood, and she will know she is near the edge. I hope this will prevent her from falling off the ramp anymore. Pictures attached!

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Re: New ramp for Olive

Post by critters »

Nice! It'll probably take a little time for her to sort it all out, but she should certainly be able to feel the edge with that.
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