Urinary: down dog

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Urinary: down dog

Post by marilynb »

IL would like to know how you can tell if your dog has a urinary infection, my dog is incontinent and he pees on a pee pad,sometimes he sprinkles and sometimes he has quite a large puddle. I have tried to make him urinate but it is very seldom I can accomplish this. any suggestions will be welcomed, he is a dachshund.

ps Is there a way I could talk to someone that has the same breed of dog, with the same problem? My dog is down in his back legs.
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Incontinent dachshund

Post by CarolC »

Here is a webpage that tells you the symptoms of a urinary infection. My dog is not a dachshund, but I express her bladder 4 times a day. There are other people here who do have dachshunds, you came to the right place.

<a href="http://www.handicappedpets.com/Articles/express">Click here for info on urinary infections</a>
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Male Incontinent Doxie; Paul, Marni, anyone! *LINK*

Post by Dianne »

Good Morning Marilyn,

My male doxie has been paralyzed (down in the rear legs) for one year. He is incontinent of urine. There are several of us that read this board who have done this a long time.

I stand Schnitzel on the clothes dryer with his rear end against my torso. Find something that is the right height for you. The dryer works for me because table would be too low, and the kitchen counters would be too high, etc. Maybe you have a utility sink that would work for you. Schnitzel is able to lock his rear legs to stand, but even when he couldn't do that I was able to prop him against me using my torso. His butt is against me because the urine stream will be expressed away from you or to the side.

* Note, if choose the dryer to express, always wipe it off (Windex works)to avoid rust spots from the urine.*

Have a supply of old wash cloths or cloths that the urine can splatter into. The used cloths will go into a "diaper" pail. I use a 2 gallon plastic container with a LID that was once a dishwashing powder container. Fill it half full of water, a splash of clorox, and some borax to neutralize any odor. They will come out of the laundry very white and odor free.

Some people are able to use fingertips to press on the abdomen; I use a clenched fist to gently press on both sides of the abdomen at once. I'm including a link of a cat site that shows a FULL bladder. A doxie bladder would look about the same. As urine empties (is expressed) from the bladder it gets smaller and shrinks toward the rear end. You can adjust your hands more toward the rear legs/tail end as the urine empties from the bladder.

Readjust your hands when the stream/splatter stops, so that you can get a new stream of urine. This step may continue several times until you have REALLY emptied the bladder.

If you are not confident that it is empty, you can try again in 10-15 minutes or try again in an hour. You will improve this skill over a few weeks. I taught myself to do this by reading the internet; you can too.

There are a LOT of other folks who may have some better ideas about male doxie expressing. Paul, Marni, and some others can also tell you how they do it.

Keep practicing. It is a skill that could keep your dog alive.


http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Conten ... ourceID=42
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Re: Expressing a downed dachshund

Post by Paul Coover »

Expressing really is not very difficult. We express Pork Chop, also a downed dachshund, ecery day. He actually pees on his own, but I express him at least once every day to be sure that he is empty.

We do it in the bath tub. Cleaning up is really easy that way. With him all I have to do is hit the "magic spot" and he starts peeing on his own. A gentle squeeze and it's all over. It takes about a minute. I also learned how to express from the internet, so you can too!

Re: Urinary: down dog

Post by Penny »

By expressing do you mean the bladder? My miniature poodle just became paralized. He had a back operation just 7 months ago and the problem came back. The vet tried to show us how to express his bladder, but we just cant seem to get it. Any advice?
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Ohmygoodness, yes!

Post by CarolC »

There are plenty of people here expressing pets, join the club. My dog is also petite, I express her on the bathroom counter. I hold her in a standing position with one hand and express her with the other hand since she is small.

Here is a webpage with tips on expressing.

<a href="http://www.handicappedpets.com/Articles/express">How to express a pet</a>

**How much does your dog weigh?
**Does your dog dribble or does he stay dry?
**How long have you had him home?
**Is he on any medication?
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Re: Urinary: down dog

Post by Dianne »

You've got to keep trying to find the bladder and learn how to do this. Expressing is gentle force applied to the bladder so the urine will come out. It is useful when the dog cannot do it himself.

Did you see my posting above about expressing a male incontinent dog? There is also a link included in that posting that shows the location of the bladder- outlined in yellow.

If you don't keep trying, your dog will eventually get a bladder or kidney infection and could die.

How long has it been since your dog urinated?

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