Dogs: Husband wants to "put him down".

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Weeble's :o~ mom Beth
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Re: Thanks Once Again...

Post by Weeble's :o~ mom Beth »

Max's mom, I may have jumped in quick with judging your hubby, & I do hope that you can work it out with him. It's just after living with a man who took his anger out on the animals we had, I get a little scared. I was always "doing battle" with my husband over this. He even got mad once when he almost pu his eye out with a pair of pruning shears, that the dogs licked up his blood instead of comforting him! I knew that if I hadn't gotten out when I did his anger would be turned on me, in fact it had already started when I gave him the boot.
I pray tat everything will turn out ok with you, Max, & hubby.
Please let us kow how it's going.

Re: Thanks Once Again...

Post by Snowball »

I just want to say this. It will take time for Max to heal. No time limits should be put on him. You will know if he's not improving and when. I would go to the end of the world for my dogs. I wouldn't let them suffer either but I would give them every chance. I know you will to. Be patient and let Max tell you when it is right.
Goooooood Luck.
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Practice makes perfect

Post by CarolC »

Hi Max's Mom,

All I can say is, I would have been mad a long time ago.

>> I don't understand how someone who walked a dog, fed a dog, loved a dog, could be so quick to just literally kill him

Yes, that's exactly what it is. I would be unable to share space with someone who threatened to kill my dog.

When Max comes home and you have the wheelchair, you will have the ingredients for life ahead. The only thing is, remember it may take a bit of practice for you and Max to get this cart business down to a fine art. You may pop him into the wheelchair easily and off he goes the first time. Or you may have trouble getting him in the chair the first 2 or 3 or 6 times. I'm just warning you so you won't encounter frustration and throw up your hands and think it doesn't work. Both you and the dog have to figure out what you're doing, like a three-legged race. *You* may have a clear idea of how you want to get him into the chair, but he has no clue. He doesn't even know such a thing exists, or what it is for. Also, some dogs take off running when you put them in the chair, and some just stand there looking puzzled (like my dog did). It may be more of a case of putting him in the chair for 5 minutes, coaxing him with treats to walk a few steps, then trying again later, and doing that for several days. And you may need to make a few adjustments to the chair, I had to adjust my dog's cart several times.

So you have two learning experiences ahead, or mostly Max does. One is getting into the chair and the other is walking in the chair. I hope your husband is away when the chair arrives so you and Max won't be under pressure to look good on the first try. I'd really love to see a picture of him in his cart when you take one. :)

If anything comes up about the cart, they can give you support if you call Eddie's toll free, and people here can help, too.

Here are some messages about putting a dog in an Eddie's cart. You'll see different people do it differently. You can do it whatever way you and Max like.

<a href=" ... 4912">Beth and Waffles (pit bull mix)</a>

<a href=" ... ">Tracy</a>

<a href=" ... 6050">Rita and her german shepherd</a>

I'm glad your sister is in your corner. Hopefully your husband's attitude isn't really as bad as it sounds. Maybe this is what he was taught. That's very possible, especially if he's from a farming/ranching background or his father or grandfather was. This is his chance to learn a new way of thinking.

Best wishes to you and to Max!
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