Dogs: Does this ever get any easier?

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stretcher *LINK*

Post by critters »

Perhaps this would help with the issues of moving him.

LOTS of people around the bb have critters who can't walk, or critters who have now recovered walking ability. You might need to move this up to the top, however, since it's been pushed so far down.
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Paul Coover
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Re: maryjo *LINK* *PIC*

Post by Paul Coover »

Are there people out there who still keep their pets if they can't walk??


Most of us here have downed pets, and they live very happy and full lives. I have 2 downed dachshunds, and they are both very happy.

We also have a dachshund named Riley that recovered from being down. Check out his story by clicking on the link below. Good luck!

Picture is of Johanna in her wheelchair cart.


Riley's Story
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Re: Dogs: Does this ever get any easier?

Post by CarolC »

Hi MaryJo,

My paralyzed dog could not walk at all for 9 months (spinal fracture). I also had a senior dog who could not walk during the last year of his life due to hip dysplasia. He still ruled the house from his place of honor on his bed in the kitchen, and like you I carried him outside to do his business and enjoy the fresh air. He enjoyed the family, enjoyed licking the lasagne pan, and all of that. ;) I am hoping if you can keep your dog quiet enough for long enough, he may improve, but if he doesn't he can still be a happy dog if you don't mind the extra work, and it sounds like you don't. :)

My dog has to have her bladder expressed. When I first brought her home I was expressing her outdoors in the grass on the theory that it would seem more familiar to her. However, later I found it was easier for both of us to have her potty inside. You may be in the same situation with your dog. Perhaps it would be easier to put him on something absorbent and let him potty indoors. I have to warn you, those regular incontinent pads they sell for putting under bedfast humans are not absorbent enough. If you lay him on one of those and he wets it, chances are some of the urine will soak into the pad and seep under his hip and get his coat wet.

Have you considered using male wraps and just letting him urinate when he needs to? A male wrap is a wide belt that fits around the dog's waist and you put an absorbent pad in it to catch urine. Here is a webpage with links at the bottom.

Diapers and Male Wraps
Carol T.
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Re: Dogs: Does this ever get any easier?

Post by Carol T. »

My 65 pound English Setter, Bogie, has a wheelchair. Without it, he can't walk at all. Sometimes I take him outside to potty with his Bottoms Up leash because he seems better able to empty his bladder with that for some reason. We have a tough time because his back legs seem useless...but when he's in his wheelchair, he uses those legs!! I've repeated his story many times on this bb, so I won't belabor it. Suffice it to say, Bogie and I are both delighted with his wheels!!!

Re: Dogs: Does this ever get any easier?

Post by Carolyn »

Dear Beth T...Thank you for your encouragement with Willow...I was overwhelmed with the thought of caring for a handicapped pet, but received so much strength from you and others like you on this message board...You don't know how much it means to be able to hear what others have experienced and know this scary road need not be so hard. I am confident that I could have taken care of Will at home. Thank you also for your kind words of Willow's death. I still can't believe that she's gone...Carolyn
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to carolyn Dogs: Does this ever get any easier?

Post by connie »

i just wanted to say how very sorry i am about willow. i know how you must be hurting. just remember you did everything you could and now willow has no pain, is running and jumping. you will meet again! the love you had for willow shows in your every word, she was so lucky.

bless you , hugs,

connie and cricket

Re: Dogs: Does this ever get any easier?

Post by mohana »

It does gat easier or at least you get used to it.I had a little kitten with a paralysed hind leg i went through a long battle to keep him safe and alive,id found him when he was 3 weeks old inspite of the injury to his leg he would speed across the room so inamed him Frisky.You are agood human to be taking care of him in his trouble do not listen to anyone who thinks you are crazy to do so much for your dog.People who are not animal lovers never understand,that for us our animals are family.I had to keep washing the bedsheets in our bedroom everyday as Frisky had become incontinent and he could not wear diapers as he developed urinary sores.i did all that unfortunately he passed away just as he turned 2 years.The vet had told me long ago to put him down,i refused as i too saw the mischief and joy of living in his eyes.I hav been very upset but iv realised that i did do all to make him as comfortableas was possible.U too r doing the same im sure he'l be better soon and u'l be thankful u took care of him.God Bless you.All the best
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