Help Needed: cat

Several types of health problems can cause seizures including diabetes, epilepsy, and tumors.
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Help Needed: cat

Post by sharon »

My cat has chronic diabetes. His left back leg is going out from under him making it difficult to walk - he falls. The vet said that the ligaments in this leg stretched out (you can pull his leg straigt out). I was thinking that if I bought a brace it might help. Thoughts?
Diana R.
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Re: Help Needed: cat

Post by Diana R. »

This sounds like a diabetic neuropathy---weakness and atrophy in the back legs where they are walking on the heels. Is your cat's diabetes under control? Do you do checks of his glucose? Did the vet? I had three diabetic animals---my cat Mac who was diabetic for 6 years (and who I had to have euthanize Tues. when he went into heart failure for the second time this week) developed this weakness in his back legs very recently. (He also was recently diagnosed with renal failure and on top of that had right sided hypertrophic cardiomyopathy). You may wish to check with an internal medicine specialist and make sure his diabetes is under control. Diana R.

Re: Help Needed: cat

Post by sharon »

Diana, Thank you for responding - yes it is diabetic neuropathy. He is mostly under control and yes I routinely check his glucose. What I need to know is if there is a way to brace his leg to help him walk.
Diana R.
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Re: Help Needed: cat

Post by Diana R. »


I cannot answer the question re: whether you can put a brace on his leg and whether that would help. My understanding is that the neuropathy is related to the diabetes and recovery can occur with insulin therapy. I am not a vet, however, and I do not know if your vet is an internal medicine specialist but I would consider at least consulting with one who has some specialty working with diabetics. Sorry I can't be of more help. Diana R.
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splints *LINK*

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Re: Help Needed: cat

Post by terry »

Hi Diana and Sharon. I am not a vet but I am a nurse. Diabetic neuropathy is a result of damage done by long term diabetes or short term but poorly controlled diabetes. It cannot be cured with insulin, however the rate of progression can be slowed with good control of blood sugars (with diet and insulin). In humans there are some drugs, neurontin, lyrica, and most recently cymbalta that can help relieve the discomfort, also some anti-seizure meds have helped in humans. Perhaps one of these drugs might be effective for cats. Sorry I can't help with you splint question, but I'm sure that someone here will. Good luck, Terry and Pugs
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Funny you should mention Neurontin...

Post by critters »

It appears that it IS used in critters; I'm considering it for Buddy, my SCI boy. He's having some sort of feelings, pins would be my guess, in his legs and back. I don't know that our vets will be comfy writing it, but I'd very much like to give it a try.
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Re: Funny you should mention Neurontin...

Post by Cindidoxiemom »

Yes Neurontin is used in animals. I took it for a neuro disorder, and had HORRIBLE side effects and quit taking it. Dogs who chew their paws because of neuropathy sometimes quit the behavior when trying neurontin. I think it is worth discussing it with your vet, but like any drug do your research on side effects.
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