recently partially paralysed cat - coping

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Re: recently partially paralysed cat - coping

Post by critters »

Sounds GREAT!! You might want to check out the posts from the newer people with disabled kitties; you might be able to help. (Something's weird with the bb; I can't link directly. One of the posts is My cat Maggie lost the use of her back legs, Can anyone help on the mobility bb)
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Re: recently partially paralysed cat - coping

Post by moo »

Just thought i would give everyone an update!! Simba has started to try and walk using all 4 legs!!!! He still has the paw on the broken leg knuckling under slightly but he can walk about 3 metres before falling down. And its sort of a lopsided walk. He seems to walk slightly to one side. But i think that has something to do with the low muscle tone in his damaged leg.The sore on his paw has even started to heal with new skin appearing!! He has developed a slightly smaller sore a bit more round the side but i think thats from his adjusted dragging. He is also trying to do a modified squat when he pees!! Instead of fully squatting with his legs spread apart, he squats with his legs closer together to get balance and he can lift his tail up fully while he does it!! He pretty much has all movement back in his tail. The broken leg is still moving a bit differently but I think that may be permanent. He still flinches when I initially touch his broken leg. But its only 3 or 4 months after a pretty bad accident so I am not panicing. I think some of it may be a sort of paranoia. he still thinks it hurts. Although i am sure some days of trying to walk it does hurt a little bit. Similar to humans after they have had a bad break and learn to walk again. he doesn't flinch at all when I touch his spine now. Which is brilliant.

So all in all, its a slow but steady recovery. I am sure I will still see him improving over the next six months at least. i know he will never be the same again, and will never jump fences again ( which I don't mind!) but he is healing and trying to walk which they said he would not do. So I am so happy I didn't listen to the vet and put him down. I have not taken him back for 2 months so in the new year i will take him back for a checkup and surprise them all!!!

Thanks to all of you who have supported me and given me kind words. I wish all of you a very merry christmas and a safe and happy new year. take care and I will keep you updated.
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