Luka stood by herself tonight!!!!

Neurological Disorders Resources. Treatment and care for pets having pain or trouble walking or standing due to spinal injuries or neurological disorders like IVDD, FCE and DM.
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Wise Owl
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Luka stood by herself tonight!!!!

Post by Wise Owl »

Luka stood herself up tonight......and then stood all by herself...steady as a rock!!!!!!!!! :-)
I was helping her do poos.....she was standing with her back legs stretched forward like she always does. I put my hand under her to support her while she does her business. Well I grabbed a baby wipe to clean her up and she took one step forward, brought both hind legs under her and then stood there all by herself....!!!!! Now this may not seem like much to you folks but to me it is a huge deal. Usually I have to help her to stand up, then she will stand there with me supporting her to get the clean up done.....well she just plain did it by herself tonight. She was so non challant about it.... We did our usual u-turn and with me under her belly with my arm, back into the house we came. Me yelling at hubby about what she did and she just having a smug look on her face... I don't know if she knows she did it or not, all I know is that she did it...and I am praising the Lord a plenty right now. And so excited...

Ok, calming down. She had her walk today and she trotted going and coming. A friend stopped by just as we were coming out. He has been gone for a couple weeks and had only seen the pics of her in an email. He pulled into the drive and sat there until I got her hooked up. Then he got out and called to her and she trotted up to him just happy as all get out to see her friend Chappy...he likes her a lot so it was a treat for him to see her all happy and moving again. We did hellos for a min and then she was off on her walk. When we got back, our friend and my hubby were discussing building a ramp for her so we can just hook up inside and then down the ramp and off to our walks. We have some 1 inch pressure treated particle board and 2x4's so tomorrow we will make her a ramp. Our friend is loaning us some cutting tools to get er done. I figure he will stop over and help probably.

It has been an exciting day and evening. The weather is turning colder. Hoping to have her skis and boots soon. She needs the boots as she is starting to fight the stirrups more. I will call Leslie at Eddie's on Monday and see if she has heard anything. If not I will figure out something till they get here......
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Re: Luka stood by herself tonight!!!!

Post by Matthew »

Great news,and the best of luck to you and Luka!
All our love Matthew and Tommy.XX.
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Re: Luka stood by herself tonight!!!!

Post by CarolC »

Wise Owl wrote:she took one step forward, brought both hind legs under her and then stood there all by herself....!!!!! Now this may not seem like much to you folks but to me it is a huge deal.
That's fantastic news! Go, Luka!!! I remember the first time my dog stood up, I'll never forget it, and you'll never forget this either. Congratulations to Luka and her PROUD family! :)
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Re: Luka stood by herself tonight!!!!

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

Cheers! I am so very happy for your family YAYAYAY!
You underestimate one thing, it is A HUGE THING for all of us. This aint no little thing, it is JOY!
Your wonderful post brings us all joy and HOPE!
Karen, Andy's ^i^ mom
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Re: Luka stood by herself tonight!!!!

Post by ESSIE »

Luka, you go, girl!!!
It's very encouraging to hear good news like this. It helps so much.
Give her a big hug and kiss!
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Re: Luka stood by herself tonight!!!!

Post by connie »

wheeeeeeeeee, congrats to luka!!!
so very happy for you both.
i can just imagine all the smiles in luka's humans house this week.
hope each day begins with another new step.
a hug to you all,
connie and cricket
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Re: Luka stood by herself tonight!!!!

Post by ems736336 »

Woo Hoo Luka! We are so pleased and happy for you! That is wonderful and I am sure 'mom' and 'dad' are really elated about you standing up all by yourself. Keep up the good work! We will continue to send you healing thoughts.
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Re: Luka stood by herself tonight!!!!

Post by bbbuddy »

Wise Owl, that is SOOO cool!
Tuffy sends Luka a big high 5!
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Re: Luka stood by herself tonight!!!!

Post by Wise Owl »

After 2 days of some sort of stomach thing, plus the weather change Luka is back to normal and better this morning. She had a nice walk yesterday, slow and easy with most of it just smelling around, visiting all her old smelly know, dog stuff.
We got her Thera-paws in the mail on Mon. I have to say they are very nice. Well made, stayed on great. They are much better than the ones I have seen in the stores before. (I have seen them over the years but was never impressed much with them, but after Luka got hurt, do you think I could find any around here locally? Nope.) Anyway, they are made from nice stretchy material on top with velcro to keep them on. All padded inside to protect the foot, and the best of all........they have real rubber with tread on the bottoms. Even the toes have rubber on them to keep them from wearing out too fast.

We have really wicked roads and ground up here. There are sharp pieces of shale everywhere. Even in the grassy areas. Luka skinned up her hind feet on the lawn when she first was going down and we were using the towel on her. We needed something that would be tough enough. These boots are just that. Yesterday I was able to lower her feet down so she can feel the ground under her. She did not like having her hind feet up which I had to do before because of the rough ground. I can happily report that she was moving her legs and even going thru some higher grass and sides of the road the boots stayed on. She also seemed to have better balance with her feet down. She was much more relaxed about our walk. Pretty sure that was because it felt more natural to her to have her legs down.

This morning she stood for her poops again. Squatted like a pro then stood back up. She did not knuckle over this morning !!!!

Progress is continuing. I have to say after the prognosis of 3 different vets saying they could NOT help her as they could only recommend surgery and then did not even know if that were an option. One suggested putting her to sleep..grrr.

When we talked to her homeopath, he said it might be slow but her was sure he could help her to heal and that she WOULD walk again. I have to agree that this is coming. She was badly vaccine damaged which she has been fighting also with several distemper type symptoms coming out every week. They come out and then are gone. She also displayed several symptoms of the other diseases that the vaccines are supposed to protect against....this is called vaccinosis. The vaccines are only attenuated. Which means they use live virus (except for the rabies) and put it into a chemical solution to supposedly make it weaker but the body is supposed to be able to fight it with immune response. Great idea, almost homeopathic except they then inject it into the body of the animal. If the dog were to be exposed to the real virus in the wild, it would enter thru the mucous membranes or their nose or mouth. The immune response is much more lethal to viruses in these areas. When you vaccinate you bypass that first line of defense.

When you vaccinate an unhealthy animal such as Luka was, it can be disasterous. Which it was. She got sick, and went down. She was walking when they vaccinated her. She went down 10 days later after being very ill first. She ran a temp, vomited, and had the runs.....even her chiropractor was upset that they had vaccinated her when she was not in good shape.

The homeopathic treatments that Luka has been on are two fold. One remedy is addressing her nerve problems due to the initial injury (working well too!) The other remedies have been to stimulate her own natural immune defenses to fight off and defeat the individual vaccine induced viruses...
So she has been fighting distemper virus, leptospirosis, parvo, hepititis, canine flu and side effects from the rabies vax......

She is coming thru this wonderfully so far. And getting her leg function back. I salute the homeopathic vet and the whole homepathic way of healing. It allows the animal to heal itself, just like God made our bodies to do. Allopathic meds all work by suppression of symptoms. They do not kill most viruses. Nor do they heal. The allopathics would be out of work soon if their meds actually healed people. Unfortunately the homeopathics are all too busy these days fixing what the allopathics have caused by suppression.

Ever think about how most allopathic meds have so many side effects? You hear about them daily on the tv...they advertise some new med that will "help" you with this or that....then in a very fast voice they list the "major" side effects....if you go look them up usually there are way more than they tell you.
Homeopathic remedies do not do that. A homeopathic remedy is a very diluted version of whatever it is that it is curing. I mean very diluted. When given to the animal/human it is given by mouth, usually. The body recognizes that the substance is foreign and immediately gets the immune system up and running to eliminate that from the body by either killing it or detoxing it thru urine or feces....and with a virus it means that body is now immune to it because it has already fought it off once and is now on the lookout for it. It will also work for most other toxic substances.....

I wanted to discuss this here and now as there is a lot of misconception on what homeopathy is all about. It is not understood so people tend to dismiss the way it works. It has been practiced much longer than the allopathic profession. It was perfected and then built upon back in the early 1800's by Samuel Hannemann. He is referred to as the Father of Homeopathy. His studies and research have benefited all who have used it, for the good.
Please do not dismiss something that you have never given a chance nor because you do not understand it. If a homeopathic remedy didn't work, then it was the wrong remedy. The correct remedy given under competant homeopathic care by a professional homeopath always works. Never try to treat yourself if you are not under the care of a homeopath or have been told by one what to do.

Ok, off my soapbox now. To learn more about homeopathy you can visit the following forum and read and learn.
There is a wealth of info there. Read and learn. I am doing that right now with great results shown in my dog Luka. My husband is also being treated now and is showing a marked improvement in just the first few days....I am very pleased. Very pleased.
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Re: Luka stood by herself tonight!!!!

Post by ems736336 »

We are so pleased for Luka. Your soapbox was nice too! Keep up the good work and we are glad you are back to doing your dog stuff Luka. We need a picture of you with your new boots and your cart!
Healing thoughts still coming your way.
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Re: Luka stood by herself tonight!!!!

Post by sunspirit »

Wise Owl wrote:Luka stood herself up tonight......and then stood all by herself...steady as a rock!!!!!!!!! :-)...Now this may not seem like much to you folks but to me it is a huge deal.
That is **WONDERFUL** news about Luka. Of course it is a big deal to us - we understand exactly what you're going through. So glad to hear about her progress.
Wise Owl wrote:When we got back, our friend and my hubby were discussing building a ramp for her so we can just hook up inside and then down the ramp and off to our walks. We have some 1 inch pressure treated particle board and 2x4's so tomorrow we will make her a ramp.
My dad made ramps for Tucker inside. He kept getting stuck at the two steps in the hallway and the step into the sunken living room. Now he can join me wherever he wants in the house. He is still walking but he has hemivertebrae with a 90 degree curve in his spine and is 8 mos old so he could still end up paralyzed.

Let us know how the ramp turns out. Here's some pics of Tucker and his ramps.



Lauren & Tucker


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Re: Luka stood by herself tonight!!!!

Post by puremutt »

You get me excited about the boots now!
I downloaded the size chart, did you measure by putting Luka's paw on a piece of paper first , it's hard to decide which size to order.
mickey 1994- sept 26 ,2008

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Re: Luka stood by herself tonight!!!!

Post by Wise Owl »

Puremutt, yes we used the paper to find the correct size for luka. You trace around the foot and then measure the widest part across and the longest part. Leslie also had me measure the distance from her heel to her elbow. And then around her leg at the widest part just before the foot.

The boots fit perfectly. Here is a pic of today. You can see she is more relaxed than before. It seems like she is more balanced with her feet down lower in the stirrups. She was fighting the stirrups when I had them up higher. She does more exploring and not so much just wanting to tear down the road.
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Re: Luka stood by herself tonight!!!!

Post by puremutt »

mickey 1994- sept 26 ,2008

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Re: Luka stood by herself tonight!!!!

Post by CarolC »

Wise Owl wrote:We got her Thera-paws in the mail on Mon. I have to say they are very nice. Well made, stayed on great. They are much better than the ones I have seen in the stores before. *snip* Anyway, they are made from nice stretchy material on top with velcro to keep them on. All padded inside to protect the foot, and the best of all........they have real rubber with tread on the bottoms. Even the toes have rubber on them to keep them from wearing out too fast.

We have really wicked roads and ground up here. There are sharp pieces of shale everywhere.
To make the boots last longer, you can apply layers of duct tape over the rubber. Then if she's on rough terrain and drags or scuffs her feet, she will wear through the layers of tape and not the rubber itself. When the tape starts to wear, tear it off and apply fresh layers. This way you are always wearing out the tape and protecting the boots.
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