Felina Violet/ to amputate nerve snapped foreleg?

Please post questions about pets who are expected to undergo amputation or who have already undergone amputation here, as well as pets born with missing or incomplete limbs.
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Felina Violet/ to amputate nerve snapped foreleg?

Post by laurelei »

Hello everyone: I need some advice. I found a darling little kitten, whose front leg is paralyzed from the "elbow" down. She walks with it bent under, the paw like folded in. She is wearing thru the fur, and I fear that she may end up wearing thru the fur and skin like PGB Shelby, (the little crippled cat we tried to rescue last year, thank you all for your help and support with him.) The vet says the dead nerver, snapped probably by rough handling, would have repaired itself in 3 weeks if it was not thoroughly snapped. Well, it has been 3 months, and no go.
But I want to know if anyone has any other alternative suggestions before we make this harsh move. I know she would be fine, and they get along great, but, it is like, her little paw and I really want to try everything I can.
However, she does get her nails stuck in things, and cannot undo her nails to release her self, and her back is bending and twisting from hobbling on the shorter bent leg now.... I know she would stand up on the long good leg if this one was gone........any help is appreciated. Acupuncture? i would think it would help if the nerve was intact....????? thank you, Laura
Little Felina Violet ( bigger now by 3 months)
Little Felina Violet ( bigger now by 3 months)
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Post by critters »

I replied yesterday, but I can't find it...

If it's that contracted and you can't work it loose, you might have to amputate. If it's frozen, it may not be much use anyway. :(
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Post by luvmytripod »

Our Jaida had a twisty, bendy leg that didn't work the way it was supposed to either...it bonked and bruised all the time. She had an amputation in June and hasn't looked back! It was the best decision we could have made for her....

Good luck!
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Post by smithduke »

Amputation is a heart wrenching decision but in the long run, you'll thank yourself for doing your kitty a favor. My cat had her front leg amputated years ago due to cancer and we agonized over it before we did it. She's now 20, and although she's getting arthritic, she's never been happier. We're honored to be able to have had her for so long. It sounds like your kitty will be happier without that leg getting in the way.
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amputate snapped nerve?

Post by laurelei »

Guys, thanks so much for the help and advice. I just feel terrible. Which brings me to another *strange* question.
I know most of you will run screaming thinking I am a weirdo: but:

I really want to ask the Dr. for Felina's paw, so I can give it a decent burial, return it to the earth. I can't stand the idea of a precious part of her being tossed in a trash bin.

Any thoughts?
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Post by luvmytripod »

Honestly, I don't think that's weird at all. We asked our vet if Jaida's deformed leg would be useful for anyone's learning and told them they could keep it if so (they didn't). I'm sure the vet could and would do it for you if you ask in advance. I would keep in mind, though, that when they remove the paw they're going to be doing it in such a way to maximize the health and appearance of what's left, not what's being taken off. It may not look very nice. Perhaps if you bring them a box or container they can put it in for you, and wrap it up for you before placing it in... it might be easier on you, but you can still do the burial.

Has the surgery been booked? When is it going to be? I know it's difficult time, but your sweet girlie's going to be just fine.
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thank you for the Advice!

Post by laurelei »

:wub: Little Felina, I have not scheduled it yet, since so many people were approaching me, mentioning nerve surgeries and ideas, etc. My thought was, that if I could have a 96% chance of a surgery working, my husband would say fine, we can just pay it off, no problem. But, with a questionable outcome, and the waste of valuable resources ( i do other kitty resq too and there is always a vet bill to be paid) and just our own small savings accoutn dwindling, etc, that to put her through that and then to have to remove the limb ANYWAY and to have to have her suffer thru 2 surgeries with no guarantee, I have pretty much decided to follow the vet's reccomendation at amputation. I just look at her little face tho and my heart breaks knowing that I am the one signing off on removing her sweet, if damaged, little arm. *sigh*
But, in seeing how her back is bending over from walking on the shorter limb, I think everyone here is correct. So I am hoping to get her spayed and this done at the same time ...soon! Poor little baby is going to not know what happened to her!
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Post by luvmytripod »

She's purrrrrty :wub:

Love the colour of her eyes!
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Felina Violet

Post by laurelei »

She is a sweet little poopy-cat. We just love her.....we were just rescuing her....but now we have to keep her - furever!
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Post by critters »

:welcomeblue: Smithduke!!

laurelei, Felina's just too cute! I don't think most vets would have a problem with giving you her arm back; I think it's a nice thought.
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Felina Snapped Nerve/Amputation

Post by laurelei »

Whew, thanks for the replies. I thought maybe I was a little squirrely for thinking that way.

My Felina looks like she can be related to Critter's lovely kitty!
PS If Smith Duke is new, hearty welcome to you too.
I am an on again off again user and the animals come in to my life, most we get adopted, but this one I have to keep, we promised to stick by her! So if I *vaporize* for months at a time, that is why, but I cant say the amount of emotional fortification I have gotten from the folks here.
I guess: it is because, we all love animals more than all get out, or we wouldnt be on here to begin with, and only folks who love like we do can know the heartache of an ill or infirmed animal.... and how strong they are in the face of adversity! I get cranky when I have a bad hair day, and here little Felina is looking at a bad arm day- or, should I say, a better arm day!
Thanks everyone. many hugs to you all!
"heaven for me can never heaven be if my cats are not there to welcome me."
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