Distractions during the day???

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Rajahs Mom
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Distractions during the day???

Post by Rajahs Mom »

Rajah is my paralyzed 100+ pound furkid. After her accident in November we were scared to leave her alone so my husband quit his job to spend the days with her. She is a lot better now and we are considering leaving her a bit in the day. She has not been alone once since we brought her home from the clinic (with the exception of yesterday when I tried to leave her for 15 mins and she ate the tube of A&D ointment) I was wondering, what do I do with her in the day while we are gone. Before her accident, Rajah and her sister Divita, spent the days at doggie day care so I never really thought about entertaining them. This is no longer an option since the daycare does not take special needs pets. The kids even seem a little bored in the day when I am home with them. Any suggestions on what to do? Rajah is an aggressive chewer, but I can only offer snacks every so often as she does not move as much as she used to. It is hard enough lifting a 117 pound dog without adding extra weight. Thank you.
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Re: Distractions during the day???

Post by critters »

I'd call around and see if another day care might take her. You might also try toys, like the balls that have a recording chip so you can record your voice. How about a Kong toy, with or without stuffing? I understand the weight issue, but maybe you could withold some of her breakfast and put it in the Kong. Black Kongs are especially for power chewers, and Kongs themselves are no-cal.
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Re: Distractions during the day???

Post by CarolC »

Do you have someone who will be home at lunch, so she's only alone a half day? Once she learns when to expect you, she will learn to wait for your return, at lunch and after work. If you and your husband are both working again, perhaps one could take lunch at 11 and the other at 2 or something like that? Some people say a radio playing helps. If her sister is still going to day care perhaps she could stay home to be company to Rajah? I have a 65 lb dog who stays in the house all morning, is let out at lunch, then stays in the house all afternoon. I do not feel he is lonely, because he has 3 cats, a rabbit, and now another dog indoors with him. It works fine. Just have to make sure he can't get into the trash can, etc. *g* Perhaps you could work her up to a full day by leaving her alone for an hour, then two hours, etc.?
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Re: Distractions during the day???

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

All of mine, save one, stay in the house during the day. In fact, this whole mess started when I got Ambrr, my dog, her own puppy. She wanted one for Christmas in 2001. Booda is made of cornstarch and I have been told is more easily digestible than the rawhide which can clump in the intestines. Also, I have learned the hard way not to give bones (even those sold by pet stores) to my dogs, they will eat them and become obstructed, which if you don't have surgery will kill them. Before Ambrr got her puppy, I left animal planet on, or the radio (classical music truly does soothe the savage beast). Back in the days of answer machines, I would call and leave her a message that she could hear. I also have a laundry basket full of sacrificial shoes (learning the hard way). There are videos out now for cats to watch, so I am sure there are videos for dogs? An interesting theory: Dogs can't tell one hour from eight hours from 240 hours. They can't measure time. I forget where I heard this but it was a relief to me. Karen Anderson

Re: Distractions during the day???

Post by dixie »

Our paralyzed dog likes bluegrass music. Is there a kid in your neighborhood that could stop by after school? Our babysitter who is in college is willing to stop by (trade off was use of our washing machine and diet cokes).
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