Urgent-Imm Paralysis, Term/Qual of Life (+Cancer)

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Urgent-Imm Paralysis, Term/Qual of Life (+Cancer)

Post by bosox96 »

Our 9 year-old Labrador Retriever lost the complete use of her legs yesterday. Over the past week and a half, she began to walk crookedly and have to sit often. We took her to the vet's office 5 days earlier and the vet said it was probably arthritis and sent us home with Rimadyl. However, we came home last night and she could not use either of her back legs at all. We carried her to the car and took her to Emergency Services. They put her on steroids throughout the night and she did not improve. She was given an MRI today which ruled out tumors, disks issues, etc. As of this evening, we were told that it could not be explained and that we should give her another 48 hours to respond to steroids. If not, then we should consider terminating her life. (She was also diagnosed earlier this year in April with Lymphoma and given up to a year to live.) Lou is our family and I cannot imagine ending her life at this point. She has not shown any effects of cancer and other than this recent development, she has been healthy and happy and running around with her sister Chewey in the park every night. She still seems very alert and aware. Does anyone have any suggestions or help? She is 105 lbs. Can I care for her in a wheelchair? Or, will her weight be too much to handle for someone with basically stairs everywhere in the house. I really need someone's advice because the cause cannot be explained and I want to fight for her life, regardless of her illness with cancer. We are expecting our first child in less than 7 weeks and I will not physically be able to initially care for her on my own. Any advice would be appreciated. We have little time to make this decision (according to the vet).
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Re: Urgent-Imm Paralysis, Term/Qual of Life (+Cancer)

Post by critters »

:whale: Don't let the vet bully you. She sounds like she's in pretty good shape, considering. Do you have a walking aid--sling or whatever?
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Re: Urgent-Imm Paralysis, Term/Qual of Life (+Cancer)

Post by Bobbie »

You say you cannot care for her alone. Do you have someone at home who will be able to help you with lifting, especially while you shouldn't be lifting? A sling will help with stairs but not if you aren't supposed to lift 100 pounds at this stage in your pregnancy. A cart will help with mobility outside but won't help inside with stairs, and you still have to lift her back end to get her into a cart. So you do need to be realistic about what you can do and what others can help you with, and then make a decision, but you don't have to make the decision instantly.

It isn't true you don't have time to make the decision. Waiting to do it isn't going to hurt her unless she is in a lot of pain. (You didn't mention pain.) You can always try taking her home and caring for her and change your mind if you must later.
It isn't like there is a narrow window in which to decide as there would be if you were deciding about surgery (not an option here since they can't find a cause.)
Bobbie Mayer
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Re: Urgent-Imm Paralysis, Term/Qual of Life (+Cancer)

Post by Dianne »

I always hate it when a vet gives you an ultimatum. Most of us here have been given this statement at one time or another, and most of us chose to ignore the vet and go with our gut feeling.

If you have a sling, you won't be lifting all 105 lbs. I've been pregnant and had to lift other children, and 50 lb. can be done (with a normal pregnancy).

Agree with Bobbie and Critters...
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Re: Urgent-Imm Paralysis, Term/Qual of Life (+Cancer)

Post by jazzybaby »

I agree with everyone else whatever you don't let the vet or anyone else push you into anything. I have learn over the past few months as my dog had a disc problem and had surgery that you have to trust your gut feeling you know your dog better than anyone else. My vet never told me i should put my paralzyed dog to sleep however her neruoglist better much gave up on her after two after surgery and she had not had much improvement just reflex. He said just get a wheelchair and leave it be. I just had a feeling that not enough time had gone by and that she would start to get better so i talk to her normal vet and she said there was much we could try after her crate rest was over in 6 weeks. So at that time we started on laser treatments and doing range of motion therapy with her and then at 7 weeks we started water therapy and she is doing so well now she gets stronger each day and tries new thing all the time. Had we listen to the first vet she would never have been given that chance. So i guess what i'm saying is as long is he is not in any pain see what happens with some rest he may improve if not then both he and you will get use to things. I hope this helps and good luck.
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Re: Urgent-Imm Paralysis, Term/Qual of Life (+Cancer)

Post by bosox96 »

Thank you ALL for your replies and advice. This evening we were able to have a neurology specialist meet with Lou and read her MRI charts. He was able to see some changes in the spine and he believes that she has a tumor on her spine. This information is being sent to another specialist (supposed to be one of the top in the nation and by chance is a colleague of the 1st specialist). We will receive either a confirmation in the morning of the 1st specialist's diagnosis and/or we will know it isn't a tumor.

With this most recent diagnosis, the vet seems to believe that she cannot have a good quality of life. While she is not incontinent, she is not eating or drinking. I don't know whether this is because she is nervous where she is at, but she does not seem as responsive as she was when we took her in. Again, I don't know if this is the effect of the steroids, but she is not my Lou right now.

I was able to get her to eat a small amount by sitting outside her kennel at the vet's office and hand-feeding her. I am going again in the morning to try the same thing. Hopefully, she will respond. We have decided that should she be alert and responsive in her demeanor that we will deal with the paralysis and incontinence. If she does not respond though and will not eat or drink, then I have to consider whether or not she is telling me she is too sick to go on. I am not happy with that thought at all and I am hoping to see her fighting again in the morning. I don't know how to deal with this anguish and pain. We may have to make the decision to let her go and I am not prepared. I am hoping she will be more responsive tomorrow but chances are that this is a tumor from her cancer (they found another in the MRI) and it is time to let her go. If anyone has had any success fighting lymphoma then I would love to here about it. Or, if anyone has any advice regarding whether she may actually be more responsive at home. Should I try to bring her home and see how she responds? The vet thinks that moving her will be too much for her. (Also, she seems to have some deep pain sensation but they cannot be sure of her responses right now.)

Lou was the ring bearer when my husband proposed to me and she means a great deal to both of us. Should we have to make the decision to put her to sleep, then I would appreciate any advice anyone may have of what worked for them. I don't want to do it at the vet's office. I am hoping there is another way for a more personal and private goodbye. Last, how do I "explain" this to Chewey? (our 7 - year old lab) Should she be there to say goodbye if that is our only option? Thank you all.
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Re: Urgent-Imm Paralysis, Term/Qual of Life (+Cancer)

Post by bosox96 »

One other question for anyone out there: Should the inability to make a bowel movement factor into our decision? The vet seemed to indicate that as a problem but I wasn't clear if that was just a problem for me or if that means that Lou's body isn't functioning correctly and is a sign that she will not recover. Thanks.
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Re: Urgent-Imm Paralysis, Term/Qual of Life (+Cancer)

Post by Dianne »

I express my dog's urine and bowels. It is not a problem. That shouldn't factor into any decision you make. Incontinence isn't a death sentence.

I've gotten down on the floor and pretended to lap water and cat food inorder to get a cat started eating again. I've cooked chicken and made homemade chicken broth for my dog, bought Science A/D food from the vet inorder to get my dog to start eating and drinking.

I agree with Bendy. What is the vet doing that you can't do at HOME? Your dog may be languishing in a kennel there. Most pets are much happier at home, and you may find your pup will eat better, especially since you found he'd eat when you hand fed him.
The vet thinks that moving her will be too much for her.
I'm confused...does the vet think that moving will make her worse, when the vet suggests PTS (putting to sleep). :roll: You can't do any harm in bringing her home and trying it at home a few days. I do hospice at home with my pets. If it's hospice that you'll be doing, then where would YOU rather she spend her final days?

If after she is home a few days, and you see a great decline, THEN you could make the decision, and have the vet make a house call.

I'm so sorry that you're going through this. Good wishes to you in the coming days.
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Re: Urgent-Imm Paralysis, Term/Qual of Life (+Cancer)

Post by jazzybaby »

I agree with Dianne, that you don't have to make any discussion right away, I would try to bring her home and see how she does. Since she eat when you hand feed her maybe she misses you and i bet she is scared being in a different place and all. It could also be something a simple as her not liking what they are feeding her or her not being use to being in a crate all the time. See when my dog had surgery her vet was worried because she would not eat for them but when we got her home she eat like a little pig. It turned out they were feeding her wet food and she had never had wet food before. i just say if bringing her home gives her a few extra months of happy living i would do it. From what i have learned paralzyed do get around very well once they get use to what has happened to them. I hope this helps and good luck. You both with be in my prayers.
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