the 10th was Tierseas' one year annipurrary!

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Bendy Kitty
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the 10th was Tierseas' one year annipurrary!

Post by Bendy Kitty »

happy anipurrrsary lil guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when he came to me
post surgery
78085__B644E478580805C.jpg (44.62 KiB) Viewed 2144 times
Playing with the other blind kitten,Carrie
loungin on his favorite place

you can get a cute Tierseas t-shirt, mug, magnet or other items here
In loving memory of Bendy Cute Kitty 9/15/00-4/23/12

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Re: the 10th was Tierseas' one year annipurrary!

Post by janew »

Happy Annipurrary to a real handsome fella!
Hope you got some shrimpies....and have tons more Annipurrarys.
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Re: the 10th was Tierseas' one year annipurrary!

Post by CarolC »

Who would have thought that little fuzzy kitten would turn out to be so gorgeous?! I've never had a cat with such a bright striped coat pattern, he's beautiful! :wub:
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Re: the 10th was Tierseas' one year annipurrary!

Post by BendyMom »

My sweet squishy boy, no other cat is so snuggly so squishy so lovey
and today you have been diagnosed wth heart disease, we aren't sure what kind. a heart is not supposed to be round, that is all know. we will know more on frday.
it was supposed to be a routine vsit, but a heart rate of 270 is far from routine.
i'll do all can for you, of course, but i am very very sad.


Bendy Kitty
forever in my heart
always missed
i am not the same without you.
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Re: the 10th was Tierseas' one year annipurrary!

Post by CarolC »

Oh dear, maybe it is something they can help with medication. Sometimes the fast heart rate can be thyroid? My cat had a super fast heart rate and his office T-4 was OK but the vet sent off a more expensive lab test for thyroid anyway and that was how they diagnosed it. Once his thyroid was treated with radiation, his heart went back to normal in size and rate. They said sometimes they go back to normal with treatment, not always, but we were lucky. Seven seems young for thyroid though.
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