Restless leg question

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Restless leg question

Post by jazzybaby »

Hi everyone, Jasmine back legs seems to be really restless lately. When she is laying on the floor they will all of a sudden kick out and she will look back like did I do that? And sometimes when she is walking or stand up in place the same thing will happen it is a like horse kicking. Other than that she is doing really good, she is getting better at balancing herself. And she is getting better with each day walking she still sometimes drags herself but she is doing well. She is still eating and drinking and playing with her toys. I am just a little worried about her legs being so restless her therapist said it was normal that it was like when your leg falls asleep and you get that funny feeling. I wanted to know if any of you guys have had this happen so long after surgery(it has been 16 months since she had IVDD surgery)

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Re: Restless leg question

Post by slshepherds »

Carl has "restless legs" also. For him it is all reflexes as he is paralyzed (has been for 18 months). His legs are most active at night - it actually got to the point where I had to move his bed because he'd kick out, hitting the wall or wardrobe door hard enough that he'd wake everyone up (including himself) :sleepingdog:

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sheri m
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Re: Restless leg question

Post by sheri m »

Pete has been paralized for over 7 years and still gets restless legs at night. It was about 16 months after his accident when it started to happen. At first he would look down at his legs then look at me and move away as if I had done something. It would wake him up he would kick so hard but now he just stretches and flexes his legs.
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Re: Restless leg question

Post by Dean »

Keekas legs kick out too. Hers is also reflex I think and she looks round as if to say 'why did you do that?'. It's most likely to happen when she is totally relaxed. The slightest touch and she kicks, sometimes very hard. In fact the lighter touch, the more likely to trigger a kick. She also does it in her cart if her toes are tiggled by say long grass or a dog sniffing her rear end. Some owners are taken aback when their dog gets a donkey kick in the face and I have to explain it wasn't deliberate. Often I think they don't believe me. I keep the fur between her pads clipped short as this makes her pads less sensitive to being tickled. The huskies grow alot of fur between their pads and it's usual to keep it clipped.
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Re: Restless leg question

Post by critters »

2 of my 4 SCI boys do/have done that when they're sleep. Ace kicks so hard that sometimes he'll fall out of the bed!
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Re: Restless leg question

Post by jazzybaby »

Thank you all so very much for your responses. It is very good to hear that is something normal and that a lot of paralyzed dogs to it. I just got really worried that it was something bad. She has gotten so good at standing and even spinal walking and I was scared that it would hold her back from contuining with those improvements. However over the weekend she seemed to get a little control over them again. She has kind of stopped walking because they would kick out from under her and she would pitch foward, but it has gotten better. Thanks again.

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