Please help Collie w/ ruptured disc facing several issues.

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Please help Collie w/ ruptured disc facing several issues.

Post by abikis2 »

Hello thank u for taking the time to read this. I have been very upset the past few days. My Collie 2 days ago was diagnosed with a ruptured disc in lower back. This seemed to be a gradual occurance as his back legs were getting weaker and weaker with age. He is now around 13 years old and weighs 69 lbs. Well when I was taking Lucky out the other day he was trying to goto the bathroom and collapsed to the ground. He had a very hard time getting up at all and was favoring one of his back legs. I carried him up the stairs then back down later to the vet. They diagnosed him as stage 4 rupture. They tested him for deep feeling I think its called and he still had the ability to feel. He was knuckling over one paw continuousley and she said that knee was very nonresponsive. The other rear leg wasn't quite as bad but also wasn't good at all. She gave a guarded prognosis but said with his age a recovery wouldn't be likely. We don't have the means to have surgery done, or to get multiple tests to confirm her diagnosis. so unfortunetley those aren't options.
I do know that he had to be carted on a stretcher back to the car for his inability to walk was getting worse. The vet prescribed some steroids, pain pills and anti biotics for treatment. This is the only option we have to hope the medicine and rest heals him over time. I was reading online that stage 4 w/o surgery has about a 25% chance to make it. So my mom would like to have the dog put down and thinks its just suffering too much to go on. Last night we used a towel to help support his back legs so he could go outside to pee. He finally went about 4 am but didnt seem to get it all out. The rest of the night he seemed to whimper in pain for the majority of the night. This morning he seemed to be less mobile than he was last night. At times last night he could stand on his own to some extent but not today. All day today he was heavily sedated on the pain medicine and just laid in one spot resting but not sleeping. He then started to nod off and his eyes would roll back until he would catch himself and wake up. I'm assuming the pain is too great to sleep? We thought he was pretty much done until he started finally eating tonight and gobbled down his favorite alpo dish while sitting. He also was eating turkey and other meat mixes to get the meds down. He seemed to be a lot more responsive and in a lot less pain. He has not whimpered all day. So around ten tonight he still had not went to the bathroom since the previous night at 4am. We used the support strap we bought him today to get him outside to try and pee but he was unable to force himself to go which I have been reading is a common occurance with this illness. So we moved back into the kictchen on the hardwood floor incase he goes tonight. I read he needs to be expressed which I tried to do several times but to no success. I could feel his blatter full but could get nothing out. He hasn't peed in 18 hours and hasn't pooped in a day and a half. I'm extremely concerned about the pain this could cause him tom as it builds up. I'm thinking a return trip to the vet even it's just to have him expressed and show us how to express him is necessary early tom.
So basicly I would greatly appreciate any insight anyone has from the info I provided. I realize the best thing may be euthanization, although I don't want to act to quickly if there is a chance he could still recover. My mom thinks he will never be able to walk again which could be true. With the info provided what advice do u guys have? Another complication is he has had a urinary tract infection for the last 6 months that we have been working with. This could also be contributing to his other problems. He might sound like a lost cause but I just wanted to get on here and make sure there is nothing else I can do before I let go. Thanks in advance for any feedback.
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Re: Please help Collie w/ ruptured disc facing several issue

Post by CarolC »

I do not think you should feel bad about not doing surgery, first because of his age (for a large breed) and because surgery is less helpful with the kind of disk disease that occurs gradually in large breeds in old age. Even if you did the surgery, I am not sure it would help much. Yes, I agree it is a good idea to take him back to the vet and have him expressed. See if they can show you how to do it. If you felt the bladder, that is half the trick right there. Sometimes it takes more pressure than you might think to express, but the vet is the best one to guide you on how much pressure to use. With a large down dog, catheterizing is also an option. I imagine he will need pain meds for a while. It sounds like kind of a quality of life situation. As long as he is comfortable and happy, and you are able to provide the care, it is great if you can keep it up. Right now you need to see if you can do all this. With a 69 lb dog, there will be some lifting, turning, and learning to express. People have made homemade wheelchairs, if there is anyone handy in your family. I do believe that if you can't do it with a large dog, this is not your fault, and it is wonderful that he's had 14 good years. I know you want to care for him till the end, size is a factor as well as other things. Just so you know in the end you did the best you could, it's all you can do.

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Re: Please help Collie w/ ruptured disc facing several issue

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I'm dealing with this same thing right now- except our dog is 2. We've had him in the pool/hot tub twice a day doing hydro-therapy. He's eating and drinking on his own- I''m giving him a nutrical supplement that I bought at the pet store. I was feeding him baby food- turkey and rice. The vet told me to give him fancy feast and whole milk- but, he didn't like it.

He's swimming about 15 laps of our 35 foot pool. Afterwards, I sit with him in the hot tub, until he's totally relaxed- I massage his legs and move them for him. He can stand sometimes on his own- he's strong in his front legs.. I found plans online to build my own doggie wheelchair. I guess I will do that- because people want too much money on here for one. When you have already spent a lot of money on your pet- you can't afford to dish out 200-500 more on a wheel chair. They don't look too hard to make. I don't know what to tell you about peeing- but, I do know that you can express the bladder, like you said...

I'm having problems getting mine to go poop on his own. I'm hoping with a wheelchair, he'll feel more like normal, and it won't be an issue. I gave him an enima, and he went- but, that's been several days ago- this time, he acted like he wanted to go- but, didn't. If you have any ideas, let me know.

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Re: Please help Collie w/ ruptured disc facing several issue

Post by CarolC »

Here is some information on helping with elimination.

He may benefit from a little more fiber in his diet, but please ask the vet first. A dog can have stomach issues when you change the diet.
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