Blind and Toothless Cat

Blind and deaf pets can live happy, healthy, quality lives. In fact, sometimes it's hard to tell them from sighted pets. They do, though, have their own special needs.
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Blind and Toothless Cat

Post by DonnaMCL »

My cat, DK Murphy was born blind. He came from a hoarding situation of 70+ cats. This past August he needed his teeth removed dur to Stomatis/Gingervitis. Murphy isn't quite 2 yrs yet. He loves to walk on his leash with a harness and ride in the car. My problem is we'd like to take him to NC to visit our son but aren't sure how to travel that far with him as we'd need a litter box etc. What happens when we need to eat or use the restrooms, we don't want to leave him in the car. Please help with ideas or thoughts.
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Re: Blind and Toothless Cat

Post by Christine »

Hi Donna,

Welcome! Here is a thread about traveling with your pets for some ideas.

viewtopic.php?f=9&t=13199&p=68922&hilit ... cat#p68922

Has he ever ridden in a car before? If not, it is suggested to do some test runs beginning with just putting him in his crate without even turning the car on and slowly work up to turning on the engine and then driving around.

Cts can get carsick, just like humans, so you might not want to feed him a lot before or at all during the trip. Be sure to keep water handy and keep him hyrdated.

I traveled from Florida to North Carolina with two cats who basically toleratred each other at home, but we ended up putting them together in one carrier for the trip as they were not happy separated. They made a 10 hour trip without a potty stop and never used the litter pan. You are ahead of the game because your cat walks on a leash. Just be sure that his collar or halter is very secure in case he gets spooked. I don't know how long a time you are concerned about leaving him in the car, but I would think he would be fine for even a couple of hours as long as the temperature is safe for him.

Someone in the thread mentioned tranquilizers, but there is also something called Rescue Remedy you can buy from your health food store or on line that is natural and many people have had good results with.

How long a drive do you have? If you have to stop overnight, there are many pet friendly motels nowadays and you can check that out on line before you leave.

Here is another article on the subject: ... ithcat.htm
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
?/1999 - 10/25/08
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Re: Blind and Toothless Cat

Post by DonnaMCL »

Thank you for the response. Murphy likes to ride in the car and he sits on the backseat with his leash attached to the seat belt. We were planning on the trip from MA to NC about 14 hours.
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Re: Blind and Toothless Cat

Post by janew »

Do you have the room to put & secure a medium / large pet carrier in your back seat? If you could then you could put Murphy in the carrier when you stop to eat or use the restroom, so you would not have to worry about a mishap with him getting tangled in his leash while you do your buisness. You could put a bed for him in it, a small litter box & he could be offered food & water while his humans eat or use the restroom, safely. I have traveled this way from TX to RI with my cats. I always secure them in a carrier before the car door opens, because even the calmest kitty can get 'spooked' , get lost in a strange place & dissappear fast (even a blind one like your sweet Murphy). With that in mind I'd attach a name tag with your cell phone # to his harness, I'd also have him micro chipped because a collar or harness can be lost. Remember to other folks he is a blind & toothless kitty, they would likely consider him 'disabled' & be more prone to 'put him to sleep' if he became lost & did not have ID. If he is in a carrier when you make 'pit stops' you can adjust the car windows so the temperture in the car is comfortable for him.
If you want to make an overnight rest stop, many hotels & BB's are pet friendly just google your route.
Happy travels with Murphy,
PS Thanks for rescuing him & giving him a responsible, loving home.
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Re: Blind and Toothless Cat

Post by CarolC »

One more thing I'd suggest is to get a "Club" or some kind of steering wheel lock for your car, especially if you're going to crack the windows. They don't cost much and might save having your pet stolen if someone decides to steal the car. Like others, I've gone cross country with both dogs and cats in my car. I've always crated everybody (use the seat belt through the handle to secure the crate) and never had to tranquilize anybody. They all just settle down and sleep once we're on the road. I think you can leave him in the car when you go into McDonald's, just put the Club on and park where you can see the car from inside.

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