Ereshkigal has some residual nerve damage

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Ereshkigal has some residual nerve damage

Post by BendyMom »

her toes on the affected leg do not work. I'm hoping she will regain control/sensation. I noticed today as she was lounging that the front of her toes are raw, they are dragging and rubbing apparently and she does not notice. So I will be making a little sock/book/something to protect them. It isn't infected or even very deep yet but I"m sure if I ignore it, it will be.
other than that she is doing great. climbing and running and being her pesty self again.


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Re: Ereshkigal has some residual nerve damage

Post by CarolC »

I haven't been here as much the past few weeks, what caused the nerve damage? I thought she had a torn muscle, did they reach a different diagnosis? They do make Orthovet splints for a cat's back foot, but when I ordered the cat-sized splint for my small dog I found it to be rather wide. Supposedly you can heat them and remold them a little. Do you have a picture of her, because I've read several posts about her but don't even know what color she is...?
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Re: Ereshkigal has some residual nerve damage

Post by BendyMom »

she is a black tortie with a soemwhat meezie build.
when she tore her muscle there was some nerve damage from teh trauma. it has partially recovered but not her toes.
if i pinch the webspaces between those toes she is clueless, the toes on the fibular side have sensation. she does groom them and continues to take care of her claws - pulling off old claw sheaths. she didn't like me messing with her toes on general principle.

i'm still remembering my vet, in an attempt to cheer me up, saying "see, now she is bendy!"


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Re: Ereshkigal has some residual nerve damage

Post by BendyMom »

i have many picts of her, but i will find them when I do not have a headache. :)


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Re: Ereshkigal has some residual nerve damage

Post by Jude12 »

Hi bendymom, if you don't mind me asking, how do you make the little socks for your kitty? From what? My Sammy has a rubbed place on one foot from dragging. It's not horrible or infected but obviously I don't want it to get worse. Right now he has a baby sock with some tape to hold it up but no idea how long that will stay there :roll: Particularly when he wants to go out in his run - its mostly grass, and I've put a plastic sheet over most of the concrete, but he still touches some.

She sounds very cute, btw. I love tortie colouring.
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Re: Ereshkigal has some residual nerve damage

Post by BendyMom »

First I wrap the foot in thick guaze or rolled cotton. Then I use vetwrap or similar thing over that. It is important when using vet to NOT stretch it as you wrap, otherwise it is too tight and you cut off circulation. I put an additional wrap rigth after the gauze ends to help hold it on. Soemtimes it does come off but most of the time it stays on. I am thinking of trying those little booties to see if she will leave them on.

Today her toes seem to be working a bit better, I think seh is getting tingles or soemthing, because she will put her foot down then shake it.

I did just note is swollen again...being too active probably I need to clean up a space to confine her. one cage has teh recovering 15 year old, one cage has the litter of kittens recovering from a cold, one cage has the new (not tested or vacc'd) foster kitten in it, the cage in my room she managed to get herself wedged between the bars and the other cage needs to be cleaned first.
there are a couple empties upstairs, no real space to bring them down here and I'd rather not have her up there. my room is on teh first floor so upstairs ends up being away from just about all the action.


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Re: Ereshkigal has some residual nerve damage

Post by Jude12 »

Right I will ask my vet if they can sell me some - I live just down the road from them, but the specialist who operated on Sam lives further away.
Hope Ereshkigal's feet look better soon.
I'm finding it's a difficult balance between trying to help Sam and not upsetting or frustrating him, or exhausting myself. Last night I was so tired and trying to get him to do a few more mins on the stim machine (failed. sometimes he'll do it, sometimes he won't) and as he was scuttling around the side of my foot caught the very edge of his tail - he squeaked because he has feeling in both feet and tail. I felt *terrible* and panicked that I'd somehow reinjured him. My nightmare is that he loses bladder/bowel function again (he hasn't. Peed this morning). You've got a lot on your plate with all those cats and I admire you for it. How do you cope? Sometimes I feel overwhelmed just with Sam (and Zara, who is able-bodied, but needs attention too).

Just going to put some antiseptic on that sore now.
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Re: Ereshkigal has some residual nerve damage

Post by BendyMom »

you can also get it at any pet store. or use self-adhering ace wrap. basically teh same thing but vetwrap comes in nifty colors.

as to how i cope..
i'm wierd. caring for cats makes me tick, i HAVE to have somefeline to care for, it is a wierd compulsion.
since bendy died everything is much harder. so, coping has expanded from just anti-anxiety meds to a nightly toast of bourbon to my bendy boy. unless my ulcer is acting up and then it is kahlua and creme de cacao.


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Re: Ereshkigal has some residual nerve damage

Post by Jude12 »

I guess the cats are lucky you're weird then!
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Re: Ereshkigal has some residual nerve damage

Post by BendyMom »

Ereshkigal's foot has swollen up huge. it is at least twice its normal size.
what did she do to it this time????
So i gave her a dose of metacam and she is back in a small cage. she has a nice bed, so if she sits still she is nice and comfy.

i don't want to have to cast her leg


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Re: Ereshkigal has some residual nerve damage

Post by Christine »

Oh man! Could she possibly have a tiny sticker or splinter lodged somewhere??
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Re: Ereshkigal has some residual nerve damage

Post by BendyMom »

i'm not finding any one spot that is point tender on her leg, no sign of discharge or outward injury, and with her history of muscle tear i'm inclined to think she has aggravated it again.
but who knows, she is one wierd case.
the swelling has gone down some, she is eating/drinking/pottying fine. she spends a lot of time sweetly asking to be OUT of the cage please.


Bendy Kitty
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