Very new very depressed

For those seeking advice on caring for incontinent pets and animals with kidney-related problems.
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Very new very depressed

Post by lemae82 »

My baby girl renezamae came into my life last year after my hubby rescued her before deploying. She is in a sense my life and a very special part of me being alone while he is gone. I kept her inside up until he came home and she got used to going out but came in on her own and when I called and my little rere is terrified of noise cars ect. Last wed she went out for her time outside at night and for the first time ever she got near the road and was hit.local vet said she wouldn't make it but here it is Sunday and after being transported to a hospital vet they repaired the broke pelvis and amputated her tail and she has been on intense pain meds since we'd night now they're saying her nerves aren't working and she has to be expressed and they aren't hopefull that the nerves will come back. I don't want her to suffer but if she has a chance I don't just wanna put her down, help please. I went to see her today and she was doing well as far as trying to get up and move of course with her recent surgery on Friday she's not gonna be 100% so all she needs to do is pee. Just don't see how she can with so much trauma and so much medication.
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Re: Very new very depressed

Post by CarolC »

Hi lemae82,


I'm assuming she is a kitty? This type of injury happens a lot with cats. It is something you can totally deal with. If her nerves do not work, you can express her 3x a day. If she eventually recovers the ability to urinate normally that's great, but if not, there is no reason to put her down. Expressing is something that actually brings the pet and caregiver even closer together. I have a feeling you will take very good care of her. Some kitties with tail injuries wear a diaper, you will have to see if she needs one. Here is a very nice video showing expressing and diapering. Your kitty will be able to walk, this sounds like a tail injury only (which is common), but the information is still helpful.

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Re: Very new very depressed

Post by lemae82 »

Well that does make me feel better but is that really fair to my rere to have to make her go to the bathroom?? I guess I'm worried about quality of life for her. The injury was her pelvis detached when hit and he tail showed no signs of feeling so while in surgery I told them to take tail as I didn't want to have to put her back under. I'm just frustrated bc she's starting to peek up at the hospital just had my morning report and the dr said she finally ate and they got her off the one pain med. my heart breaks bc she's doing well with perking up and trying to move but she still won't pee!!
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Re: Very new very depressed

Post by CarolC »

You know if you think about it, a day is 24 hours long, and once you get your routine going, you will spend maybe 5 minutes 3x/day expressing her. That is maybe 15 minutes a day. Which leaves 23 hours and 45 minutes a day for her to enjoy being a normal cat. Sounds like a good deal to me. You have some weeks ahead of you when you will have to go day by day. She is going to have to recover her mobility after the injury. And both she and you will have to get used to the routine, where you learn to express and she learns to understand what you are doing. So you should probably expect some short term stress during the first month or so, but once the two of you have adjusted your lifestyle, it won't seem like such a big deal after a while. She is going to be the same kitty she always was, her personality has not changed. If you really love her, you will soon find an answer for anyone who might say, "Why don't you just get another cat?" I wouldn't abandon my husband or my child because they came home injured, I would find ways to deal with it, and I wouldn't abandon my pet either. Life is much more than being able to squat in a litterbox. If you would like to watch some more videos, there are a bunch of them at the end of this article.
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Re: Very new very depressed

Post by lemae82 »

I guess I'm worried that on my days off ill be fine but days I'm gone most of the day makes me worry about her. I know I can take care of her most definitely but not all day everyday. I planned on of a morning coming home on lunch breaks and at night I'm worried more for bladder infections and if I must leave town. She's still in icu now and we will reevaluate on Friday this week. Just wanna do what's best for her and not make decisions based on my needs. Your advise is so helpful Ty u so much.
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Re: Very new very depressed

Post by CarolC »

Morning, lunch, and night should be good. Bladder infections are not a big issue after you learn to express. Yes, going out of town would probably mean boarding her at the vet, but I guess some people board their pets when they travel anyway. I think you are thinking of all the right questions about what might be involved.
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Re: Very new very depressed

Post by lemae82 »

Yea I've kept in contact with the icu dr and she's doing very well except for her bladder so she's worth the chance there's so many things that can come into play when I comes to her and her bladder so I rescued her and took her in she deserves any chance she might have I can't give up on her only after a week she deserves more than that from me. Ty for all the advice I think my rere will be great and she has a very loving family who wants to give her any chance
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Re: Very new very depressed

Post by critters »

CarolC wrote:You know if you think about it, a day is 24 hours long, and once you get your routine going, you will spend maybe 5 minutes 3x/day expressing her. That is maybe 15 minutes a day. Which leaves 23 hours and 45 minutes a day for her to enjoy being a normal cat. Sounds like a good deal to me. You have some weeks ahead of you when you will have to go day by day. She is going to have to recover her mobility after the injury. And both she and you will have to get used to the routine, where you learn to express and she learns to understand what you are doing. So you should probably expect some short term stress during the first month or so, but once the two of you have adjusted your lifestyle, it won't seem like such a big deal after a while. She is going to be the same kitty she always was, her personality has not changed. If you really love her, you will soon find an answer for anyone who might say, "Why don't you just get another cat?" I wouldn't abandon my husband or my child because they came home injured, I would find ways to deal with it, and I wouldn't abandon my pet either. Life is much more than being able to squat in a litterbox. If you would like to watch some more videos, there are a bunch of them at the end of this article.
CarolC said it so very well that I just wanted to repeat it. :smart: Life is more than peeing, and as long as she can pee one way or another, that's what counts. Chances are that she'll be peeing by herself eventually, if given time.
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Re: Very new very depressed

Post by lemae82 »

I'm bringing her home tomm!!!! Very excited very scared but I love her dearly
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Re: Very new very depressed

Post by critters »

:clap: You'll want to go shopping today, to get such things as peepads, mattress pads, wipes, a skin barrier, gloves, etc. You might want a mild shampoo or other things as well.
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Re: Very new very depressed

Post by Jean »

How is your kitty doing?
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Re: Very new very depressed

Post by lemae82 »

Yes must give an update been so busy!!!! Well the expressing by myself was a no go rere isn't one to just lay and let squeeze so the nurse at the vet would come over and help and I've taken rere to kitty daycare(vet) during the day while I worked and one morning she woke me up using her litter box trying to poop which is something she's always done but when I went to help her out of the box she backed up and then she peed on her own!!!!! Thank u god!!! So far she's making a full recovery thank u to all y'all for ur support as well.!! Ill keep updates but as of now she's looking good
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Re: Very new very depressed

Post by Jean »

Wow, that is great news!!! Thanks for the update. Your kitty was one of the lucky ones!!!
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Re: Very new very depressed

Post by lemae82 »

Yes very lucky alot of prayers went out for our renezamae
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