Breathing problems

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Breathing problems

Post by Mom2Harley »

My 12+ year old Chi, Harley, has been having breathing problems for awhile now but it's getting alot worse recently. Over the weekend he had such a bad attack that I thought he was going to die right there. It's like his throat closes up and he just can't breathe. My vet says that's common in small dogs and there's really nothing we can do. It's terrifying for both of us, and my other two dogs get agitated when it happens as well. I used to be able to pick him up and just soothe him, sometimes taking him outside for fresh air seemed to help, but Sunday I really thought he was going to leave us. Since Sunday he has had two more attacks. They were not nearly as severe, but they seem to be coming much more frequently. :-( My question I suppose is more of an ethical one. I'm afraid that one day he's going to suffocate right there in front of me and I'M going to have a heart attack from the stress of it since I've been having health problems myself. Considering the possible ill effects on my own health, would it be inhumane of me to help Harley to the rainbow bridge early so he doesn't have to suffer to get there and so that I don't join him?? Thank you for any kind advice you can offer. ~ Theresa ~
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Re: Breathing problems

Post by CarolC »

I would suggest getting a second opinion, or even a referral to your regional specialty hospital. If it is so common for small dogs to have breathing problems like this, all I can say is I have never heard that general statement before. We did have one member here with a small poodle with asthma, but they were treating it.

Chihuahuas are one of the breeds that can get degenerative heart valve disease, and that can cause breathing difficulty. If your dog is 12+, he is about the age where you might expect to see symptoms if he has valve problems. If he has fluid in his chest, there is medication that will help him (they can give lasix to dogs just like they do humans with heart trouble and fluid in the chest).

I think you need a second opinion from a vet who won't just throw in the towel. Let them check for a heart murmur, or for signs of asthma, or even a collapsed trachea (from pulling on the leash while wearing a collar), or perhaps the vet will know something else to look for. A really thorough exam. I would not just accept a generalization and the statement that there is nothing you can do. :( Perhaps you can call around to some other vets. Today is Thursay, hopefully you can get him seen either today or tomorrow, preferably today.
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Re: Breathing problems

Post by critters »

Just because it's common doesn't mean you don't need to find out why. Laryngeal paralysis can be treated, as can asthma or heartworms. Collapsing trachea is common, like Carol says, but I'm not sure how it's treated. I'd DEFINITELY not settle for that opinion.
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Re: Breathing problems

Post by Mom2Harley »

Thank you Carol C & Critters for your responses. Looks like I might have to find a new vet even tho we've been going to her for over a decade. :-(
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Re: Breathing problems

Post by critters »

Just because you go for a 2nd opinion doesn't mean you need to change forever; I mean, you might, but you don't have to.
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Re: Breathing problems

Post by Mom2Harley »

Well I just adopted out a foster that I had vetted. She had hookworms so the doc gave her meds. I figured it was over with. Her new family took her to their vet for heartworm prevention meds and they told her that Tanner STILL HAD HOOKWORMS!! Why did my vet not tell me that I needed to redose?? Plus now MY dogs probably have it!! I think it's time for a change.....
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Re: Breathing problems

Post by CarolC »

Well, that's frustrating, I hope your dogs didn't get worms.
I hope you will post what you find out about the breathing issue.
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Re: Breathing problems

Post by Mom2Harley »

I will. And thanks, me too. That means ALL of them are gonna have to go now..... UUUGGH!!!!!! Does anyone know if a follow-up hookworm treatment is standard or not? I get notices from my vet when their procedures are due and never got one for that. I don't know if I should change vets or not..... What a way to end the year. :-( Thank you all for your support and advice. I hope y'all have a happy Thanksgiving! ~ Theresa ~
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Re: Breathing problems

Post by CarolC »

I don't, but I looked it up :book: and here is what the Cornell website is saying: wrote: If your dog has been diagnosed as having an active infection of hookworms, 2 to 4 doses of the de-wormer will be necessary, as the drugs kill only adult worms. More than one dose is necessary to eliminate any newly matured worms that were larvae at the time of the first dose.
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Re: Breathing problems

Post by Mom2Harley »

Well thank you so much for that, that was kind of you. :thankyou: Well, so she should have known that and never said anything to me and hasn't notified me for a second dose. So she's either gotten too busy to pay attention to detail, or she's been doing this too long. :-? I don't know but I'm REALLY disappointed and now I'll have to make three trips to her office, jeez. Or maybe she'll let me just bring in the samples, she doesn't normally charge me an office visit when I take my guys in anyway. I'll call her on Friday. But I'm still going to change vets after I've gotten them all checked. This just doesn't sit right with me. Thanks again, Carol C!
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Re: Breathing problems

Post by critters »

Well, I don't know offhand which wormer does hooks, but it's probably pyrantel. If you're willing to do the math, pyrantel is super easy to find and is not a prescription item. I've found it at pet stores, feed stores, and the like.
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