dog suddenly almost paralysed - need help!

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Re: dog suddenly almost paralysed - need help!

Post by troy123 »

CarolC wrote:
troy123 wrote:I think we both have our part in expressing. at ties I feel that, when he needs to, he rolls in position and is almost waiting for me to..
could be my impression, but the way he lies still and seems to wait.. its almost as if he s going, ok,,, do what you gotta do, I give up.
"I give up." Love him!

I started to edit this into my message above but realized you had already posted. Will add it here instead.

EDIT to add: Something to file away in the very back of your mind is that there is a slightly increased chance of bloat or pancreatitis in a down dog that is under stress and on medication. I'm only mentioning it as a side note, with the idea that sometimes there might be one small thing nobody bothers to mention that could have been important to know.
thanks... was posting the pics, but glad to see this post.. am already looking it up, just to be informed. thanks again
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Re: dog suddenly almost paralysed - need help!

Post by troy123 »

yesterday was probably his best day ever... and for the first time he slept all night without rolling around... a sign of being comfortable, I think.
however this morning as I tried to express him he yelped in pain. it is y fault.. he was on the oth er side than the one I prefer him to be on when expressing, and I tried slide my hand underneath from behind hi s back, rather than the front of his tummy.

I m keeping this forum post as a diary, not only for my questions, but also for me to know and remember the dates of what s happening. I would like to see uninterrupted time pass without him getting hurt..
he s sleeping sound now. I hope it was nothing serious or very bad.
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Re: dog suddenly almost paralysed - need help!

Post by CarolC »

I can just imagine the situation, or maybe my imagination is working overtime. You were trying to get him ready before you went to work, he was on the wrong side, you didn't want to disturb him by moving him, he yelped, and you were in a momentary quandary...what to do? You couldn't wait around to express him till he eventually got on the other side, because you had to leave. So there you were, with him not expressed and you not able to move him, and your nerves fried by the combination of him yelping and you needing to start your day (and not having enough sleep for 3 weeks). I'm amazed you're not complaining, I would be tied in a knot by now. You seem to take all of this in stride, bless your heart. And now in the back of your mind you are probably considering any future mornings when he is on the wrong side and you need to get going. And you are trying to figure out what to do...get up even earlier when you already aren't getting enough sleep? Or maybe just plan on catheterizing him?

You are taking such good care of him...and bit by bit seeing results. I thought they decided he didn't have a spot on his back? So maybe he just thought it was going to hurt his neck, so he yelped in anticipation? Possibly it didn't actually hurt, he just thought it was going to? I have a dog who does that, she's a little high strung (not too much, fortunately). If she even thinks it's going to hurt, she'll yelp. But your dog does not look like he would be high strung, he looks more like he's rock solid. I wish you the best and the very best. I don't think everyone could do what you are doing.

P.S. This just reminded me of the website Tom made about caring for his dog. I always loved it. Here is a link if you find time...
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Re: dog suddenly almost paralysed - need help!

Post by troy123 »

hi, thanks for the post. yes , I think it did hurt. it is a different yelp. he bites his lip and tightens his teeth closed when in pain.. and he was shivering or a while after...
I think that little space to slide a flat hand underneath ay have curved his spine... the lower back affecting the upper.. being all connected...
I do not think it was serious, as he was rolling and playing later this morning. he rubs his nose against the mattress and moans, however this time playfully, the way he used to when he could still walk. usually after a treat or a stomach rub.. his way of saying ' I m soo bloody stoked!!' ;)
it is very nice and reassuring for me to see him play, in his condition. it is one of the things that keeps my thought of putting hi down away, and gives e hope. if he s happy, he doesn't need to go.

what you say is almost straight to the point.. it was y girl leaving in a rush. she holds the bottle while I express him, and this way we avoid making a mess on the bedding.
I have expressed him again since she left. morning one as yesterday, real small. so much that it worries me or makes me wonder if something is wrong. especially since then the afternoon would be a very long one, if like yesterday... he always ends it with a little stop, then a long pressured, last short one. hehe, like a fast fullstop, meaning I m done.
I wonder if I could take a piss sample to the vet, to check for a possible bladder infection. it loos clearer and less dark, and I m not overly worried. more as a precaution.

what I wanted to ask is, should he get better... I know he shouldn't climb or go down stairs... how about just one step access to different rooms? would that also be harmful? I could send photos for you to better see in the near future... just to get an opinion.
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Re: dog suddenly almost paralysed - need help!

Post by troy123 »

at times, when troy is doing fine, I can see such great improvement.
today, had nothing to piss when I expressed him in the morning, too little...
early afternoon... same thing... then a bit later , such a big one. once again , as in the morning... he acted as if in pain when I touched his bladder, I do not know if this is an abdominal or a spine issue..

I have checked about pancreatitis in dogs.. since you mentioned it - I do not think its the case.. though good to keep an eye on it.
I also took a piss sample to the vet today, In a rush - he does not have a bladder infection either...

I am confused.. maybe he was bloated with urine and crap, and wasn't pleasant to have pressure...
but maybe not...
I m worried and will keep an eye on how things proceed.
does anyone know of what this may be, or what should I look for?

vet told me I may have pinched some nerves.. however since yesterday night he has been a bit more uncomfortable crapping and urinating...
he is fine and playful, curious as ####, especially about food... crunchy plastic noises...
but when it comes to his toilet things looks grumpy and keeps turning around. he struggles if I try to help him out... only this lately..
we are distracting him with small treats, and he seems ok... so I tell myself it s all drama. however I m worried and wish to ask if anyone has had any problems that may seem similar... or an idea of what might be hurting him.

considering his condition, I try to take hi as little as possible to the vet.. to avoid movement. and may only get a house call next week...
I hope he ll be better tomorrow, maybe I pressed him wrong whilst trying to express him, although I try keep flat handed... will update again soon.

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Re: dog suddenly almost paralysed - need help!

Post by CarolC »


I am not sure what is going on with him being grumpy about toileting. Is it possible he is lactose intolerant? Since you checked him for a bladder infection (it's nice to know that is fine) then perhaps he is constipated as you say. My big dog did not like having his bowel expressed very well, either. Two of my other dogs haven't cared or were glad to have it done.

During this whole thread there has been something in the back of my mind, which was the story of another dog who had a similar problem with her neck. She was also a large-ish dog, 14 years old, and greatly loved. Unfortunately, she only made it a few days and was not able to recover. I have searched and searched, and can only find part of the messages, the last few where they lost her. They were posted in 2005 and the message board was running on a different type of software called webbbs when the messages were posted. When the message board was converted to the current type of software (phpBB), some of the messages were lost in the conversion process, including the messages I was looking for. I have gone clear back to a 2007 backup and they are not there, it had to be during conversion. Fortunately, some of the lost messages were used in an article and I was able to find a record of them there yesterday. If all the messages were still on the board I could just give you the links, but this is an unusual situation where they are not. Later this morning, I will compile the story so that you can compare it. I just want to warn you, it was a sad ending where they were not able to save her, but your dog is doing really well, making gradual progress.

Going back to your question about a ramp, I personally would do anything possible to make things easier for him, considering the outcome when things go wrong. I don't know how high the step is, though, maybe it is only a couple of inches.
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Re: dog suddenly almost paralysed - need help!

Post by CarolC »

The story is attached. :(
There were additional posts by members of the message board in between Jacquie's messages, but I am only including Jacquie's messages in the story.

Posted By: Jacquie Baral Date: Saturday, ±21 May 2005
Spondylosis and ruptured (neck) disk

I thought my old gal had suffered a stroke and found out otherwise. The vet was shocked at what he found in her spinal xrays. Outside of these (horrible) surprises, the darling has NO idea just how bad she really is. Her brain function, eyes and hearing are completely OK. I'm just sick about this and I'm not ready to put her down. Any ideas?? Thanks.

Posted By: Jacquie Baral Date: Saturday, 21 May 2005, at 10:55 p.m.
In Response To: Re: Dogs: Spondylosis and ruptured (neck) disk *LINK*

Dear CarolC, Thank you SO much for getting in touch with me about my situation. My girl's name is 'SUNNY'. She's actually 14 yrs. last month. She is one-half red Chow and one-half red Dobie. Both of her parents were purebreds. Mom was a King Dobie and Dad was a larger than average Chow. Sunny has the body build & height of her mother and everything else about her is her father. She's a magnificent red color with full fluffy hair during the winter. Summer time comes and she loves short hair. She weighs between 68 to 73 pounds. I saw the vet today to check on her progress. I got to see her today in her cage. Two days ago was when my husband and I had to rush her to the vet. We had to use a sling for her. The vet checked her over, more blood tests (OK!), temp OK, and then he tried to stand her up. It was a 'no go' for all 4 legs. As soon as the xrays were seen and read, the vet started an aggressive treatment of IV steroids. When I saw her today, she'd righted herself in the cage. She looked at me as to ask me why I'd shut her behind bars and left her. I asked the vet to keep her till Monday, continue his treatment and we'd TRY to bring her home on Monday for further care. The cervical collar I'd thought about but forgot to ask the vet about using one for her. He did tell me that she had a 50-50 chance for some recovery if she could regain the use of her front legs....IF the disk rupture would heal itself. He did tell me that because of her advanced age, he would not advise surgery on her neck. So far she's not lost control of her bladder, but I do worry about the possibility of not being able to urinate or have bowel evac, thus causing infections and other horrible problems for her. I've been looking into duel-slings for her so we can gently move her from inside to outdoors for potty time. PetSmart and PetCo do not sell the sling harnesses I'm looking for. Thank you. JB

Posted By: Jacquie Baral Date: Sunday, 22 May 2005, at 12:15 a.m.
In Response To: Another cervical collar *LINK* *PIC*

This collar looks heavy-duty. The first one looks a little more comfortable. Today I went shopping for all Sunny's bedding needs, except for a cage. She is an indoor pooch but loves the outdoors on breezy, cool days. I may have to buy her a cage to keep her from trying to drag herself into my bedroom to hunt me to let her out for potty duty. A cage will no doubt be a necessary evil for the ol gal. She'll hate it but she'll come to understand it's for her own good.

The above messages were copied on 12-10-13 from: ... s-dog.html

The end of the story can be found here:


This is a short medical abstract that is helpful:
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Re: dog suddenly almost paralysed - need help!

Post by troy123 »

hi carol - today I was just thinking that once, before he got all the complications, he had a bout of what looked like an asthma attack that lasted for a good few minutes. I actually recorded it on my camera, in case I may have to later show and explain to a vet... but then this happened. and never again did he have problems breathing. however now I wonder if the connection is to the disc...

very sorry to hear about sunny. I also read about a neck collar in the post... I was told that there is nothing to restrict neck movement...but is that what the collar is for?
I will google this up after writing , but thought I would ask you, if its ok.

even the thought of a second disc complication has been at the back of my mind.. considering the age... and the thought that if one may deteriorate, it may not be alone to do so. I keep telling myself that, since its right where the collar would be, it is perhaps the result of being chained and pulling on a leash, exerting pressure on the very spot... but I know that everything may be possible.
I had even, before writing here, asked my vet if he would come to my house to put him down should it be necessary... in order for troy to be more at comfort.
and I know that I am still gambling in trying to wait for his recovery.

what keeps me going is that he looks happy. at least, for most of the times. when I am next to him, at times he tries to turn around, or crawl closer. even just to sleep knowing he s in caring company - and it feels like all this is foreign to him, had been for all his life. he knows I m helping, and that I m the one to resolve all his issues... or needs. well, not all.. or not yet..

I am open to the fact that this may go both ways.

to be more positive, I m starting to believe that the yelping happened because he was bloated, full of crap and piss. sometimes when I at work I leave him with my girl. she does not know how to express him and presses his bladder with one hand, keeps a container ad fills up. however this may be just overflow.
I was imagining how would it feel to have someone with a hand big as your whole lower abdomen, pressing a full bladder and bloated stomach... I m hoping that it was just that. however keeping open to any possibility...
I reason that, if it s something more serious, it would be more chronic. and would hurt again if I pressed the same spot (and sometimes with a good pressure) again later.

this morning I decided to use the catheter again. just to make sure he was well empty. I opened a sterile one, since i had bought a few and left them unused. he looked relaxed when I left for work.
this afternoon / evening I expressed him as soon as I got home. he was more concerned about the paste tube that my girl uses to distract him with... and all was easy... stressless, painless again. that was around 6.30 pm. I m guessing I will wake up in the night at around 2 or 3 am and redo so, if he s turning around too often. that usually means he needs to do his business but cant..

a part of me tries to convince myself that.. if the issues and problems are the way he urinates, how I may have hurt his abdomen etc... then it means that his neck is healing fine and forgotten, and my major problems are side ones... ones which may well be temporary. I know that this may, or may not be the case.. but I m pleased to see the ease at which he moves his neck around, gets up on his chest... finds it easy to follow my hand with his eyes, turning his head to beg for the food... as compared to three weeks ago.
he doesn't move much, and I discourage him to... for now. but he is way better and it shows. even his morale, sometimes he does look bored.. but he gets up when i eat, is happy to sniff all my shopping, one by one... gets entertained to the sounds of animal documentaries that come from the laptop...

once I see that his neck is free of pain, then I may start thinking of how to figure out a way to have him walk again.
I m waiting till mid January, perhaps even more than that... before I try anything. I have cancelled my Christmas trip to Germany, and a 4 day stay in a farm house with my girl for her birthday, to better take care of troy. I understand that these weeks may all be a waste of time and money, and no one can assure me that troy will get better. but I guess once the choice to help is done.. he s gonna get it all the way. whether it works out or not.

my girl s just cooked troy a bit of crushed, organic meat.. mixed with pumpkin soup that she made. he loves pumpkin. I feel this is helping his bowels, and giving a better flow. he sleeps peacefully, right next to me, as i type.. and looks content to be here..
only time may tell where this will go..

once again, I need thank you for your time, your patience and posts...
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Re: dog suddenly almost paralysed - need help!

Post by CarolC »

troy123 wrote:hi carol - today I was just thinking that once, before he got all the complications, he had a bout of what looked like an asthma attack that lasted for a good few minutes. I actually recorded it on my camera, in case I may have to later show and explain to a vet... but then this happened. and never again did he have problems breathing. however now I wonder if the connection is to the disc...

very sorry to hear about sunny. I also read about a neck collar in the post... I was told that there is nothing to restrict neck movement...but is that what the collar is for?
I will google this up after writing , but thought I would ask you, if its ok.

Yes...and no? What I am going to say is based totally on ignorance and layman's guesswork. They can make collars for cervical immobilization. Therapaw used to have a picture of a collar on their website that was custom made from fabrication materials they sold (thermoplastic and padding) and they were selling the materials to vets to use in their practice and training materials were provided on how to mold the plastic. I could not find a photo of the collar but it was similar to one of the hard plastic collars you see for humans. I checked 2 major websites, US and Canada, that offer orthotics/prosthetics/adaptive products for dogs, and neither one showed a cervical collar. Here is an animal orthopedics website with a photo of a custom collar that is somewhat the same idea, however as far as I know this is almost never done. ... is-braces/

Then in that 2005 post another collar was mentioned that is still for sale, and their website says it can be used for cervical stabilization, but when I look at it I think that they must mean to stabilize an area of the neck that is farther up. Your dog's disk problem is so low down on his neck, I don't think it would work and I worry it might even hurt him, but I totally do not know. I do not know what your dog's rehab therapist would say. I suppose if you had a collar that would help him and do no harm, it might be something he could wear when riding in the car or something. (repeating for a third time I do not know what I am talking about here.)

I do see some mention of (mainly soft) cervical collars in websites about Wobblers Syndrome. Wobblers has some similarity (only because it is in the neck) to what Troy is experiencing so you may have come across it in some of your readings.

My own experience with my neck was, the physiotherapist was very against cervical collars and believed in exercise, and she only grudgingly let me wear a collar for a very short period when doing certain exercises. I swim and it helps. I don't know if your dog likes to swim, but that might be a good way for him to condition later without a lot of impact to his neck, as long as the water is warm enough that he does not tense up.

even the thought of a second disc complication has been at the back of my mind.. considering the age... and the thought that if one may deteriorate, it may not be alone to do so. I keep telling myself that, since its right where the collar would be, it is perhaps the result of being chained and pulling on a leash, exerting pressure on the very spot... but I know that everything may be possible.
I had even, before writing here, asked my vet if he would come to my house to put him down should it be necessary... in order for troy to be more at comfort.
and I know that I am still gambling in trying to wait for his recovery.

what keeps me going is that he looks happy. at least, for most of the times. when I am next to him, at times he tries to turn around, or crawl closer. even just to sleep knowing he s in caring company - and it feels like all this is foreign to him, had been for all his life. he knows I m helping, and that I m the one to resolve all his issues... or needs. well, not all.. or not yet..

I am open to the fact that this may go both ways.

to be more positive, I m starting to believe that the yelping happened because he was bloated, full of crap and piss. sometimes when I at work I leave him with my girl. she does not know how to express him and presses his bladder with one hand, keeps a container ad fills up. however this may be just overflow.
I was imagining how would it feel to have someone with a hand big as your whole lower abdomen, pressing a full bladder and bloated stomach... I m hoping that it was just that. however keeping open to any possibility...
I reason that, if it s something more serious, it would be more chronic. and would hurt again if I pressed the same spot (and sometimes with a good pressure) again later.

I think this is totally true. There is a member here with a cat who has had difficulty expressing because the cat tends to be bloaty and uncomfortable, and she has been working at finding a diet that reduces bloating, but yes, it had made things much more difficult because of the uncomfortable abdomen. In fact, the title of her topic is, "Gassy tummy makes it harder to express bladder".


I have had the same experience with my dog.

this morning I decided to use the catheter again. just to make sure he was well empty. I opened a sterile one, since i had bought a few and left them unused. he looked relaxed when I left for work.
this afternoon / evening I expressed him as soon as I got home. he was more concerned about the paste tube that my girl uses to distract him with... and all was easy... stressless, painless again. that was around 6.30 pm. I m guessing I will wake up in the night at around 2 or 3 am and redo so, if he s turning around too often. that usually means he needs to do his business but cant..

Bless your heart. There is a gentleman in Japan (balonmasa88) who has a lot of youtube videos of caring for his disabled dachshund for 13.5 years and he got up in the middle of the night to express all those years. I hope you are getting enough rest overall. I feel that people who give up sleep to do this are saints.

a part of me tries to convince myself that.. if the issues and problems are the way he urinates, how I may have hurt his abdomen etc... then it means that his neck is healing fine and forgotten, and my major problems are side ones... ones which may well be temporary. I know that this may, or may not be the case.. but I m pleased to see the ease at which he moves his neck around, gets up on his chest... finds it easy to follow my hand with his eyes, turning his head to beg for the food... as compared to three weeks ago.
he doesn't move much, and I discourage him to... for now. but he is way better and it shows. even his morale, sometimes he does look bored.. but he gets up when i eat, is happy to sniff all my shopping, one by one... gets entertained to the sounds of animal documentaries that come from the laptop...

Awww. :D

once I see that his neck is free of pain, then I may start thinking of how to figure out a way to have him walk again.
I m waiting till mid January, perhaps even more than that... before I try anything. I have cancelled my Christmas trip to Germany, and a 4 day stay in a farm house with my girl for her birthday, to better take care of troy. I understand that these weeks may all be a waste of time and money, and no one can assure me that troy will get better. but I guess once the choice to help is done.. he s gonna get it all the way. whether it works out or not.

my girl s just cooked troy a bit of crushed, organic meat.. mixed with pumpkin soup that she made. he loves pumpkin. I feel this is helping his bowels, and giving a better flow. he sleeps peacefully, right next to me, as i type.. and looks content to be here..
only time may tell where this will go..

I am sorry about your trip. I hope your whole family still has a wonderful Christmas, and I hope there will be other times for travel. It sounds like she is spoiling Troy, too! :cook:

once again, I need thank you for your time, your patience and posts...

Ho! There is no need for thanks, and there is no patience involved, I am strongly hoping for his good outcome, and am admiring the care you are giving and the example you are setting, and I look forward to every single update!
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Re: dog suddenly almost paralysed - need help!

Post by troy123 »

hi again. today troy may have had his best day ever.. he has been moving his neck around which much ease... it does not seem to hurt.. occasionally trying to get up too, although his paw still knuckles.
I only gave him half a painkiller, instead of one... and late, as he was already great in the morning. I told myself if he looks like he needs it he ll get the other half. but he was fine, playful, curious, active...
expressed him 3 times a day.. girl s putting apple cider vinegar ( I think) in his food... either that or the pumpkin did wonders. he looks very comfortable and at ease...
have also tried a new homeopathic remedy, I thin yesterday was the first day. as always, I wouldnt know what works or doesn't, as it is at times a matter of timing.. but am adding the info here. it s called plumbum.

I have decided to try build a fence around the mattress he s on. I ll be alone for Christmas and ay need to leave and walk the other dogs etc... rather than use a crate or buy anything ready, I will just add a wooden frame and plastic net, attached to the wall and a base... no roof, but high enough for him not to go anywhere... hope it works. it s a single bed mattress, so will give hi space, and I could remove the frame / net when I m around...

anyway, hitting the bed. happy today to see he seems to be improving. ;)
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Re: dog suddenly almost paralysed - need help!

Post by troy123 »

it is half noon, and troy s been expressed, had breakfast, his medication, joint supplement.. the homeopathic granule..
the better he gets, the more trouble he gives me when it comes to having a crap. easy when my girl s here to distract him, but he plays difficult the minute I go near his rear end. can hardly blame him.
I m not too concerned about that, it makes him slightly less comfortable, but he can wait a little more. rather that than make him struggle. a little worried since I wont have help during the holidays. but he will do his business, if it gets bad. there s always disposable pads underneath his bedding, and I l just pick and dispose of, if it comes to the worst. wondering if I could train to lie still, to trust me better... he looks like a smart enough dog. smart, but stubborn as well.
at the moment I m more concerned about him walking, and his neck being less painful.

I have not given him yet his onsior (painkiller). yesterday he stayed on half. today I m planning to do the same. he s been fine all morning, so I thought that even that half can wait a bit more. will give as soon as he wakes up again. he was initially on norocarp ( ... plets.html) , but had to get rid of those as soon as I started the onsior. was told it s either one or the other.
since the pain looks diminished, I need to check whether the norocarp has better benefits (non pain related) that could help the healing, more than the onsior may, and perhaps switch again. something I d have to discuss with the vet before I do. but I was thinking that it perhaps it may do him more good than the onsior, at this point.

the reason I m posting. I remember you sent this link :
I have also been looking at this : ... plint.html

and this: ... plint.html

his right front paw still knuckles. so I am not sure if (from my links) the one with the free paw would do the job, or if its safer and more robust to get the whole splint. although I feel it s too soon for him to walk, I would like to see if it helps him to turn around better, or not fall when he moves on his mattress.. I feel that a lot of his falls are related to his right front paw.

I am also wondering if any of these would help or if their pressure would hurt, or do more damage - considering where his ruptured disc is. something I d like to speak to vet and physiotherapist about : ... lings.html

just fishing for opinions. I like the therapaw but wished to inquire about the rest as well.
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Re: dog suddenly almost paralysed - need help!

Post by troy123 »

even this one doesn't look bad :

or this :

just wondering which would be the most effective, at this point.
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Re: dog suddenly almost paralysed - need help!

Post by CarolC »

Well, they say that even when you have to express the bladder, the bowel will take care of itself. There are advantages to expressing the bowel but if you don't, he will still go, as you pointed out, so it's not the end of the world. When it comes to recovery, some of it will always depend on the dog. Do you think he would be able to lick a Kong with peanut butter inside? Or maybe put that vitamin paste inside. :idea: That does not require anyone to hold anything. Do you think it would bother his neck? Or can you maybe freeze some broth, and he could lick the ice cubes? Would he chew on a rawhide twist long enough for you to tend him?

On the harness, I agree a lot of them do appear to touch the neck. What about something like this, where you adjust the straps so he is wearing it back away from him neck? ... egory=1131

On the boots or splints, if it does not keep the foot from turning under, it probably would not be effective, so I'm guessing the ones that only support the ankle may not be enough for him? I have seen dogs walk with the hard splints on their front feet and they seem to do well with them. I don't know if the hard splint would help him turn in bed. The splint costs less than the dorsi-flex and does not require a vet to order it. Maybe you could buy one and try it? If it was my dog, I'd probably be asking the vet about the dorsi-flex, but that assumes he will not chew it, you might have to watch that. That would be an expensive chew toy. :shock: I got some boots for my dog one time and one of them fell off the top shelf of the closet and got chewed up by one of the other dogs, not sure who did it.
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Re: dog suddenly almost paralysed - need help!

Post by CarolC »

Here is the ramp we have by our back door. It is 3/4" plywood so it's really strong, you do not feel any "give" when you walk on it. If you want a picture of the back of it flipped over, please let me know. We've had 3 dogs here that needed it, but after having it here I like it too, and if I didn't have any dogs who needed it, I would still keep it. :D You could put a more attractive rug on it for indoors, obviously we needed an all weather mat for outdoors. :pardon:
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Joined: Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:26 am

Re: dog suddenly almost paralysed - need help!

Post by troy123 »

hi carol,
thank you for all your help. and sorry for a late reply / update - hadc been extremely busy catching up with work.
I will ask the vet about th dorsi flex, have already written to the contact given on the site, also to hear what they think would work best in troy s case.
the ramp looks perfect.. a little problem I may have is that, indoors, I may not always have the space to make or give proper length to the ramp, and am wondering if a short -thus steeper ramp would be effective in some places.

troy s doing better than he was when I first wrote on this forum. I remember he used to lie all day on his side and maybe turn two or three times, with great effort.
now I don't recall seeing him struggle to get up anymore, and I cant count the times it happens daily...
however, with his good days, he has ones where he looks a bit worse.. I m guessing that he would over do it with the moving, or perhaps fall / turn his head badly.
I was expecting this, but so far am glad that overall, he seems to be better.

I have recently got the vet home. she took another blood test, mainly to check on his liver situation.. I will know the results on Tuesday.
she looked impressed, also surprised to see the improvement. I m always cautious in being too optimistic, and as good as it gets, try to keep an open mind that things may or may not get better. however I m happy to see how he s doing, as compared to before. if I manage to figure out how, I ll try upload some vids, and send a link.

as regards his bowel movement, I doubt he will stay still unless someone is actually holding him, soothing etc... I keep trying to see if I may find anything that may work, and will keep your suggestions in mind. was even thinking a can of tuna (he loves it), but with a plastic net taping it closed, to keep him licking, working on it for a minute or two.. sounds mean lol, but if it works...

once again, thank you for everything.
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