Hello! New & Dog Q's

Neurological Disorders Resources. Treatment and care for pets having pain or trouble walking or standing due to spinal injuries or neurological disorders like IVDD, FCE and DM.
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Hello! New & Dog Q's

Post by Henri »

Hi there!

My wonderful American Bulldog Lincoln had an accident last week, he slipped on wet paving dashing up the garden after a cat. Somehow he has slipped and banged his spine, presumably on the sharp edge of a stone step. He instantly lost the use of his back end.

He has had x rays, there are no fractures. There are no dislodged discs. He does have pain sensation on both legs but no real motor control. He did have a soft swelling on his back where he must have banged it. This has gone now.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has any experience of this kind of paralysis. There have been signs that one leg has a small amount of strength - I'm hoping that this has been improving slowly - it's been six days now since his accident. When I walk him with a towel under his hips the right leg will make a walking gait movement, it is in the correct time with his front legs. Left leg does not though. His tail will clamp down when he has his bum wiped. When play fighting which he was inspired to do yesterday - when he would normally, on his back, push you with all four legs - there was some resistance with the right leg! When I talk him outside and stand him on his feet he is able to weight bear for a few seconds but that's all, and he can't put his feet down or position his legs at all. He does seem to ever so slightly use the right leg to help him change sides if he is sitting up in the right position and the leg happens to be under him in the right place.

Poor boy has had a bladder infection, began urinating blood when he first came back from staying at the vets on the Saturday morning so I had to wait until Monday morning to get antibiotics. I think these are working now although his pee seems to be black - could this be old blood?? It still stinks, fishy like and looks black which I'm hoping will clear as the course works through. He is incontinent, doesn't seem to be able to hold it at all, it regularly leaks or spurts if he moves. I have tried expressing but I am not sure there's any in there although it works sometimes!!! For the first few days he was catheritised and then he wee'd by himself when the nurses towel walked him out the day he came home, so I don't know if he is incontinent due to the bladder infection or not. He can't hold his poo although he can tell me when he can feel it imminently ready to come out which is good. I can hold his hindquarters up in a sitting position and he can get it out (or his bowel does, lol).

What I saw tonight and I don't know if this has made me more sad or given me more hope - but he has been sleeping by my feet and he began to dream - both legs were twitching with the front ones as they do in chasing dreams???? Is this indicative of a possible recovery? (He has just done it again as I am typing - the weakest left leg - uppermost - was jerking like crazy!!!)

When he has turned himself onto his back and stretched as they do, I have seen the right leg move back too. He has just stretched half asleep now and I saw his tail move...

He got sent home with Metacam which I never administered as he was passing a lot of blood when he first came back. Leaking a lot. I read up about the side effects and thought colitis or intestinal distress but best to avoid the Metacam. This has stopped now.

I can't give the care I have been doing indefinitely. I guess I'm just fishing for any hope that he might be able to even partially recover so that he might regain some independent mobility and continence. I'd love to hear other forum user's experiences or opinions. Thanks for reading this far!

Here's a couple of pictures of the lovely soul - sorry, they are massive!


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Re: Hello! New & Dog Q's

Post by Henri »

well after further reading on this forum... could it be FCE !!

I didn't actually see the accident,as I was in the kitchen - but he screamed and screamed for maybe five seconds but then after that didn't seem to be in pain, maybe he was, maybe his later whinging was distress from his sudden and confusing change of status..?

Tonight I have been watching even his weaker hind leg (and toes I think!) twitching and flailing astonishingly as he dreamed, I am praying hoping dreaming myself that this is a good sign!!!

I took him out for a last 'wee' (even though his incontinence) tonight and squeezed the bladder to no avail but when i took the towel off i placed his paws flat and he supported his weight for maybe ten seconds rather than a few albeit on his stronger right leg! I changed the way I supported him on the way back in and tried to place his back feet down after every 'one two' front leg pace. So a 1,2,3 walk instead of a 1,2,3,4 pace :)

He saw his friend the cat playing with something a few yards away and wanted to go towards her so I tried to re-enact some kind of walk pace and help him get there and stand

I'm feeling more optimistic for his recovery now after reading on here. His wee is black and very stinky though :| I am also hoping that his dinner isn't through him before I am up in the morning - he had loose stools for the first half of today which was challenging :| Have developed boy dog nappies by using two size 6 nappies placed in a cross - one long ways and one around under the belly, over his willy and then i have a cot fleece I've cut to be 12" wide which I wrap around him and medi tape it in place. It stays all night!

Good night and I'm going to bed now really wishing hoping my wonderful boy will regain enough independence with help and a little bit of time :book:
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Re: Hello! New & Dog Q's

Post by Bobbie »

He could have ruptured a disk or had an FCE- neither will show on X-rays. Sometimes disk damage can be implied based on X-rays but it cannot be ruled out- that requires a CT with contrast or an MRI.

The black urine I've never seen- I'd worry about bleeding somewhere causing that. I'd take a sample to the vet to get checked out.

You may be able to get urine by walking him with a sling under his bladder- that could stimulate him to pee as will going to the usual places where he wants to pee. Not easy- he looks like a big boy!
Bobbie Mayer
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Re: Hello! New & Dog Q's

Post by Henri »

Thanks Bobbie! I've been mobilising him using a towel under his hips but this is obviously uncomfortable for him sometimes, it must cut into his belly maybe - I guess there's a lot of weight being supported. I simply lifted his hind legs with my hands last night and he almost galloped back inside in a smoother fashion instead of the jerky smaller steps he takes when I use the towel!

I've inspected his wee again this morning and it seems to be just very dark - I think the 'black' appearance is something to do with the nappies that are absorbing it.
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Re: Hello! New & Dog Q's

Post by Henri »

Does anyone have experience of paralysed dogs moving their legs during dreaming - is this standard even if they've lost conscious control of them? Or might it be a positive sign
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Re: Hello! New & Dog Q's

Post by critters »

:slant: I consider ANY leg movement to be positive; in fact, I've seen them move in sleep when there's not enough strength to move when standing on them. 2 of the 4 SCI boys I've had have kept weird, extreme sleep movements, to the point that their legs will knock them out of the bed, even after recovery. I suspect that the "dampening" of the movement that the brain does during sleep can't get to their legs anymore.

The nasty black pee would concern me greatly. I've seen stinky, cloudy, and even Kool-Aid pee, but never black. If he's pretty dehydrated, he might have a tea-like brown pee.
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Re: Hello! New & Dog Q's

Post by Henri »

It's been a much better colour today, in fact just now I commented to him that it almost looked 'normal'!! :D
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Re: Hello! New & Dog Q's

Post by FYI »

Henri wrote:Does anyone have experience of paralysed dogs moving their legs during dreaming - is this standard even if they've lost conscious control of them? Or might it be a positive sign
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=16467&p=86950&hilit ... eep#p86950

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Re: Hello! New & Dog Q's

Post by Henri »

:) Thank you x
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Re: Hello! New & Dog Q's

Post by Bobbie »

I had one dog that was completely paralyzed in the back legs and his kicked when his bladder was full or he had a sore somewhere. He had no control and you could grab a foot and he didn't notice. He had no reflex kicking (i.e., tickling his feet did not cause kicking.) Put him in the water and he did not kick. But his legs did kick by themselves at times.

I think it is a good sign in that it is good for circulation, as for a promising sign, hard to tell, it isn't uncommon in spinal cord injuries to have kicking not related to any improvement (human or dog.)
Bobbie Mayer
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Re: Hello! New & Dog Q's

Post by Bobbie »

In view of his size you may want to try a cart earlier rather than later- it would save you trying to lift, and the saddles are made to be more comfortable than a lift.
Bobbie Mayer
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Re: Hello! New & Dog Q's

Post by Henri »

Hmmm. I am still stinging from the £800 vets bill and don't yet have another spare £100 for a set of wheels for the lad! x
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Re: Hello! New & Dog Q's

Post by critters »

Do you weld, or know a welder or a creative person? I don't think PVC would work in this case, but it's great for smaller critters. Homemade can be a decent way to go, but it IS harder, I think, with big critters. You could ask around--welding shops, welding students, etc. People tend to be willing to help, if you can reach them. A newspaper article might shake something loose.

If he likes them and if he still needs them later you could get a "professional" set then. Homemade takes a lot of creativity and a fair amount of work, in my experience, but it can all be worth it.
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Re: Hello! New & Dog Q's

Post by Henri »

Well talking of home made, I'm chuffed today as yesterday I made him a belly wrap and figured out the way to make it work was to tape the nappy to the wrap to keep it in the right place and stop the band bunching up. Very pleased as he was dry last night! No wee all over his legs and soaked through his fleece etc. his wee is looking YELLOW :D and doesn't smell fishy - antibiotics have done their job! Will keep on with the cranberry. Saved him a spoonful of scrambled egg and a bit of bacon, got him to stand and weight bear a while my son fed him. He did really well. He shot off back to his bed and I tried to pace his right leg and have it place down as his front legs motioned. It's just that left leg, very very weak and drags

I've been making a lot of effort to express him every time I change his 'diaper' - dog looks at me as if to say what on earth do you keep messing about for - his continence is a big deal, have many people found that continence has gradually returned?
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Re: Hello! New & Dog Q's

Post by critters »

Glad the pee is better!

3 of my SCI boys got all of their continence back, and 1, who was shot in the spine, leaked during sleep.

Watch out for knuckling and/or dragging; they can cause nasty sores that can be really hard to heal.
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