My dog was hit by a truck and trailer

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My dog was hit by a truck and trailer

Post by godsgirl32 »

My bloodhound was hit by a truck pulling a trailer of round bales of hay. There is no explaination of why he is alive. We rushed him to an emergency vet where he had surgery to put a pin in his run over leg. the cost was $1200 and we had to get a gofundme account to help out. He had never been in a crate and got out and moving on his legs. He got to the point that he would not put either of his back legs on the ground. After pin removal and several more visits antibiotics he can walk on the broken leg but not the good leg that was not broken. He cries in pain and it is almost curled under, the vet said he couldn't do anything else for him and he would have to go to a specialist. He is a companion dog for my 12 year old son who has epilepsy and it has had an effect on him as well... He eats and drinks and is so happy to walk up and down the road on his 3 legs... but whenever he lays down he cries.. Last night we were up at midnight, 2am and 545a trying to position him to stop crying.

I have spent over 1800 on him closer to $2000 and I am a single mom and can't afford specialist.. I talked to my son about putting him to sleep so he didn't suffer but my son has rebelled and begged..

Any advice? I read where someone suggested crate rest for 2 weeks, but I would think that would get the other leg tight as well.
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Re: My dog was hit by a truck and trailer

Post by CarolC »

I am not sure exactly what is hurting him when he tries to lie down. Does it make any difference if he lies on the other side? Did the vet give you any pain medication for him? You might try the pain meds at night so he and you can hopefully get some rest. I wish I had a good suggestion but I'm not sure what is going on, whether it is the good leg bothering him when he lies down, or something else.

Besides gofundme, another option for paying for veterinary care is Care Credit. It is a loan with good terms. You fill out the application, the receptionist at the desk submits it, and they let you know right away if you are approved. I have heard only good things about Care Credit. Chances are the specialist will have the application for Care Credit available, if you want to go that route.

How many days has he been crying when he lies down? Is there any chance he might be bloating? If he is eating well, then I would not think that is the problem, but just asking because not wanting to lie down is one symptom of bloat.
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Re: My dog was hit by a truck and trailer

Post by critters »

I'm with Carol. Could he have a spinal cord injury hurting the "good" leg? When was he hit? You say the leg is curled under, and I wonder whether a splint would help, but I'd be wondering first about the cause...

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