Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by kandykane »

Shoot sorry about your washer, I do 2 loads a day and no dryer that bit the dust
so put up clothes line, and when it rains all around the house hanging
I do like the way they smell fresh off the line
hope you got yours fixed

Well, had nice couple days weather wise, got to do pool time and then

my back went out, 3 days crawling on the floor,
but Skipper crawled with me and laid and comforted me
did manage to mustard up strength to go out with Skipper a couple times
had to reset up his poop and pee area, so more wash and not hanging it to fast
hour later it's hung, but back walking slowly

Yep, it is funny about the hair in the poop, felt guilty spying on him
But the links you posted that was what was and is scaring me,
I think now he is licking cause the hairs are growing back
and his breathe stinks almost like urine, don't like that

Think I have to call the Vet, I hope it is nothing
cleaned his nose as I seen a snot and was white with a tinge of green
trying to research snot now, what I seen could be a bacterial infection
he was just on antibiotics don't really want to put him on more

Skipper is still on his Diazepam and doggy aspirin well 81 mg. 3 times a day

Been doing his exercises and he seems to want me to lightly hit him all over his body mainly chest and upper back and neck area

Still no real good sign from doing the pinch test still the same there, he has licked his rear right paw a couple of times

Think I might look into the Gabapentin I shouldn't deprive my dog of something just cause I don't like it
as my Dr. used to say what works for you might not work for someone else

Think he is doing better than I am through this whole thing, I'm worrying myself half to death, do I or don't I and he is still in doggy jail just not as stricked but not as confined
He does keep trying to stand and walk thought it looked like a couple steps this morning
don't know if my eyes are seeing things or
have to set doggy cam up in a different position I guess, even though feel guilty spying on him

Hope all is good with you and I don't know if I said this
But Thank You for helping and listening to me

feels good to vent in a way nobody I know has ever experienced this and a first for me
but if I can ever help anyone in the future who is going through this I will
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by CarolC »

Good news, the washer is finally fixed as of yesterday and I have been washing everything in the house that will hold still. I'm sorry about your back. Sounds like it really went out big time. How long does this last when it happens? I use Aleve and a heating pad. And it helps to have something (like a walker) to use to stand up when getting out of bed. Much longer reply tonight, have to leave in a few minutes.

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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by CarolC »

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kandykane wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2019 8:16 pm Shoot sorry about your washer, I do 2 loads a day and no dryer that bit the dust
so put up clothes line, and when it rains all around the house hanging
I do like the way they smell fresh off the line
hope you got yours fixed

It's fixed and we're caught up here. Happy day! Didn't have a clothesline here either at first. The dryer worked, but I didn't want to put hosed off (without soap) potty pads in the clean dryer, I was hanging them on the fence, then like you said it would rain when they were nearly dry, so put up a clothesline in the porch. Good thing you have the dehumdifier if you are line drying indoors, bet it helps. :D So now you are hanging wet laundry with a backache? Are you carrying the basket of wet laundry out to the line and bending down to reach each item out of the basket? Is there anything you can do to not have to carry the weight or not have to bend to retrieve the items to hang up? Maybe put a folding chair out by the line to set the basket on? I know you have to go down steps.

Well, had nice couple days weather wise, got to do pool time and then

my back went out, 3 days crawling on the floor,
but Skipper crawled with me and laid and comforted me
did manage to mustard up strength to go out with Skipper a couple times
had to reset up his poop and pee area, so more wash and not hanging it to fast
hour later it's hung, but back walking slowly

I hope it is going to be OK. You are probably going to have to be careful for a while. I don't know if you messed up your back helping your sister or Skipper or it just happened. One time I was walking behind my dog (she was off leash, walking along sniffing things, we weren't going too fast) and I was hugging myself to stay warm and I sneezed and threw out my back and ended up on my knees in the parking lot with my dog walking away from me. Fortunately, there was someone else in the parking lot and I had to ask them to get my dog because I couldn't get up. I'll never forget it.

Yep, it is funny about the hair in the poop, felt guilty spying on him
But the links you posted that was what was and is scaring me,
I think now he is licking cause the hairs are growing back
and his breathe stinks almost like urine, don't like that

Maybe check if he has hair lodged in his teeth or up in his gums? That could be what you're smelling. I had that with one of my dogs. I'd never heard of it till the vet showed me before a dental.

Think I have to call the Vet, I hope it is nothing
cleaned his nose as I seen a snot and was white with a tinge of green
trying to research snot now, what I seen could be a bacterial infection
he was just on antibiotics don't really want to put him on more

I hope not...but with this wet weather who knows.

Skipper is still on his Diazepam and doggy aspirin well 81 mg. 3 times a day

Been doing his exercises and he seems to want me to lightly hit him all over his body mainly chest and upper back and neck area

Still no real good sign from doing the pinch test still the same there, he has licked his rear right paw a couple of times

Think I might look into the Gabapentin I shouldn't deprive my dog of something just cause I don't like it
as my Dr. used to say what works for you might not work for someone else
I think that's true.

Think he is doing better than I am through this whole thing, I'm worrying myself half to death, do I or don't I and he is still in doggy jail just not as stricked but not as confined
He does keep trying to stand and walk thought it looked like a couple steps this morning
don't know if my eyes are seeing things or
have to set doggy cam up in a different position I guess, even though feel guilty spying on him
I read this and read it again. It's exciting. It would be great if he is starting to do one or two steps. The nerves continue to heal a long time, months, years.

Hope all is good with you and I don't know if I said this
But Thank You for helping and listening to me

feels good to vent in a way nobody I know has ever experienced this and a first for me
but if I can ever help anyone in the future who is going through this I will
That would be fantastic if you could. There are always people and pets who would be so grateful for any help and support you could give. We are all here because we love pets and can relate to the kind of people who also love pets, who I think tend to be special people. This situation is new to almost all of us when it happens, for sure!
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by kandykane »

My back hasn't gone out this bad in a couple years
all I did was reach in and grab a gallon milk, I do got a walker, cane and wheelchair think the worst thing is when my back goes out that bad can't feel my right leg, Dr. says that my sciatica is pinched between 2 nerves when that happens, I use ice than heat,

that must have been a sight you in the parking lot, not laughing yea I am, been there luckily not with my dog though, glad someone was there to help

Did find a few hairs in his teeth, fun making Skipper stay still getting them out

This weather stinks hot and humid than rain than more humid, did get more pool time in though

was going to answer earlier but when it rains I unplug the internet, already lost a couple of modems and computers from power surges

called the vet seeing him Tuesday, but was thinking his allergies are acting up, giving him benadryl and seems a little better grass and weeds was high with pollen, now medium and haven't mowed as much as I need to to wet and my back was out

still about the same Skipper is tries to stand and walk just not yet, he has rolled over a few times and moving his tail and back legs more than he has been, I know we have a long road ahead of us

Hope you had a good 4th, the fireworks don't effect my dog, did find a stray this morning so he is here for now, posted signs out front and posted on line saying I found your dog, friendly little guy he is, his owner will see my sign and going to the gas station and a little bit to post a sign there
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by CarolC »

Hope the owner claimed the little dog! That's the trouble with fireworks, they scare pets and wildlife. It's lucky Skipper doesn't mind them.

Ha ha you need to stop drinking milk, that stuff'll kill you! Just kidding, the part about the leg going numb sounds pretty concerning, nothing too funny about that. Maybe buy 2 half gallons next time instead of a gallon? A gallon of water is 8 lbs, I assume milk is about the same. That's quite a bit when held out at arm's length. Leaning forward is how I dislocated a rib helping Merlin, which I told you about. It was leaning forward and overextending. We have a someone here who rides a scooter, and she has taken incredible care of her dogs. I guess love finds a way.

I am totally impressed that you are still getting him in the pool with your back acting up. That is fantastic. It it not a waste of time, it really does help. Every little bit helps. I just hope you can don't have any more twinges again.

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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by kandykane »

Yes, they got their dog back, I was at the gas station putting up the flyer and they were in there buying water to walk some more to try and find him
Never got so many hugs in my life and they had so many pictures of him, offered me the reward they had in mind of giving the person who found him, No I am not taking no reward, and their dog was so happy to see his family, just glad I could help

I usually don't buy gallons of milk, I buy the ones at dollar tree for a dollar shelf milk, it's just the same and I'm not a milk drinker, my sister is

Funny but scary yesterday
Had 2 flies in the house, Skipper is scared of flies and fly swatters, he is racing around trying to get away from the flies, I finally got him to settle down next to me, but shoot got to get the fly swatter and he don't like that now what, took a chance and brought both the zap fly swatter and other 1 in the room
Fly swatters didn't bother him, was almost on my lap, but managed to get both flies
But while he was trying to get away from them he did walk about 5 steps that I seen
But scared me thinking he is going to re injury himself or have a heart attack, his heart was a pounding a mile a minute, then had to lay with him for a couple hours and let him know all is good and of course a special treat

I adopted him when he was 5 years old and he would see a fly swatter and leave the room with his tail between his legs, so I am thinking that his old owners used to hit him with a fly swatter, so I have always been careful when I got to use 1 and I tell him he has to leave the room i got to use the fly swatter to kill a fly or bug and I walk with him out of the room shut the door than grab the fly swatter, I have only had to yell at him 1 time when I first got Skipper he chewed up a remote and I told him nope nope nope, he is the bestest, I tell everyone he is the brains of this outfit, he is a thinker he is big time
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by CarolC »

kandykane wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2019 4:27 pm Yes, they got their dog back, I was at the gas station putting up the flyer and they were in there buying water to walk some more to try and find him
Never got so many hugs in my life and they had so many pictures of him, offered me the reward they had in mind of giving the person who found him, No I am not taking no reward, and their dog was so happy to see his family, just glad I could help

That's great! :trophy: There are always a number of lost and found dogs on Craigslist after the Fourth of July. Thank goodness this one had a happy ending because you rescued her. Sometimes the dogs are scared and don't want to come. I put water and dry food out for a little 4-lb dog with a collar this morning but I think she went on up the street after the garbage truck came.

I usually don't buy gallons of milk, I buy the ones at dollar tree for a dollar shelf milk, it's just the same and I'm not a milk drinker, my sister is

Funny but scary yesterday
Had 2 flies in the house, Skipper is scared of flies and fly swatters, he is racing around trying to get away from the flies, I finally got him to settle down next to me, but shoot got to get the fly swatter and he don't like that now what, took a chance and brought both the zap fly swatter and other 1 in the room
Fly swatters didn't bother him, was almost on my lap, but managed to get both flies
But while he was trying to get away from them he did walk about 5 steps that I seen
But scared me thinking he is going to re injury himself or have a heart attack, his heart was a pounding a mile a minute, then had to lay with him for a couple hours and let him know all is good and of course a special treat

When my dog began to walk, she would do something absolutely wonderful and thrilling I had never seen before and I'd be "over the moon" with the rapture of it, then she would not do it again for like...6 months or something. So once everything came together to where she could do something new, for some reason it did not mean she was suddenly up to a level of doing it consistently, but that didn't mean it wasn't there. :D In this case, the flies got him walking. You might think logically, OK, now he will walk 5 steps every day, because now he can. It makes sense, but somehow it doesn't necessarily work that way. It isn't laziness or lack of motivation, I think it's something else. :) Maybe there's a difference between having the ability to do something and really locking it in. What's kind of cool is he's doing so much of this by his own motivation, isn't he. It's seeing the little improvements that really help keep you going.

I adopted him when he was 5 years old and he would see a fly swatter and leave the room with his tail between his legs, so I am thinking that his old owners used to hit him with a fly swatter, so I have always been careful when I got to use 1 and I tell him he has to leave the room i got to use the fly swatter to kill a fly or bug and I walk with him out of the room shut the door than grab the fly swatter, I have only had to yell at him 1 time when I first got Skipper he chewed up a remote and I told him nope nope nope, he is the bestest, I tell everyone he is the brains of this outfit, he is a thinker he is big time
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by critters »

kandykane wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2019 4:27 pm Yes, they got their dog back, I was at the gas station putting up the flyer and they were in there buying water to walk some more to try and find him
Never got so many hugs in my life and they had so many pictures of him, offered me the reward they had in mind of giving the person who found him, No I am not taking no reward, and their dog was so happy to see his family, just glad I could helpVERY nice!

I usually don't buy gallons of milk, I buy the ones at dollar tree for a dollar shelf milk, Yes, "box milk" is terrific, whether it's moo milk, soy, or whatever. SO convenient to not need a fridge until it's opened. it's just the same and I'm not a milk drinker, my sister is

Funny but scary yesterday
Had 2 flies in the house, Skipper is scared of flies and fly swatters, he is racing around trying to get away from the flies, I finally got him to settle down next to me, but shoot got to get the fly swatter and he don't like that now what, took a chance and brought both the zap fly swatter and other 1 in the room
Fly swatters didn't bother him, was almost on my lap, but managed to get both flies
But while he was trying to get away from them he did walk about 5 steps that I seen
But scared me thinking he is going to re injury himself or have a heart attack, his heart was a pounding a mile a minute, then had to lay with him for a couple hours and let him know all is good and of course a special treat

I adopted him when he was 5 years old and he would see a fly swatter and leave the room with his tail between his legs, so I am thinking that his old owners used to hit him with a fly swatter, so I have always been careful when I got to use 1 and I tell him he has to leave the room i got to use the fly swatter to kill a fly or bug and I walk with him out of the room shut the door than grab the fly swatter, I have only had to yell at him 1 time when I first got Skipper he chewed up a remote and I told him nope nope nope, he is the bestest, I tell everyone he is the brains of this outfit, he is a thinker he is big time
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by kandykane »

Well, thought I had posted this yesterday, guess not

Had to drain the pool, with the rain and dirt and leaves getting into it and not a good cover over it
Then got to thinking, when I went to the thrift store I had bought a tent Coleman 10x12
So put the pool in the tent, still enough room to dry off after getting out and a good high opening to get in and out and then dry off more outside of pool/tent on a blanket and get some sun and shade
also don't have to worry when I mow about getting to close and can weed eat around it take the top off and open windows while we are in there kinda neat

went out with my sister the other day just us time we needed that, left Skipper home for a few hours by himself, he was good, happy to see us when we got home

With Skipper and the fly it just felt good but scary that he was trying to walk, I know he has a long way to go and don't want to rush him at all he will walk when he is ready and if not that's ok too

Thought about looking into the wheel chair idea again think I mentioned that, just got brain drain right now, I thought that I see all these baby strollers at the thrift stores thought about making 1 out of one of them with a few adjustments, just can't afford a new wheel chair and thought it would help Skipper along to use his rear legs, maybe he is also scared to use them, would not push him with that either and thought give him a little more confidence

While shopping with my sister I bought my 2% shelf milk had her try it she likes it so we are going with shelf milk and while we were unloading she hands me 3 boxes of baby wipes, thought that would be better to wipe Skippers ding dong and butt and cut down on the wash, using wash clothes, this way just wipe Skipper and throw them away, like the idea

Skippers cough is a bit better seems like he manly does it after he tries to lick his ding dong
and it seems like he has kinda a inverted sneeze but not it sounds more like he might have a burger in his nose but nothing there and haven't seen any more green snot come out tried looking up his nose not easy to do

Also tried the pinch test again seems his left rear leg has more feeling, I pinch he barks at me the right side he just has a delayed show me his teeth, so I still know he has a long way to go

Hope the dog you seen found his/her way back home
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by critters »

The tent is a GREAT idea! :smart:
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by CarolC »

I agree the covered pool sounds like a great idea.

I saw 2 of the neighbor kids with the little dog. I don't know if she was theirs to begin with or they rescued her. I'll have to ask when I see the mom next time. If I'd known she belonged to that house, I would have gone and knocked and told somebody she was out. Anyway, I think she's OK. :)

It seems like most people use baby wipes on their dogs. I never have. I just pull 2 Kleenex out of the box and wipe, fold them, and wipe again. If needed I'll grab a couple more and repeat. The thickest kind right now is Puffs Ultra Soft, but most of the time I use Dollar Tree kleenex and they're fine. I've never used baby wipes. Mainly I don't like fragrances, and once you get the oily smelly moisturizer on your hands, then you have to make extra effort to scrub that off of you. If I can smell it on me, I know a dog can. Also I don't like chemicals, I don't care how much they want to advertise they are baby safe. You just don't want to flush Kleenex, it isn't designed to break down in your pipes the way TP is. I found that out the expensive way (from the plumber) early on. :roll:

I've never used washcloths, but they're a good idea. You can get a 9-pack for $3-something at Walmart and they're good quality. Funny how they market things. If you go to Walmart, they will have a 4-pack of white washcloths for $2-something in the bath department, then they will have the 9-pack of the exact same thing, same size, same quality, same exact appearance, no difference, being sold as dishcloths in the kitchen department for $3-something, way less per washcloth.

Times have changed. Here I go again, sorry... :lol: It used to be you would have a diaper pail next to the toilet. It would be partly full of water with something like Borax stirred in to keep the water fresh, and you could put your soiled baby diapers in there and leave them till you had enough to do a load. I guess that lost popularity when more people started using disposables, and more moms are working outside the home.

When I needed a diaper pail a few years ago for soiled doggy towels (to keep them till I had enough to do a load), I got a 5-gal paint bucket with a special lid (the lid doubles as a seat, I got it because it was easier to take off and put on the bucket than the normal lid). They still have those lids at Pep Boys. If you are just needing it for washcloths, the 3.5-gal size paint pail would probably do it (I've seen them sold individually, just can't find the link), and it takes the same lid.

It also used to be you could swish out your soiled item by dunking it in the toilet before putting it in the diaper pail. But that is harder now with the new water saver toilets. You no longer have 3.5 gals of water in the bowl, more like 1.6 or even 1.1. So now apparently (from what I've seen) today's moms who choose to use cloth diapers are installing a diaper sprayer which is a spray attachment or bidet sprayer to spray off the diaper. The sprayer is attached where the water supply to the toilet tank is. Looks expensive. But if all you are dunking and swishing is a washcloth, you should be able to do that even in a water saver toilet without needing a sprayer.

Today's new diaper pails (for cloth diapers) have a drawstring waterproof bag as the liner, you collect your rinsed out or sprayed off diapers in that, and you carry that to the laundry. There is no standing water in the pail and it would be a lot lighter. I will agree, it was never any fun when it was time to lift and dump a traditional diaper pail. Water is 8 lbs per gal and if mine was half full, that was 20 lbs of water to tip into the toilet before carrying the pail of wet diapers (towels in my case) to the laundry. But by golly they were presoaked and there was no odor because the 20 Mule Team Borax in the water kept everything fresh even if it was several days between washes. You never had to worry when you took off the lid to put another one in, it looked and smelled clean. They sell deodorizers to put in today's diaper pails that do not contain water.

Anyway, baby wipes will be easier if you and your dog like them. Kleenex works at this house. Washcloths are also good, and you don't have to wash them every day if you save them up in a diaper pail and do a special load every few days, and doing the load separately, you're able to add a splash of bleach. Dunno. If you already have the washcloths, then that investment is already made. The painter's bucket should be under $5 and the special lid which I am glad I got was about $5. A box of Borax is $4-something at the grocery store here. I guess the main inconvenience is line drying them. You're paying for convenience with the baby wipes, and when you're tired it's worth it!

Here is an example of a PVC cart and here is one that was homemade.

I don't think ANY of my dogs would let me look up their nose, either. Laughed out loud just imagining it! :hysterical: :haha:
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by CarolC »

P.S. Sorry for posting two in a row, but there is a medium Walkin' Wheels on eBay right now for $100 plus $33.78 shipping, or best offer, no returns. It's in Virginia, I guessed a zip code in Florida, you could put in the right one and get a closer estimate on shipping. It's pink, but that's a great price. It was owned by a 60 lb Basset Hound, so it would be long enough for Skipper's long body. I can't tell if it's got leg rings or a saddle. I'm looking at the picture but there's so much in the photo I can hardly tell what's what. ... Sw6XBdK5ql
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by critters »

Yeah, some butt wipes can be icky, but not all of them are. I use a fair number of them, and the current ones are by some company named Honest or something like it. I don't notice any stickiness with them. They were a review item, but I'd consider buying them.
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by critters »

Funny that WW is in Colonial Beach. I hadn't heard of any handicappers down that way.
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by kandykane »

I'm gonna have to change my schedule around a bit so I can reply and post I think
get settled down for the day then the storms come, lost power for an hour today

Why did I never think of e bay for a dog wheel chair I shop e bay alot
Thank You for mentioning it will have to measure Skipper

Never thought about Kleenex, dollar tree here I come, the baby wipes are working good though, my sister got the unscented ones, a little to moist for me so let 1 set out for a little bit, I do have a little bucket for Skippers wash clothes

Haha cloth diapers remember them well, my Brother couldn't wear disposables, had to put the rubber gloves on get the diaper to the toilet splash around and get as much as you could off and flush holding on to the diaper and do it again and yes then had the bucket there, didn't take long to make a load to wash though

Pool is working out great in the tent, we get in there in the morning and Skipper the last couple days will I think let me know it's pool time if I'm late, it's like nope not gonna pee it's pool time, got to tell him you know you got to pee first then pool, he heads right to the tent

No real improvement since my last post but I know it is going to take time, he is stretching his rear legs more on his own and rolled over on his back and bounced up and down on my bed, well he thinks it's his now

It is just nice to see these little things he is doing, was kinda thinking he was or is scared to use his rear legs, but I think dogs are smart and they know if they should or not do something at least Skipper is, he is a thinker

Great morning out it was I like to have my morning coffee outside and think, seen my deer again like watching them and looked where they like to play and eat, got to mow back there tomorrow grass is getting to high, grass is just growing to fast and the pollen count is high on the grass and ragweed
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