Cat won't use litterbox at night

For those seeking advice on caring for incontinent pets and animals with kidney-related problems.
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Cat won't use litterbox at night

Post by HellKitty »

I have a 20+ year old blind and deaf cat. Her sense of smell is excellent. For months now she is refusing to use her litter box only at night. I have left the lights on, this doesn't work. I have built her a large (2' x 3') litter pan which is only an inch or so high so she has no problems getting in or out. During the day, she is absolutely fine and has no accidents except for some incontinence when she lays down. But every morning I wake up to 3 or 4 messes on the floor. I have blocked off access to most of the house, and covered the wood floors with a sheet of linoleum. She makes the mess within a couple of feet of the box, usually directly in front of it. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance from a first time poster.
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Re: Cat won't use litterbox at night

Post by critters »

:whale: Have you tried a sniffy litter, like Fresh Step? Cat Attract litter?
Diana R.
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Re: Cat won't use litterbox at night

Post by Diana R. »

When I volunteered at a shelter with the Cat Behavioral Helpline a number of years ago, the first thing we were told to ask when a cat had litterbox problems, was have you ruled out any medical problems. You have obviously taken very good care of your cat and continue to try to help her but I would consider having a full blood panel done and a UA to rule out any kidney disease first of all. Also the fact that cat is blind may be due to hypertension. I had a cat who just passed last November who I adopted four years prior at the suspected age of 15 years. She started going blind shortly after I got her and it was due to high blood pressure which can cause detached retinas. It is necessary that they be on meds for this--Norvasc. Also has she been checked for hyperthyroidism---have you noticed any other behaviors like vocalization. Kitties at that age also can get kitty cognitive disorders, like circling, getting stuck in a corner, not using their litter boxes. Have you noticed other such behavior. Also do you have any concerns about her being in any pain like arthritis. If you have ruled out medical causes, the other questions I would ask is the location of the litter box---is she having problems making it to the box all the time because she is older. We were told that a litter box on each floor and one for each cat is helpful. Do you have other cats that may be blocking her access to the box. I don't know what your situation is but these are some of things I would consider. Good luck Diana
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Re: Cat won't use litterbox at night

Post by CarolC »

I'm not sure what the time of day would have to do with it unless it is related to her feeding schedule. For example you feed her before she goes to bed, then she drinks water with her meal, and after a while she has to potty. It seems strange that she is going 3 or 4 times a night, I would try to find out from the vet why so often, I'd think once or twice would be more usual.

Do you turn the a/c way down at night? Maybe she feels creakier when she's super cold? Does she have a heating pad to warm her?

My dear Betsy, who passed last month, went piddled in front of or near the box at all times of the day during the last several months of her life. She was also very senior and blind and hard of hearing. She also had a low box, which she did always use for number two. I just figured it was easier for her to go on papers every time she had to piddle so I put incontinent pads (like puppytraining pads) around the box and changed them as needed.

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