re occuring UTI in elderly dog

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re occuring UTI in elderly dog

Post by khill1222 »

Anybody have any advice about how to get rid of re occuring UTI in an old pup. She's had one off and on for months now. Seems like every time she finishes her antibiotics, it comes back a week later. This has happened for about 5 rounds of antibiotics since September. I put apple cider vinegar in her water, wipe her every time she pees and help her to empty her bladder frequently. I also give her a soft chew that has cranberry and pro biotics for the bladder in it. At a loss here. She is 14. She is sitting most of the time.
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Re: re occuring UTI in elderly dog

Post by CarolC »

It sounds like you need to have a culture done. It will cost more than the test your vet does in the office. At least at my vet's office, they have to send it off to a lab. You have to wait more than a week for the results, but the results will identify the specific microorganism that is causing the problem, and that will tell them which antibiotic they need to use to knock it out. If they have used the same antibiotic over and over, it sounds like it isn't working. Maybe she needs a longer course, do you know if they have given her the same thing for a longer duration? At this point, I think I would ask about getting a culture done.
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Re: re occuring UTI in elderly dog

Post by khill1222 »

They gave her clavamox the first couple times. When it re occured for the 3 rd time they gave her Baytril. She also sent us home with a couple of samples (little tubs) of probiotic powder. Hopefully it will boost her immune system....I guess if it re occurs I can ask about the culture. She did not seem concerned about the reoccuring infection and commented that it is common for elderly dogs to constantly have UTIs as it is also common for elderly people.
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