Starting to get diaper rash/sores

For those seeking advice on caring for incontinent pets and animals with kidney-related problems.
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by krisrath11 » ... l-capacity

That's the link to the pan we use for water. It's big but apparently makes my gang drink more.

See, people claim that the kitties that are incontinent don't live as long. I would say 16+ is quite awhile. I read a few places that then living past 3 to 5 years is a lot. I certainly hope mine live forever as they are my bratty little babies. (Catniss is especially bratty).

Do u find there is a brand of diapers that works better for your heavy wetters? I believe I am going to have to change brands for catniss because the ones I use she seems to still get pretty wet.
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by critters »

:thankyou: :shock: WOW! That's enormous!! Even mine couldn't drain or dump that one!!

Spinal cord injured critters MAY not live as long as others. My Buddy didn't; he developed a weird neurogenic spasm at the neck of his bladder, and even trying to get him a tube in his belly to pee through didn't work (because of the vets). Koi didn't live but a few years, but he died of cancer--unrelated to being shot in the spine. If they get good care, both vet and home, they can go for many years.

You may, indeed, find that different brands and sizes may work better. Also know that there are options for increasing absorbency of diapers, such as ... absorbency . I've never used any of them, but they're available and may help.
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by BendyMom »

I've been wrapped up in a bunch of stuff here for the past few days.

I use the dollar general diapers and they seem to hold quite a bit of pee.

It's my understanding that what kills most incontinent pets is urinary tract infections and kidney failure, which is why it's critical to keep a weather eye on their urine output. At this point I can smell an infection most times, and every time I see urine now my brain automatically processes "color, cloudy or not, smell" without my even thinking about it. Butterbean is now six as is Black Cherry. I hope to have them a long time. Certainly there have been times when I came clsoe to losing them, like when his liver crashed, but we managed to pull them back with some intensive care. So I think the big thing is to watch every little detail, know all the signs of something going amiss and catch it as soon as you suspect it. I can actually look at Bean and do a quick evaluation from his shape. His bladder makes a bulge on his right side if it is getting full, his colon makes a bulge on his left side (he is not put together correctly, whoever was on the assembly line that day didn't know how to assemble kittens well) and depending on teh size of the bulge I know if he is getting into slow gut problems. I can look at his back and tell if he is dehydrated by how much his spine is defined. If tehre is anything of a ridge, and esp if the fur is starting to stick up at all, i know he needs fluids. I've seen him go from just a ltitle dehyrated to massively dehydrated in a very short time, so I hop on it immediately. When his gut is slow, he will get dehydrated.

I hope he lives a good long kitty life, as well as Cherry. She isn't as complicated thankfully.


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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by critters »

BendyMom wrote:whoever was on the assembly line that day didn't know how to assemble kittens well)
:hysterical: Yeah, I know that feeling!!
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