Help!! Ava cant use front or back legs

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Help!! Ava cant use front or back legs

Post by AvasParents »

Our puppy Ava has a neurological disorder preventing her brain from telling her legs how to walk. For awhile our neurologist thought it was neospora. A rare condition from the parent that comes from cows. Now she's thinking it's something else neurological.
She is 6 months old. Just a puppy. We got her from the pound at 2 or 3 months. She's a Queensland healer mix, most likely a terrier as she's still pretty small. She's ran around like a typical puppy did until a week later, she just stopped walking. Front and back legs. .
The next day took her to vet and started on neospora meds as a precaution as if it's not treated fast enough the puppy will die. She was in intense pain and stopped eating for 4 days a few weeks into her disease After a ton of money and tests she's totally fine now. She's taking steroids to hopefully get the strength to walk again. But it's just not happening.
My question is what should we do. The vet sez if she cant walk then she'll get depressed and that's not a good life to live. I cant find anything online for full paralysis. Are there special wheelchairs? She scoots around on the floor so she can feel and move her legs, she just wont walk cuz her brain doesn't let her. We are getting worried
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Re: Help!! Ava cant use front or back legs

Post by BendyMom »

i knew a neuropsychologist who rehabilitated children with neurological problems. He told me that physical therapy was an absolute key in helping the brain rewire around the part that wasn't working. He said the younger the child the better the outcome. I would spend time several times a day with your pup supporting his body and moving his legs to make him walk. Water therapy can also be very helpful as it lets him move and the water helps support him. It sounds like he sort of knows how to walk but just needs extra help learning and building the muscle.


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Re: Help!! Ava cant use front or back legs

Post by critters »

:slant: Yes, there are 4-wheeled (quad) wheelchairs for full support. You might also consider joining a group for cerebellar hypoplasia critters. CH is what they call CP (cerebral palsy) in critters, and many or most of the cat groups accept puppers too. Some will say that CH MUST be congenital to be CH, but, frankly, I disagree. Brain damage is brain damage, and motor problems are motor problems! One good group is . I know a UK group, too, if you're interested. There are more cats there, but you should find it helpful.

I agree about hydrotherapy (swimming). I did that some with Baby, who was severely brain damaged. I had to use 2 life jackets on her so they'd fit, as she was a 5 pound permakitten. :mrgreen:
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Re: Help!! Ava cant use front or back legs

Post by PEsnes »

I recently wrote an article on B12 deficiency being at the heart of many neurological issues in pets - this forum actually just posted a link to the article but I will provide it in this post. One person who commented on my article has a dog diagnosed with Neosporosis. He actually wrote 2 comments on my article because he started supplementation and was able to reverse kidney damage done from the organism and all of the drugs used to treat. You may find the information helpful in treating your pup and discuss getting daily B12 shots with your vet. The commenter's pup was much further along in disease progression and he so far has noticed only minimal neurological improvements (only treating for a few weeks), but since your pup is still so young you may be able to make strides in getting Eva back walking if you start treatment as soon as possible. Blessing to you and your pup!!
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Re: Help!! Ava cant use front or back legs

Post by critters »

:whale: PEsnes
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