Question about spasms

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Bobos Mom

Question about spasms

Post by Bobos Mom »

Has anyone with a pet that has problems in thier backends also have problems with muscle spasms? My Bobo has spasms in her rectum. Sometimes it looks like her butt is caving in it draws up so tight. She is very grouchy at this time so I know she hurts. I told my vet about this but she has no idea how to help Bo. I have tried a vitamin with potassium and it seems to have eased the severity of the spasm but not stoped it. Bobo has also developed Megacolon because of her inability to have a bowel movement on her own, one problem lead to another. One good thing is that I have not had to give her an enima in a while the vitamins make her stools soft so that she has a constant flow, except when she is spasming. Bobo would be grateful for any advice because she realy doesn't like having her butt massaged in warm water even if it does help.
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Hmmm. I wonder if muscle relaxers would help, or if

Post by critters »

they'd cause too much constipation? *g* Warm butt baths seem to be the way to go, but most critters aren't fond of them. Would she sit on a heating pad? Could you use a hair dryer?
Alisa G
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Re: Question about spasms

Post by Alisa G »

My Trixie has very mild spasms in her hind paws which are paralysed (sp?). She also gets them very mildly in her genitals. They don't seem to bother her at all. I really don't know what can help that. Maybe you an consult with another vet?
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