Dogs: My Video on Expressing Urine and Fesces *LINK*

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Dogs: My Video on Expressing Urine and Fesces *LINK*

Post by kruzen55 »

Here is the promised video on how I express Molly. Molly is 35 lbs and I am 120 lbs so she's a little heavy for me but this technique for me makes it easy. You can do this on the toilet or in the yard. On the toilet I pick her up and express the urine and then I have a chair there and I sit down to do the anal gland.

Let me know what you think.
molly and buffy's mom

if the link doesn't work here is the address to copy and paste into your browser.

Re: Dogs: My Video on Expressing Urine and Fesces

Post by Michele »

Thank you for sharing that. I have been afraid to assist with the bowel movement. I may try this and see if it works. Do you think it will be okay for me to do this even though she does go once a day on her own? It would be nice to be able to have her do that when it is convienent...verses 3:00 am which happens every once in a while. Is it safe to do this daily, or just from time to time? Thank you so much.
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Re: Dogs: My Video on Expressing Urine and Fesces

Post by kruzen55 »

hi michele,

we do it almost every time we express her for urine. all we are doing is stimulating the anus so that it signals her to go. sometimes she poops 3-4 times a day. this way there are no accidents in the house. we bladder express her at 5:45a when we get up, 6:30a before we leave for work, 4:00p when we get home and then every 1.5-2.0hrs till 10:30p. usually each and every time we try for a poop too! you aren't sticking your finger in your are just massaging deeply.

it sure beats cleaning up a mess in the house.

good luck and let me know how it works for you. for me it's been a blessing.


Re: Dogs: My Video on Expressing Urine and Fesces

Post by terry »

Hi Susan.

I have looked at your video about 10 times, u make it look so easy but I can't quite figure out what you're doing. Do you just use your right arm to put pressure on Molly's bladder? Kind of a steady all over pressure? You are similar in weight to me and pugs is 37 lbs., I pick him up all the time. This looks like something I could do, but I don't want to try before I know what I'm doing. That was the mistake I made in the beginning, trying to express him by squeezing his stomach. It didn't work and he became very defensive, snapped at me whenever i tried, and that was 2 days post-op, when he was very docile. He has resisted ever since so I have always been unsuccessful, have tried periodically thru the months. If you can give me any tips I would be very grateful, you can even e-mail me Thanks again for the video, better than a thousand words. Terry
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Re: Dogs: My Video on Expressing Urine and Fesces

Post by connie »

great video, you do a good job. i am going to post one of how i get cricket to pee pee, but got to find someone to hold the camera. lol.
all my friends and family think i am nuts to go through this with him, no support all except my wonderful vet. but cricket and i decided we don't care what others think, we have each other for support. lol. every video you post of molly, she seems to be better. i am so happy for you.
too bad we don't live closer, cricket and molly could have walking dates. lol.
the water therapy seems to be helping my boy the most. right now i am working so many hours away from him, so he is not a happy camper. when i was leaving this morning, he grabbed my scrub pants leg and tried to tug me back to the sofa. god, such a guilt trip! lol.
take care and keep posting video's. you help so many by them. will let you know when i get cricket's online. give buffy and molly hugsssssss from cricket and his mom.

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expressing bladder , to terry

Post by connie »

did you try to empty pugs bladder the way i do cricket's? i know he is bigger dog, but it might work. i will get video posted as soon as i can get someone to record it while i hold him.
cricket wouldn't let me express him anymore, i guess i was too rough. but our way works and vet said it is doing the job. he has never had a infection since surgery.
good luck.

hugs, connie and cricket
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Re: Dogs: My Video on Expressing Urine and Fesces

Post by CarolC »

Hi Michele,

You can express your dog's bowel as often and she has any stool to pass. I use the pinch method. If you just pinch the skin around the outside of the anal opening, and not the anus itself, your fingers will stay clean. You could buy disposable gloves if you like.
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