Dogs: Well Stephanie, How's the New Addition?

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Dogs: Well Stephanie, How's the New Addition?

Post by kruzen55 »


Did you get your new Monty last night? How is your family dealing? Did it help some? Most importantly, what did Milly do?

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Re: Dogs: Well Stephanie, How's the New Addition?

Post by Stephanie »

We did get him. He really has helped us take our mind off of Tama. Monty is a real help for Missy too. She finally wagged her tail again. She came out of the bedroom, which is where she has been holing herself up, sniffed him and wagged her tail. I wanted to cry and hold Missy. She has been such a blessing to us. Both dogs slept in our bedroom all day yesterday, since we have air in there, they are not stupid:)) However, since Monty slept all day, this morning at 4:30, he decided that Missy wanted to play and started barking at her and running laps around the bedroom. Missy, however, did not feel like playing and decided to jump on our bed in order to escape this crazy puppy, which resulted in my husbands groin area being violated, hahahahaha. I laid on the bed last night and told Monty stories of Tama. Wouldn't this be a hoot, but I said if Monty does anything like Tama, I hope he howls. We used to "sing" with Tama all of the time. Didn't that little Monty start howling this morning?!?!?!?! In a puppy way, but the howl was there. Maybe Tama is there and teaching Monty how to be a loveable animal, just like Tama was. I miss that boy. I started crying again last night when I was telling Tama stories to Monty, but Monty decided that he wanted to bite my nose instead, which made me laugh. On our way home from picking Monty up, I was driving, my husband was holding him and I started crying over Tama again. I just could not help the blubbering, well that lasted a minute until Monty vomited ALL OVER Corey, hahaha. I laughed so hard. Corey was just amazed at how much food a small dog can hold in it's stomach. We just laughed and stopped along the highway to throw the vomit out the door, hahahaha. We will always miss Tama, always.

Thanks Susan, for asking. I appreciate your interest and friendship.

Stephanie Missy and Forever Tama
and introducing Monty, the crazy pup
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Re: Dogs: Well Stephanie, How's the New Addition?

Post by critters »

LOL That little boy seems to know how to turn things around already! Don't forget to post pics!!
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Re: Dogs: Well Stephanie, How's the New Addition?

Post by Stephanie »

Oh, I will!! Thanks!!
Carol T.
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Re: Dogs: Well Stephanie, How's the New Addition?

Post by Carol T. »

I just love your Monty story! Sometimes I think I relate too much! I cried when I read that you told Monty stories of Tama. I do things like that with my dogs and cats, too. (With my cats, I recount the events of the day I rescued them). I think they listen...and Monty decided he needed to practice his singing!! I laughed, too, when I pictured him biting your nose. My poor old Bogie, who can't do much playing, slaps at me with his front paws and "bites" my arm. Sometimes, when I think the game is over, I bend down to get a kiss, and he bites my nose!!
Bogie rescued me after my sweet Sparkle died a year ago. Now Monty will help you over your grief. I'm so thrilled that he is helping Missy too. I can't wait for a picture (you know how I am about pictures)!!
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Re: Dogs: Well Stephanie, How's the New Addition?

Post by Stephanie »

LOL!! Carol, I DO INDEED know how you are with pictures, hahahaha!!!! You'll be lurking outside my house with a camera if I don't get pictures posted soon:)))
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Re: Dogs: Well Stephanie, How's the New Addition?

Post by Christine »

I have always felt that my beloved Watson with help from the man upstairs sent Bailey to me knowing I needed her. I have no doubt that Monty is Tama's protege sent to take care of you and your family. It's kind of like a relay of love, don't you think? Still in our thoughts and prayers.


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Re: Dogs: Well Stephanie, How's the New Addition?

Post by Stephanie »

Absolutely, I agree!! Maybe Tama is somehow "channeling" through Monty and doing certain things to let us know that he is still here to protect us. I said if Monty howled like Tama, I would be thrilled. Sure enough, Monty felt the need to howl at 4:30 this morning to let us know that he is up and ready to play. Poor Missy, Monty was all over her and she was sooo tired, so she hopped up on bed and landed on my poor husband groin area...I laughed hysterically. So did he, once he could breathe again:))))) Bailey is so incredibly lucky to have you. I know I have been.

Stephanie Missy, forever Tama
Introducing Monty
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Re: Dogs: Well Stephanie, How's the New Addition?

Post by connie »

congrats on monty, tama is giving doggie grins from heaven at all the antics i bet.
i wish you all the best, enjoy those puppy slurps, they are the best!


connie and cricket
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Re: Dogs: Well Stephanie, How's the New Addition?

Post by Stephanie »


FURst of all, thank you for the message in response to the nasty message I got. I'm so glad Cricket survived that, it is horrible. Your right, all of the "what if's" will drive us nuts and I can't let someone negativity drive that nail into our hearts any deeper. We are in great sorrow right now and I would not have gotten through this so easily without all of you. I just pray she will never have to go through that. Accidents do happen, that is why they are called accidents.

Now, Monty is allot of fun. I swear Tama is "channeling" him. I said to my husband that if only Monty would sing (howl) when he got older, I would be happy. We used to sing with Tama everytime the church bells across the street went off. Didn't Monty start howling the other day:))) Puppy version, but it was still a howl. Missy is doing great, she has been running laps out in our yard to play with Monty and for a three legged dog, it is not an easy feat to stop dead, turn and bolt again, hahaha. She went to Tamas coop yesterday and looked in it, I still think she is waiting for him to come out. Monty sniffed it too. Monty knows that he has a Mentor in our home, although we can't see him, Tama is going to teach Monty the tricks. We will see Tama again. We will see him more and more in Monty too, I think. We do enjoy the puppy slurps until he decides to bark in your face and bite your ear or nose, hahahaha!!

Thanks Connie.

Stephanie Missy,Tama
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