Bailey needs help

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Bailey needs help

Post by Christine »

As you know, Bailey lost her sight again in February of this year after a bout of vestibular syndrome. In the past month, she has been exhibiting the weakness in her back end and the circling on a lesser scale. I have found a holistic vet 45 miles away and we have been there twice. The vet feels that these symptoms are caused by protozoa and has prescribed supplements, homeopathic drops and nutritional support since she is not eating properly.

Fortunately, she really likes Boost and I have been able to give her the supplements with that, but little else interests her.

Her liver enzymes went back down to 248 from 750, but I understand that is still very high. (Last year, they went from 900 to normal over several months.

I have noticed for the past couple of days that her hips are getting weaker. Her legs move when we try to get her up, but will not hold her. I was able to get her outside this morning, but just now there is no strength, even though she is trying.

I called the vet and she feels that the protozoa has finally done the final damage to her spine (it makes holes in the spine) and she feels it is time for me to make the decision. I can hardly see to finish this.

I totally understand that I cannot let her suffer and I have been dealing with all of these symptoms for over a can you be sure that you have done everything? She has been the BEST through all of this.

Due to the seperation anxiety that she came to us with, she has to be outside when we are not home. She can barely get inside her dog house out of the rain. I just today received a rain and snow tent to put over her fav orite pillow to make sure she stays dry...oh, please someone help.
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Re: Bailey needs help

Post by Christine »

I finally got her on her feet to take her out and she walked, ever so gingerly, but she walked. As much as I don't want to put her on prednisone again, I want to try it one more time.

I was reading about the antibiotic she just finished and the side effects are dizziness and loss of appetitie. I know I am grasping at straws, but that is what we do. I love her so much, I am being selfish right now. My poor husband is at a loss and won't say what he feels as he knows it has to be her decision and mine.
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Re: Bailey needs help

Post by Dianne »



I am so very sorry that you see a difference in Bailey in the last few days. I cannot speak to holistic vets or medication, but I can speak to "when is it time", since Lucky died on Monday. I chose to keep Lucky at home in his final days because of his fear of other people.

Perhaps the vet is wrong. Perhaps, not. I don't know. Only YOU will know when it is time.

I don't sense that Bailey is telling you that it is time. You can tell by the look in their eyes, or the weak sounds they make. You can tell when they stop eating, or enjoying life. Do NOT allow the vet to make a final decision about Bailey. ONLY YOU will be able to know that it is time. Vets try to make it easier on people...or they think you can't handle it. Make it clear to the vet exactly what your wishes are so that they provide as much support/pain meds as possible.

Perhaps someone with more experience with this type of illness will come along later with more helpful advice. Karen, CarolC, Critters, others. We need you here.

I'm very sorry that today is a bad day. (((hug))) Bad days come and go before the final days. Sending wishes for more good days, more time.

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Re: Bailey needs help

Post by Christine »

Thanks, Dianne..

I have calls in to all three vets to get one of them to call the pharmacy for the predinsone. The only one I could reach was the holistic office and they will call back after contacting the vet who is out of the office. I hope she agrees to it or one of the other two call back as I want to get it before they close at 6:00.

The fact that she is walking, however weak, she drank water and the information I turned up about the antibiotic gives me some hope.

I do know that God will let me know when and if I have to make that decision and I don't feel it is now. My prayer is for her healing and happiness or that she is taken gently in her sleep in her own good time.

By the way, the hug was gratefully accepted.

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Re: Bailey needs help

Post by critters »

Hmm. I would think dizziness would cause her to eat less, too; I know I wouldn't want to eat if I were dizzy. If you can't get to the vet before they close, they could call the pred into any human pharmacy, where you might pick it up later.

Good luck!!!!
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Re: Bailey needs help

Post by marci »


Remember there are good days and bad days. My husband and I had a dog that lived to be 16 and the last 2 years were rough. Everyone kept telling us it was time to put her down, but those people weren't with her 24/7. When that day finally did come, we both knew in our hearts it was time. So until then, just keep loving Bailey. And when the time comes, you'll know. I'll keep Bailey in my prayers...

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Re: Bailey needs help

Post by Christine »

Thanks, Marci..I am feeling so much better than a couple of hours ago - amazing what a little hope can do. The holistic vet just called in the pred for me - that, in itself is encouraging as she is the one who feels it is time.

Thanks for the prayers - we will take all we can get.

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Re: Bailey needs help

Post by Christine »

Thank you Critters. The pred was just called into our pharmacy and I am on the way to pick it up. Love,
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Re: Bailey needs help

Post by Cindidoxiemom »

Awwwww Christine...
I'm so sorry your heart is hurting, and that your Bailey is having a rough go.

I say give the pred. a try, be sure to give her some pepsid about 30 minutes before the prednisone. Give it a few days and see how she is doing.

The decision has to be between you and Bailey hon...but I sure will keep ya both in my prayers.
I am not a vet; please consult your vet before making any treatment decisions.

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Re: Bailey needs help

Post by Christine »

Dear Cindi,

It is thanks to you that I also bought Pepcid and am doing what you always advise. She is sleeping like a baby right now, but took both pills (30 minutes) apart with the peanut butter as though she understands.

Thanks for your good thoughts and advice.

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Re: Bailey needs help

Post by connie »

your both in my prayers, and i also send a big hug to you both.
miracles do happen, i pray you recieve one sweetie.
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Re: Bailey needs help

Post by tessa »

christine...i am so so sorry that you are going through this. i'm so glad you're trying the pred...because if you hadn't, it might nag at you later...i know it would me.
xena says there are good days and bad days. always. so it's not selfishness, as you say, to roll with the bad days for a bit to see if they're transitory or here to stay. really. there is only way to know for sure.

my thoughts are with you.
xena sends her love. she holds bailey very dear in her heart...all wrapped up with together with her new love of cream cheese.

hugs to you,
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Re: Bailey needs help

Post by Christine »

Dear Tessa,

Your words and Xena's were very comforting and all those good thoughts and prayers are very evident this morning. Bailey keeps me jumping between creamcheese, liverwurst and peanut butter. Right now, it is peanut butter...until it plops to the floor and I have to guess which of the other two she wants.

Gotta check Xena's blog and head off to work. Have a great day, or is that "gudday"?? :0)

Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
?/1999 - 10/25/08
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