recently partially paralysed cat - coping

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Re: recently partially paralysed cat - coping

Post by moo »

Well Simba is doing well. His sores on his feet aren't getting any worse ( nor are they getting any better but the vet says it is okay. They aren't bad at all) He still isn't walking, has tried a few times but doesn't seem to want to do it without his fourth leg. He gets his pin out of his broken leg tomorrow ( tuesday) Its been 4 weeks since the accident and he is surprising his vets. They seem to think that maybe he will try and walk after the pin is taken out because the end of it is up near the top of his tail, it is probably rubbing every time he moves his broken leg. So we will give it a go. If not I will try and find a vet that does acupuncture. I know there is one in another state but I need to find one in Queensland that is close to me ( i'm in Australia ) . He is still pooing and weeing on his own and he is rolling over and attacking me as well. He has also swished his tail a few times while lying down and getting a scratch on his tummy. So its all improving slowly and has given me a lot of hope.
I remember a couple of days after the accident and I was having trouble expressing his bladder and then he got his bladder infection, I remember thinking that I couldn't do it and maybe I should have out him down. I am so glad that I didn't listen to the vet in the first place and I am glad I didn't listen to myself. He is such a loveable cat, I don't know what I would have done without him.

Also anyone having trouble with animals getting in and out of their litter tray, I recommend getting the handicap litter tray. Carol C got me one and it has been a heaven sent. Not only is he using his litter tray but the pad out the front, he loves to use as a bed. It seems to be quite comfortable for his healing bones.

Thankyou to everyone and I will keep you updated.
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Re: recently partially paralysed cat - coping

Post by CarolC »

moo wrote: he is rolling over and attacking me as well. He has also swished his tail a few times while lying down and getting a scratch on his tummy. So its all improving slowly and has given me a lot of hope.
LOL! So he's attacking you, huh? That's great!! Yes, improvement can be slow, but every little bit is cause for celebration. Glad to hear the good news. :)
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Re: recently partially paralysed cat - coping

Post by moo »

Well the vets visit wasn't as great as I'd hoped but its all good. When they opened his leg up to get the pin out there was such a build up of fluid that it gushed out. But thats okay now. And when the vet held him in standing position he moved his broken leg a bit more. He's a bit sore cause he had 4 stitches and a bit of digging around to get the pin out but he's okay.
The other thing that is a bit of a worry is the foot on his broken leg is floppy. The unbroken leg has good pressure if you press against it but the broken one is just easily pushed up and moved. There is no deep pain in the foot.He can move the leg gently. But the vet said to give it a little bit because the pin was likely to have been putting pressure on his sciatic nerve.
I have found a acupuncturist not far from home so I might give that a go if it is not expensive. I will try to afford it either way. He is still on the homeopathy and will be for a fwe months yet.

Will keep you up to date
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Re: recently partially paralysed cat - coping

Post by moo »

Well it has been a week since Simba got the pin out and he is doing much better. He can take a few wobble steps before his legs collapse under him. Thats just from severe muscle wasting. The vet said that it wil SLOWLY come back with regular home physio - just moving his legs for him. The foot on the broken leg is better. While it is still a bit floppy he can feel me if I squeeze it right up until just before his toes. When he tries to walk he kinda uses his knuckle, the foot just bends under but he copes. And when he sits down, his tail tip curls up like it did before the accident. And he has even " wagged" it at me a few times. He is trying so hard and I am so proud of him. And he has kept his spirit up the whole time.
He even feels comfortable at the vets - he falls asleep on the table or climbs onto the vet for a cuddle. ( hates going to the vet but once we are there he's right)

The vets quite happy with his slow improvement and unless the sores on his legs get infected, then we don't go back for a month!!!! All this and its only been 6 weeks since the accident!!! I can't believe they only gave him a 10% chance of walking and look what he's doing. I know they have to give you the worse case scenario but I thought he was doomed.

He loves playing wiht his toys. He has a fluffy alligator ( it was my sons till he got hold of it ) and he throws it in the air and chases after it or chews and attacks it with his front and one back leg. And he is a right little pig. He eats so much now. Luckily he gets a bit of exercise chasing my son around the yard or he'd be a porker!!!

Well I will continue to keep you all updated, thanks for the ears.
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Re: recently partially paralysed cat - coping

Post by CarolC »

moo wrote:When he tries to walk he kinda uses his knuckle, the foot just bends under but he copes.
Hi Moo,

That is wonderful about how well Simba is doing. Wow! Wish I could see him, Burmese are so beautiful.

If he keeps knuckling his foot, you could always consider a splint.


Congratulations on the progress! :)
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Re: recently partially paralysed cat - coping

Post by critters »

Kitties are TOUGHcritters!!! I bet he'll be improving for some time to come yet; Buddy's still getting better after almost 6 months.

Congrats!!! :D
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Re: recently partially paralysed cat - coping

Post by moo »

Thanks guys for all the congrats but it gets better!!!! Something new just happens every day now!!!!! My son was in his push car with his dad pushing him and the cat thought that they were chasing him so he got up and started a kind of pathetic RUN on 3 legs!!!!!!! Lasted probably a couple of metres, fell down and then got back up and did the same again!!! Hows that?!!!! He can't do it for long and it probably hurts a bit afterwards but he tries.

I am just so happy that he has a real possibility of walking again. I really thought that he would never do it. I was resigned to that fact once the vet told me it was likely not to happen. I guess I just took his word for it.

So keep fingers crossed - its only been 6 weeks since the accident so I am keeping mine crossed!!!

I will try and sneek up on him to take a photo - as soon as he sees the camera he bolts - and then post it for you all so you can see how beautiful he is. ( well looks pretty ugly at the moment with half his back, one leg, bit of his tail and bum shaved plus a couple of sores on his legs but you'll get the jist)
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Re: recently partially paralysed cat - coping

Post by dachshundmom »


I know you posted your first message back in August and your cat is doing much better now, but I thought I would write and encourage you to try acupuncture to help with the rest of his healing. I have a dachshund who has intervertebral disc disease and does not use her back legs. I'm quite amazed that a vet told you to put your cat down even though he could still feel/move his legs. I know dog and cat anatomy are different, but my vet told me that since my dog can still feel her feet and even move them sometimes that I should absolutely not put her to sleep. She injured her back about a week ago and we started acupuncture treatments right away. She is already able to support her weight on her back legs for several minutes, though she can't quite walk yet. I believe that it has accelerated the healing process considerably. Good luck with your cat, I hope to have a success story to share soon as well!
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Re: recently partially paralysed cat - coping

Post by Cindidoxiemom »

Even if they can feel NOTHING and can move nothing in their rear legs, they still shouldn't be put to sleep. Paralyzed dogs and cats can live a very healthy and happy life.

I am not a vet; please consult your vet before making any treatment decisions.

Hunter IVDD Surgery x 2~Walking
Oscar IVDD Surgery x 1~ Paralyzed
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Re: recently partially paralysed cat - coping

Post by moo »

dachshundmom wrote:
I'm quite amazed that a vet told you to put your cat down even though he could still feel/move his legs.
I should clarify that at the time he told me to put him down it was when he couldn't move and they thought because of the damaged vertebrae he was paralysed from the waist down. The vet thought that I wouldn't be able to cop having to look after a baby and a paralysed cat - but they are ( were) both similar in the fact that I had to clean them and help them with the toilet so it was basically another child. No big deal. I coped - it wasn't long before he could go to the toilet on his own anyway. And now he just takes care of himself really. But thanks for the encouragement, once I can afford it I am definately taking him to a acupuncturist. Considering I think that it was the homeopathy that helped the most - I believe the acupuncture will work to a certain extent. So does the acupuncturist!!
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Re: recently partially paralysed cat - coping

Post by moo »

Well Simba is still going well. He is still as crazy as ever. He has been trying to walk flat footed on his broken leg but as I have said before, he has severe muscle wasting so it won't be great. He is still climbing trees and attacking me at every chance he can get.
The sores on both legs are doing well. The leg that wasn't broken has nearly healed ( all the sores from dragging) he just has to grow his fur back. And the broken leg has only one sore about 2cm wide ( nearly an inch ) that isn't getting any better but not any worse. He breaks the scab off it every time he goes outside. I tried covering it but when I take it off its a bit gluggy or moist. And I can't just put anything on it cause he drags it and it just pulls off.The hair on his broken leg and bum is finally starting to grow back so he doesn't look as pathetic.
All in all he is doing so well. We go back to the vet at the end of the month for a checkup.He hasn't had any UTI since the first one, which I am surprised at. I would have thought that dragging himself around would make him a lot more susceptible to it. But nope, nothing.

Anyway he has started to whinge for his food so I better go.
Thanks everyone!!

ps I have added a oldish photo of Simba. I couldn't get a new one cause he bolts everytime he sees the camera. But you get the idea. I will still try and get one though
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Re: recently partially paralysed cat - coping

Post by CarolC »

Hi Moo,

I am glad to hear Simba is continuing to improve and his scrapes are healing. Been thinking about him. I don't see the photo, is it just me? I'd love to see one. He's a Burmese, right?
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Re: recently partially paralysed cat - coping

Post by moo »

Sorry guys, I am having trouble loading a picture. It keeps coming up that its too big. i will keep trying cause I actually snuck up on him while he was having a sleep and I was able to get a photo of him asleep on our theatre couches. he looks uncomfortable but he doesn't move so it must be alright!!
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Re: recently partially paralysed cat - coping

Post by moo »

Sorry guys I am having a bit of trouble trying to get this photo on. My Dad has suggested "shrinking" it so when my fiancee gets home I will try and get him to do it for you.

Simba is doing well. He is trying to walk more and more every day. And that little bit every say is slowly helping his muscles. Obviously he has got next to no muscle in his broken leg and probably nearly nothing along his lower spine but he is trying so hard. He is even trying to stand up on the tiles which must be very hard because he can't feel his foot. But as I said he has a go and just slips over onto his bum. I was worried about a sore I thought was coming up on his hip area because of the dragging but it never eventuated. It just rubbed away most of the fur and left a little scab which cleared up! Because he spends most of the day outside, I think he may be trying to walk more than I know.
But he can now get up onto our bed - which is pretty high- and he can get up onto our couches. He still uses the litter box and pad thing ( he uses that as a bed!) that carol C sent me ( for which I will be eternally grateful ) But he seems to be trying a new weeing position. He sits on his bum and lifts the broken leg up and out of the way and wees like that. It sounds like he would wee on himself but he doesn't!!
I feel sorry for him because if he gets an itch in his ear or head he can't scratch it!! Because he can't stabilise himself enough to lift the "good" leg off the ground and the broken leg he has no feeling in the foot, he just can't scratch. So he usually "walks" over to me with his little ear in that funny flattened position and meows for a scratch.
He is even trying to Pounce after grasshoppers! He isn't trying to catch them and eat them, he is just chasing after them. I don't think he has killed one yet. And he is even trying to pathetically chase after birds. Luckily he can't realy get to them. The birds seem to know him and that he can't get them.

anyway will kepp you updated and hopefully i will get my splint for his leg soon. Never know, next time I post he may be up and walking on both legs!!
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