New Blind Puppy

Blind and deaf pets can live happy, healthy, quality lives. In fact, sometimes it's hard to tell them from sighted pets. They do, though, have their own special needs.
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New Blind Puppy

Post by Mysticblue »

I recently got a blind german shepard puppy. I do have experiance with this so, I didn't do this on a whelm. When I picked him up he had no water in his kennel and the food was moldy. Poor little guy was so bad off you could feel every bone in his body. He's doing great now and is getting around really good. After only a few days of having him he has picked up on wait and watch. He is learning very quickly, which it usually tyipcal of a blind or deaf dog. But, I am so blessed to have him. I haven'y had a dog in quite a while. Actually, since I lost my deaf great dane, Zues, about 7 years ago. But, when I met Chota I knew I'd found my new buddy. He goes everywhere with me.
Last edited by Mysticblue on Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Blind Puppy

Post by critters »

:slant: You might want to read the sticky posts at the top of this forum, in case you have any questions!
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Re: New Blind Puppy

Post by Mysticblue »

I have read it. Very informative. :) I really like this site so far.
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Re: New Blind Puppy

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

Welcome to you and your oh-so-lucky baby boy!

Blindness is preferable to deafness in my opinion. You have exp. so you know what I am talking about. The sound of the human voice. The delighted silliness that follows.

I have one 'only' blind and two deaf and blinds, and my only blind tested HIGH for agility after acing the puppy school at petsmart.

I cannot tell you how moved I am always by our pups' abilities, and lack of complaints. The group called has a lot of good info as well, and while I ALWAYS cautin to baby gate stairs and scent things like the water bowls, all my 3 blinds (2 deafs as well) negotiate beyond human capabilities.

Your new baby will inspire you, and as you have read the stickies, you will TEACH OTHERS the capabilities of the blindpup!


WELCOME ! If there are any individual issues I might help you with, PLEASE POST 'EM and we would LOVE to see a pic!
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Re: New Blind Puppy

Post by Shboom »

This is a really great story and should serve as an inspiration to all who have a blind pet or considering adopting one.

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Re: New Blind Puppy

Post by SandyNY »

So, how exactly does a blind puppy "Watch"? LOL! I HAD to pick on you! That is great; he is very smart. You have experiance with this , so it will be nice to have you on the boards to share the pup's experiances and your insights!! It sounds like fate that you found him and sensed that he was worth the effort where it seems someone else didn't.Are you also experianced with gsd? I am not really- just had one. and i boggled that a bit because we had to learn as we went. mine was bought from the breeder as a baby and tied to the end of the driveway to be a "guard dog" Then the family moved on and left him behind - not even a moldy piece of food or water or anything.he was about 2 years old then. GSDs are extremely interesting to live with and i don't know as you can live with a normal dog after the experiance...there used to be a good gsd board online which has since vanished but there were lots of adult gsd's on there that had a fettish for shoes... just one of those things to be on the lookout for!LOL!
People who never talked to me would come over to my house when they saw him because they had a gsd as a kid... it was kind of odd. but now my gsd is deceased and every time i am driving and i see a gsd i want to stop and visit it. now i understand those nutty people! Maybe yours will be able to help others understand the value of a blind dog as he grows - he has such potential!!! 8) isn't it exciting?!?! 8)
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Re: New Blind Puppy

Post by mikeherrin »

I currently have a blind purebred black labrador. It is terribly sad to see him run into things but despite being blind he is one of the most happy dogs i have ever seen. I can't keep him because we have a newborn baby and it is just too much. He is such a sweet and gentle natured dog and i know he would make a great comanion to someone. I know there is someone out there for him and i just need help finding that person. I have a post in the forum.

Please contact me if you have any interest.

Thank you!
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Re: New Blind Puppy

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

For some reason I am seeing a number of purebred labs being born blind. What is the exact diagnosis, as this may be a genetic thing, which needs to be studied by the breed clubs.

You will find that every puppy is born blind and the ones who stay that way can exceed and excel. Please read the BLINDDOG stickie in this forum and see that a born blind will PRANCE and BONK and map that thing they just ran in to. They can be as extraordinary as you could never imagine.

Please give this guy a chance, and sit back and be dazzled. A blinddog might be preferable, if you take simple precautions with the baby, as they are not as exuberant, and they develop their other senses in a manner the sighted dog does not.

WELCOME and please read the sticky. There are also groups which specialize in rescuing blind dogs. Namely,, LindaGlassMemorialBlindPupGroup, a yahoo group, and
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Re: New Blind Puppy

Post by puppymakes8 »

I am so glad you got a furbaby to love and care for. We got our little blind Chihuahua about 3 weeks ago. And I want to share Samson's story with you, please visit his blog at I hope you enjoy reading about it, and since you have experience with blind dogs, any comments, suggestions and or advise would be greatly appreciated.
Right now, I am struggling with a HUGE issue. An uncaring vet and Samson's balancing problem. He has gotten better, much better. But Samson has a balance problem. The Vet who assisted him when he was first born told the breeder he is a healthy puppy and that he will learn balance as he grows older; and I have seen that! But i just went to a new Vet yesterday who without even watching Samson walk told me he thinks Samson has water in his brain. He just made this prediction because I told him that sometimes Samson struggles with his balance.
Do you know if it's normal for a blind puppy to struggle with his balance when he is just a baby???
Thank you for any info you can give me.
I just found this website and it's big, so I have not even started to read all it's info.
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