My Precious Girl

For help and support with the passing of a pet. Sometimes we feel very alone. We're not alone.
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My Precious Girl

Post by Christine »

Yesterday, when I came home from doing a craft show, I went to Bailey's tent and called to her. She was lying on her side with her clear eyes in a fixed stare. My baby girl had crossed the bridge, I am guessing about an hour before I got home.

I sat with her and petted every inch of her and told her how much I loved her, would miss her; what a wonderful friend and companion she had been and how brave she has been this past four years during the multitude of issues she has had.

This past week, her teeth had been chattering a lot. Her ability to walk without vering the left and stumbling seemed to have increased. I had bought a support suit for her a month or so ago, but never did use it as planned because it still involved more fitting on her than I wanted to put her through so we stuck with the harnass. I discovered during that month, that I could actually carry her more like a baby than just lifting her by the handle and the front and I treasure those moments and wish I had realized it sooner.

My prayer since this all began was that when it was her time, that she go peacefully and I believe that is the case. I have cried so much and so hard that I no longer look like myself. I am going to miss this precious girl who taught me so much about unconditional love and the care of a handicapped pet...and led me to this wonderful place with some of the most caring people I have every met.

We just took her to the vet for cremation and I said one last goodby. I will always miss you, my sweet Bailey expanded my heart and my life.
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
?/1999 - 10/25/08
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Re: My Precious Girl

Post by critters »

Aw, Christine, I'm sorry!!! You did SUCH a nice job of adapting Bailey's world to her needs that I'm sure she was able to enjoy things much further than she would've otherwise.
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Re: My Precious Girl

Post by Dianne »

Oh Christine, I can't believe it either. I am so very, very sorry. You made her as comfortable as possible during her time with you. She was so very blessed to have YOU. ... so very sorry for your great loss. :cry: :candle:
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Re: My Precious Girl

Post by TenHouseCats »

oh, christine, i'm so sorry.

i know we don't know one another, but i've read a number of your posts and know of you through critters, and i've ALWAYS been struck by the wisdom and gentleness in bailey's eyes. that serenity that came through the monitor came from you, and the safety she felt being with she.

she knew that wouldn't hurt her, and that did and would do all that you could be make her life as good as it possibly could be. she knew that she would never have to worry about a roof over her head, or enough food or water, or the vet care she needed, or about being wanted and loved. think of how many humans cannot say that anymore, and know what a huge difference you have made.

no words exist to take away today's pain, but the gifts she gave you, the joy and the laughter and lessons you can share with others, will be with your forever. she will be, too, and she will be with everyone with whom you share the story of her life--now and forever.

GLOW to guide bailey across the bridge, and the heal the hearts of all those who love her.

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Re: My Precious Girl

Post by Caroline »

I am so sad for you Christine.
You are such a sweet lady and so was your dog.
I never even ask what kind of dog Bailey was. I thought she looked alot like an Irish Wolfhound. But I could be way off on that.I hope you keep her picture online for a long time.
She was one of a kind in my book.
You will be in my thoughts for some time take care of yourself.
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Re: My Precious Girl

Post by puremutt »

So sad I am sorry I KNOW how you feel< I am still in my mourning stage, I feel we were ( are connected tru our dogs).
It's HARD HARD HARD < I wish I could tell you otherwise :cry:
I kept his cookies on my countertop, the bed and toys are still in the same place; to me it feels like he's still here.
I printed out my favorite pictures of him, and made an album.
A couple I enlarged and are everywhere in the house.
I have no pet anymore but I still come here.
Please if you need to talk, you can also pm me , we are in the same situation.
mickey 1994- sept 26 ,2008

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Re: My Precious Girl

Post by Friend2Dogs »

I am so sorry. I do not know what else to say other than Mason is at the Bridge and he has a new friend. I am sorry.
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Re: My Precious Girl

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

OH, Christine! NO! Oh, Bailey, oh, noooo!

Christine, I am so very sorry. There are no words to give you comfort. Your baby girl was a part of my own family. TEARS and more TEARS! I am so very sorry.
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Re: My Precious Girl

Post by CarolC »

Christine, I don't know what I can say that would make you feel any better. I am glad she passed peacefully, and at home in her familiar place. She lived her full, long life, and you did so much to adjust to her particular needs. I loved the thread about Bailey's tent and now you fixed up the room and put pillows around her at night. You were so gentle with her, and some of that must have taken patience at times. She was such a fortunate dog. You have given a good memory to all of us who read your messages about her. I am sorry she is gone.
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Re: My Precious Girl

Post by LisainCAN »


There is no word strong enough to describe how badly I feel for your loss.

We are all thinking of you at this time.

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Re: My Precious Girl

Post by kristenv »

Oh Christine.....I have read so many of your posts encouraging others and know what a kind hearted person you are, How difficult losing Bailey must be!!
I hope that you are able to find comfort in all that you shared with Bailey, she could not have had a better mom, and perhaps that is why she wanted to go when you were not home, a final gift to you. I am certain that she is with so many of our little angels, feeling good, running and playing in the sunshine and longing for the day when she will see you again.
I think about that alot since losing Rory in a similar way. The hardest part is that you always think that there will be more time....
Please know that you are in my prayers.
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Re: My Precious Girl

Post by Christine »

I can't thank you enough for your loving thoughts and prayers. It makes me feel good to know that Bailey touched so many lives.

My best friend and her husband are here from Florida (no accident, I know). Emily and I went out for a while today. We stopped at St. Paul's Thrift store and I was drawn to a basket of tiny ceramic angels. I reached in and pulled one out and my heart just stopped...on the front of its dress was BAILEY. It was as though she was saying..."I'm okaye, mom."

Everywhere I look, I see something that reminds me of her...and I see her. It makes me feel comforted and it hurts, all at the same time.

That precious baby went through so much in her life, I can only be happy that, at last, she is free, healthy, strong and happy but I miss her so much!
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
?/1999 - 10/25/08
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Re: My Precious Girl

Post by puremutt »

Oh my gosh that is a SIGN, she ' s with you!
mickey 1994- sept 26 ,2008

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Re: My Precious Girl

Post by BethWeeble's:o~mom »

Oh God Christine! My computer has been acting up & so I haven't been able to get here till tonite.
My heart hurts for you. Bailey & you were soooo very lucky to have found each other.You are so does give comfort to know that she is whole & healthy again.
She is watching over you & her soul will always be close. :angel: She taught not only you but all of us here.
Much love & hugs,
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Re: My Precious Girl

Post by Christine »

I wanted to share a beautiful prayer a friend just sent me. It really has given me some comfort.

A Parting Prayer

Dear Lord, please open your gates
and call St. Francis
to come escort this beloved companion
across the Rainbow Bridge.

Assign her to a place of honor,
for she has been a faithful servant
and has always done her best to please me.

Bless the hands that send her to you,
for they are doing so in love and compassion,
freeing her from pain and suffering.

Grant me the strength not to dwell on my loss.
Help me remember the details of her life
with the love she has shown me.
And grant me the courage to honor her
by sharing those memories with others.

Let her remember me as well
and let her know that I will always love her.
And when it's my time to pass over into your paradise,
please allow her to accompany those
who will bring me home.

Thank you, Lord,
for the gift of her companionship
and for the time we've had together.

And thank you, Lord,
for granting me the strength
to give her to you now.


- © Brandy Duckworth, 1998
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
?/1999 - 10/25/08
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