Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis-FCE - how to prepare

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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by CarolC »

Bethanechol can help the bladder contract.
Pill Book Guide to Medication for Your Dog and Cat wrote:Bethanechol should only be used when the urethra is open, as when a catheter is in place, or with urethral relaxants because bethanechol can cause contraction of urethral smooth muscle as well. Theoretically, the bladder could rupture if bethanechol is given when the urethra is blocked, or in spasm
I have seen where they use Valium or Inderol to relax the urethra in conjuction with bethanecol (urecholine).

Here are messages discussing phenoxybenzamine, which relaxes the sphincter and can help the dog voluntarily empty the bladder. Quite a few dogs here have used it. If I remember correctly, it takes about a week to be really effective. ... hp?t=10849
Schnauzerlove wrote:the emergency vet where he stayed for 5 nights were telling me he was urinating on his own, but failed to mention....once every 24 hours!!!! I'm frustrated to say the least.
I don't blame you. All vets, or the vet tech staff they rely on, are not equally knowledgeable about paralysis. It sounds like between the antibiotics and the trick your husband learned with him, your worries are going to be over as far as his bladder. That's very 8)
Schnauzerlove wrote:We are keeping him in his crate and only out for potty time and a little Physical Therapy. He is getting stronger, can sit up from laying down and with encouragement can go into a stand from a sit and hold his stand for a good period of time. Everyday a little longer. His front left paw is the biggest hurdle, as it just does not know what to do anymore and with the back left not much better, it's definitely a balance challenge for the little man.
It sounds good, recovery is by many small improvements that add up, and you are seeing them. I think you're going to be so glad you gave it time.

This is a silly question, but I'm just curious, what color is he and how much does he weigh? I was trying to picture him as a marionette. :lol:
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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by ginadave »

My jack russell eddie suffered an FCE one month ago. I can understand and relate very much to your pain, confusion and heart break. Eddie has lost feeling in his both back legs, but one week ago, his tail wagged!!! A site we could not believe. We thought we were seeing things. We also started acupunture and that has helped tremendously. His right leg is strong, his left is still very weak, but we see such a change in him. We ordered him a doggie cart made of pvc so it was very reasonable. That is a Godsend!!! He is amazing on his wheels. He runs after the cats, jumps off the step on the deck and takes long walks with us in the park. It has given him back his freedom and dignity. He still is not in control of his bladder and we express him every few hours during the day. I have hope for the first time that he will be back. Maybe not 100%, but he will be back. Hang in there. The first two-three weeks are the hardest. You have to realize...THEY are ok...WE arent. They dont feel bad for themselves...we feel bad for them. The website for the wheels is . They are wonderful people in Texas and she helped me so much. The best advice I can give you is to relax...get into a routine...and love him. If they see you ok, they will be ok. Keep their routine the same. Eddie always came with me in the car.. .so instead of perching on my console, he lays on the seat next to me...but he is with me and he knows that. When we have to leave him alone, we make sure he is in a safe place and we dont leave him for too long, but at first we wouldnt even leave him. I will help you in any way I can...good luck. Gina
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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by kristenv »

I am so glad that your baby is home, and can relate to the Twilight zone feeling of what this next phase of care brings.
I word of caution from my experience. After Samy's first surgery I was told he was urinating (36hrs post-op when they discharged him). The vet tech said that if I needed to express him I could just push on his bladder, but I should not need to do so. Long and short was that while he had a small amount of urine come out when he pottied he was having a large amount of unrinary retention. He would do a urine "dumping" thing where his little bladder would just empy spontaneously and I could see he was having pain at those times (about 1x 24hrs). As he was spending the day at the local vet where I thought they were expressing him that actually was not happening as his bladder is difficult to express positionally they did not think it was "full".
I ended up with one sick little boy but fortunately we got him on the antibiotics and phenoxybenzamine and within days he was urinating.
After his second surgery they started him on bethanacol which did not work well for him. We switched back to the phenoxybenzamine and again a good result.

Take Care!!
Last edited by kristenv on Sun Oct 19, 2008 6:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Kristen, Samy, and Dottie
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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by CarolC »

CarolC wrote:I don't blame you. All vets, or the vet tech staff they rely on, are not equally knowledgeable about paralysis. It sounds like between the antibiotics and the trick your husband learned with him, your worries are going to be over as far as his bladder.
Kristen is right. I should not assume that just because he flooded the fence he was emptying completely. :mybad:
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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by Caroline »

I just wanted to know how your doggie is doing?
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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by Schnauzerlove »

Wanted to update you guys on how Dasani is doing. Today is 19 days from the suspect FCE. Dasani is doing so great! We finally mastered the urinating thing and he is now going on his own, and is walking without the rear harness, just a regular front harness since Monday afternoon :D

This past Monday and Wednesday at Physical Therapy he used the underwater treadmill and balance board. He is using his front and rear right legs and rear left is working a bit too. The front left he was just holding up or it was dangling, but in the last couple of days he is extending it to the ground and will occassionally walk on it. You can tell the rear left is weak, but it's working a bit. I can't tell you how excited I am that he has improved so much. I can tell that as the day goes on and he gets tired that his limbs don't work as well. I have put carpet pieces down all over the kitchen and family room so he has free roam again. This has seemed to help his confidence with being able to go to his familar areas of the house. If I leave him alone I crate him and he isn't too happy but I know that he is safest that way.

We have Physical Therapy two times this week and scheduled for two more the next. Not sure how much more we will do after that, just depends on how he is doing. I can't tell you how much coming here and hearing from all of you has given me hope for the little guy and his continued improvement. I'm attaching a pic of Dasani....hope it works!
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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by Caroline »

What a cutie pie!!! I am so happy for you and your's.
Thanks for the update it may be alot of work right now but it sure seems to be paying off.
Hang in there!
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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by Schnauzerlove »

Just wanted to update on Dasani. It's been 3 weeks and 3 days since the suspect FCE. We had physical therapy two times this week and he has been doing lots of leash/harness walking at home and he is wiped out. We have decided (along with the therapist) to let him have a rest next week from the physical therapy appointments and work with him doing the excercises at home and the following week we will be decreasing to one time a week as the therapist said he is doing so well he doesn't need to come but once a week.

We have a new issue that started last night. I knew it was only a matter of time that his front left paw would start to show wear and tear due to him dragging it part of the time he walks. I've been checking daily for any scrapes, etc. Last night after our walk around the cul-de-sac I noticed blood on the floor after we came in and his paw was bleeding. I couldn't tell if it was a pad issue or nail issue. I cleaned him up and put neosporin on it and wrapped it and we went to bed. While walking this morning the wrap came off while we were outside and before I realized it he had walked across a driveway and I saw that blood was coming from two of his nails. We paid a quick visit to the vet and they looked at it and decided we just need to get him a boot for outside walking and a baby sock for inside. We were making great progress with him walking somewhat on that paw and now I'm not sure what to do.
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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by puremutt »

I can help!
I searched for boots for my dog that was dragging his paw, I might say I treid them all.
Then I came upon

those are the best. They might send you a used one as a sample, try it!
mickey 1994- sept 26 ,2008

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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by Schnauzerlove »

puremutt wrote:I can help!
I searched for boots for my dog that was dragging his paw, I might say I treid them all.
Then I came upon

those are the best. They might send you a used one as a sample, try it!
Thank You!!
Those look like they really will hold up well. I actually ordered one from this website before I saw your post, but I will most likely order from the ruffwear website as they look like exactly what we will need. Thanks again for the recommendation and I hope you are doing well. I know you lost your Mikey recently and my thoughts are with you.....
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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by Schnauzerlove »

I wanted to give you guys an update on Dasani.

It's been 19 weeks since the FCE/Spinal injury and he is doing great! We graduated from Physical Therapy in January. It was such a riot watching him run on the underwater treadmill. He loved it! He is getting around really well and the only thing that hasn't fully recovered is his front left paw. He gets around the house fairly well, drags his paw, hops up the stairs for bedtime and is just as sweet and happy as ever. We have to put a boot on the paw for walks because he can quickly scrape himself up and bleed, he doesn't mind and looks like a cute little peg-leg pirate :D

I know we are so very lucky that he has recovered so well.

I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't found this wonderful website with such helpful and caring people. I was lost and you guys gave me incredible support and advice and I thank you!!!!
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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by raiders mom »

I feel so bag for your little guy.My Raider had nerve damage from his accident(He was hit by a car in Nov 08) the first month was awful.I learned to express his bladder, it's fairly easy, you just have to be patient with yourself and your baby.You are lucky he is use to the crate,that will make it easier to keep him still so he can heal.Everyone here is great, so supportive.Good Luck, keep us posted as to Dasani's progress. Give the little guy a hug from me. He's so lucky to have such a good mommy and daddy to love and care for him. I also put a waterproof pad under an old towel on Raider's bed, you can change the towel and launder the pad easily.I found my waterproof pads at a thrift store, they are the kind they use for changing babies,and to protect cribs, they don't slip around the way the pee pee pads(chux) do, making it safer for your Fur Baby.
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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by Christine »

Hi Schnauzerlove!

What wonderful news! Thanks for updating us. Don't suppose you'd send a recent picture of Dasana with his little boot? Just know your journey will return the favor of hope and help.
Good to hear from you!
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by CarolC »

I am really glad to hear this update. Thank you so much for that! My dog loves the underwater treadmill, too, I think they get a rush out of it when they're running. :D Congratulations to Dasani and his family!
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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by Caroline »

Great to hear the good news update!!
The front paw will heal in time . It tells me your dog is on the move and just wants to go and behave like he used to.
Buster still has two very short nails on his front paw. His front leg never did come all the way back and a vet awhile back stated that it was still lifeless, but you know what; it has been warm to the touch with good blood flow as far as I know since around two to three weeks after his FCE.
AS long as your buddy is happy all will be well.
I am so happy for you and yours.

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