Please help..My cat Trooper stopped peeing...

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Please help..My cat Trooper stopped peeing...

Post by troopersmommy »

My paralyzed kitty Trooper is still somewhat feral and I can't pick him up. He had blood in his urine early this morning, and when I came home from work, now he's not peeing at all. I've had male cats with crystals stop urinating and had to take them in for surgery. My dilemma is that I don't have a car (it's in the shop), and my husband is on a night shift working. I haven't been able to find a vet willing to work on him before without charging an enormous fee because he tries to bite. He can't walk, but he pees and poops on his own. I'm afraid his scooting has probably gotten feces into the urethra. Can anyone tell me what to do tonight until I can take him in the morning when I have my husband's truck? He'll let me touch him a little on the back side and I was able to quickly feel his tummy. It doesn't feel hard, but does feel bloated. :cry:
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Re: Please help..My cat Trooper stopped peeing...

Post by MissWhiskers »

I am sorry I don't know much about the specifics of the problem, But have you tried private messaging people like Critters, Christine, Mumpkees (in Texas) Bendy Kitty?
If they aren't on this website, they might get the message faster?

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Re: Please help..My cat Trooper stopped peeing...

Post by MissWhiskers »

I have dial up though so if you want to call me and it's busy I am probably online so email me and tell me to get offline in order to use the phone.

Last edited by MissWhiskers on Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Please help..My cat Trooper stopped peeing...

Post by Dianne »

He had blood in his urine early this morning, and when I came home from work, now he's not peeing at all.
Anytime we see blood in the urine we suspect a urinary tract infection (URI). I'd call and interview some vets by phone to see if you can find someone who will see him, today!

Good Luck. We'll be waiting to hear from you.
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Re: Please help..My cat Trooper stopped peeing...

Post by critters »

Yes, peeing Kool Aid here has always meant a UTI. Are you saying vets charge more because he might bite? So might almost anybody!!!
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Re: Please help..My cat Trooper stopped peeing...

Post by Barbara Boehmer »

Blood in the urine, then not peeing sounds like it could be an emergency to me. You might try finding a neighbor to drive you or calling a taxi or even a "pet ambulance" and go to an emergency vet. I know how it is to have a cat that's hard to handle. One of mine grew up wild and was neutered late and is a nice purring lap kitty at home and I can give him medications and treatments at home, but no vet can handle him without sedating him and he gets so stressed out that his blood sugar rises so much that they think he is diabetic, until he calms down and it goes down again. Sometimes when you have something like this, it is best just to let them sedate him and do their tests and find out what is wrong. It could be something where a delay in diagnosis and treatment could be fatal or it could be something that can wait. I would not want to take the chance that it is the former. If there is a urinary blockage, something could burst inside.

I have had success with feeding Royal Canin Urinary S/O canned cat food for urinary crystals. There are different kinds of crytals and some foods help one kind but make the other worse, but the Royal Canin Urinary S/O works for both and won't hurt them if that is not the problem. It is apparently very tasty as my vet uses it to coax cats to eat whose appetite isn't good. It requires a prescription.

If the problem is a urinary tract infection, antibiotics fix that nicely.

You mentioned that you think that scooting may have caused feces to create a blockage. I am not sure how much he will let you do. If you can soak his hind end in a sink or bucket of warm water, that might help. Otherwise, do whatever you can to clean the area gently, such as using plain tisue paper with some warm water or a malacetic pet wipe or some such thing.
Barbara Boehmer (not a veterinarian, just a fellow pet owner)
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Re: Please help..My cat Trooper stopped peeing...

Post by critters »

Barbara!! :shock: Long time no see! :D
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Re: Please help..My cat Trooper stopped peeing...

Post by troopersmommy »

First of all I'd like to thank all of you for your support, your concern, your advice, and your kindness...especially my dearest new friend and "kindred spirit" karenhobbs. :angel: She is what this forum is all unselfish, caring person, who in her own time of grief, didn't hesitate to reach out and help. I understand now how so many of you have become so close. I know everything has its time and place, but I so wish I had found this forum years ago. :wub:

Now, I'd like to share Trooper's miraculous recovery with y'all. After Karen contacted me to offer support and encouraged me to do whatever I had to in order to help my little guy, I stopped panicking and calmly took control of the situation. I was able to get hold of my husband at work. While waiting for him, I started "doing whatever I could" like Karen said, and did some research (the emergency vet would not offer any advice and said I had to take him in for a diagnosis before any treatment could be decided.) I found a site I'd forgotten about,, which offers natural remedies for people and pets. There's lots of feedback on treating feline UTI's and associated problems (cessation, crystals, etc.) with apple cider vinegar. I'm not overly fond of going to the vet anymore...too many unpleasant and costly experiences that did more harm than good. But, I know from past experience, when a cat stops peeing, it's time to take immediate action. Since I had to wait till John got home, I figured it couldn't hurt to try the ACV. Troop didn't like the vinegar smell (just a tiny capful in 2 Tbs canned cat food), so I poured canned salmon juice in to cover. He lapped it up instantly! I also added a little to his water. By the time John got home I was seeing little puddles of pee. We both sat with him till morning watching in disbelief. Not only was he peeing, but the blood was gone. Some of the feedback had said they got immediate results, but I couldn't believe my eyes.

It's past midnight now, and Trooper is still peeing normally (no blood, no smell), eating, drinking water, and having regular poops. Will wonders never cease?! I'll continue to watch him carefully, and have followed Barbara's advice
If you can soak his hind end in a sink or bucket of warm water, that might help.
by using a sponge and bowl of warm water to keep him cleaner. I tried wipes, etc. but he seems to like the sponge cleaning the best. I also plan on keeping the ACV in his diet for prevention, and bookmarked the site for quick access. :smart:
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Re: Please help..My cat Trooper stopped peeing...

Post by MissWhiskers »

I'm so glad he's Ok! I didn't really do much but offer support - Oh, and e-mail a bunch of really knowledgeable people asking for their input. Thank you to all for your great advice!! Sorry I didn't think about "privacy" and "safety" issues. In part, maybe I'm too trusting anytime - but especially on this website where I've gotten nothing but help - really good help! I wasn't thinking to be cautious. I just got excited because it really hit close to home with me - having been in similar positions with Whiskers SEVERAL times!! I think one of the main parts of that kind of dilemna is whether you need to go to the vet immediately, or if it can wait till morning. I'm glad you worked things out!
A couple of interesting things... After I thanked you for the candle you lit for Whiskers - I went back and read some of your posts about Trooper and had just finished when I saw your first message saying something was wrong. That's why I was still on the website.
Also, once or twice over the two years I had Whiskers, when I posted about some great difficulty he had been through, I said, "He's such a Trooper!"" I think that's a funny coincidence!? And when I was a young, my family didn't have many pets - as my father was/is highly allergic to cats and my mother didn't like dogs. But we did have two different dogs and the first one we named - Trooper!!!!
I would love to see a picture of Trooper - are their any available?
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Re: Please help..My cat Trooper stopped peeing...

Post by troopersmommy »

Update on Trooper :cheer:

...he's not only back to peeing normally, he's more alert and beginning to play. It makes me think he's had a mild UTI for a while and I didn't realize it until seeing the blood. Anyway, one way or the other, I'm now a firm believer in the miracle of Apple Cider Vinegar. In fact, I'm starting a tbs. a day myself, after researching the benefits for "humans". Maybe it'll help erase some wrinkles. :roll:

Karen, that is so cool about the connections we have with "Trooper". We weren't sure what to name the little guy because it didn't look like he would survive the first couple of days. But then it was obvious he was a "fighter" and I told John..."look honey, he's being such a little trooper." I'm so glad we connected, even though it was through Whiskers' passing and Trooper's accident. Just goes to show there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. I hope you are able to get another little one to care for. They add so much to life. I was very lucky growing up, because my mom adored animals. We always had dogs & cats. In fact, I was just out of highschool, still living at home when I rescued my first, an abused german shepard (my stepdad lovingly named him Manfred). Manny, my heart dog, lived for 17 years and helped me rescue many, many more dogs and cats. :hearts:

I'm attaching a photo of Trooper. He loves having his picture taken. Oh, and let's try to stay in touch. I noticed that you are a night owl like I am. That's when I'm usually on this site, or when a record-breaking cold front settles on San Antonio. It was definitely a "Five-Dog Night" (a great book recommended by CarolC), and is still a four-dog day. Today my lap top is keeping me warm like a little heater.
Have a great weekend, Pam
my little trooper
my little trooper
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Re: Please help..My cat Trooper stopped peeing...

Post by MissWhiskers »

He is very handsome!! So Glad I got to see him!
The dog we had that was named Trooper was a german shepherd! But we only got to keep him a year or so, mostly because not knowing much about dogs we hadn't trained him very well and he did a few things that my mother just could not deal with... he ended up being taken to be a police dog. I bet he did great!
One more coincidence(?) - my parents met in San Antonio!! I wonder if we're the same astrological sign? but maybe we shouldn't post that kind of personal info, either. I think we are within about a year of being the same age. You say that vinegar might help wrinkles? I am going to read up on that!
Take care,

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Re: Please help..My cat Trooper stopped peeing...

Post by troopersmommy »

Hi Karen,

Cool story about your Trooper being a police dog. I know that my shepherd Manny would have done well. They have the perfect temperament and sense of loyalty for service dogs.

That's wild about your parents meeting in SA. I sent my email to you via PM, but in case you didn't get it I'll send it again. Then we can chat sometime via email. I'd love to hear the story of where your parents met here and why they left. My mom and dad were born and raised here, got married and had twins (there's 2 of me).

Well, Trooper's kept me on my toes all day today. Sometimes he acts so strange that I feel like I have to figure out what's on his mind, and I find myself getting up all night to check on him. Like right now I can hear him moving around his room, making little meowy sounds. He's not your typical cat, that's for sure.
Guess I'll go check on him one more time and then I'll try to get some sleep.

You take care too.
"When a child loves you for a long, long time...REALLY loves you, then you become Real." " Does it hurt?"
"Sometimes..When you are Real you don't mind being hurt."

Words I live by from "Velveteen Rabbit"
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