Need adivice for paralized kitten.

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Need adivice for paralized kitten.

Post by Barbaraa »

I taking in strays and find them homes.Yesterday I had a cat that gave birth to kittens. One of which was born with no tail and she doesnt seem to have the use of her back legs. she keeps them tucked under her belly. She is very strong,making her away around her mother,and is eating.

The vet said we wouldent be able to tell for at least 10 days how she will do.I was wondering if anyone knew about cats with parlisis??
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is the kitten pooping/peeing ok?

Post by Bendy Kitty »

it may be hard to tell with mom cleaning up, but it is important to know. Some hind end deformities affect not only the legs but also the ability to eliminate.
sometimes the kittens are born without an anus, or with one that does not open all the way.
can you move the hind legs are all? or are they permanently in the tucked postion? Do they have feeling in them? If you stroke the feet, does the kitten respond at all? Even tiny kittens would pull their feet back or complain verbally.
If they are unable to move at all they may need to be removed, they will just get injured otherwise.
You may need some kind of x-ray to see what the spine is doing. If the spine is ok then it's a leg problem. But if the spine itself is misshapen you've got bigger problems.

Don't give up on kitten even if its legs don't work an dits spine is deformed and you have to "empty" it manually.
A cart and a lot of love can give this kitten a good life, sounds like kitten is doing her best to keep going. AT least she is eating!!!

let us know what's up with her :)

Bendy kitten
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she may have cerebellar hypoplasia (see link to CH kitty

Post by critters »

club below). If it's truly a spinal cord injury, Alisa G has a paralyzed kitty, Trixie, and Bendy kitten's Legume (see below also) has a spinal cord injury but is mobile.

At 1 day old, it's probably too soon to tell exactly what she has, but I bet she'll do great if she's already doing so much.

Feel free to post day-by-day progress reports, and we can try to help with diagnosis. I can tell you from experience that most vets don't have a clue about dealing with critters with major disabilities, except maybe tripods or 1-eyed babies.
Alisa G
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Re: Need adivice for paralized kitten.

Post by Alisa G »

What Bendy said is very important about watching to see if the kitten is eliminating in case there is incontinence. You can try to stimulate the kitten to go poddy by rubbing it's privates with a warm, damp cloth.

Does the kitten's back have any signs of a bump? Check to see if the kitten has feeling in the legs. There is a chance that with her/him being born without a tail that there is some spinal problem or spina bifida. Sometimes kittens are born with very tight leg muscles and tendons and can straighten out with time and exercise. You can see a pic of my Trixie who was born with spina bifida on her web page...


Re: Need adivice for paralized kitten.

Post by Jan »

Is the kitten a Manx ? I had one with tail. Its legs were ok, but it continually leaked urine and couldn't expel feces normally. Had to be an outside cat. You have to do hygiene for them or flies will lay their eggs on their backside. Sorry to be so graphic, but you need to know what you're getting into. I have three normal functioning Manx. I love them.Good Luck !
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no apology needed

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can never tell when I'll be at the keyboard these days.

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Sorry-didn't know you were already here when I

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replied above.
Bobos Mom

Re: Need adivice for paralized kitten.

Post by Bobos Mom »

My Bobo has the same problem. She did not use her back legs like the other kittens, she used her front legs to pull herself instead of scooting with all four. It was several weeks before I found out that she could not control her body functions. From the beginning I encouraged her to use her legs by putting her on the floor and making her come to me. Her legs got sronger with exercise, but still not normal. Bobo has to be watched to be sure she is having a regular bowel movement and her diet has to include lots of fiber to keep her stools soft, but she gets around just fine. She is a little messy and kinda smells but you could not ask for a more lovable little character. Because she can't jump or run well she is an indoor cat. I tried to use a diaper but that round little body is impossible to keep one on. I cover the furniture and invested in a good carpet shampooer. Good Luck with your baby.

Re: is the kitten pooping/peeing ok?

Post by Barbara »

Well today is day 8 for her.
I still need to find her a name....

I have checked her down there...everyday many times a day.She is discharging clear fluids...from her urethra.
Looks like she may be pooping well enough for now.However her anus looks a little different the others. I though maybe because its exposed more and looks"newer" then the others...Im wondering HOW i could empty that manually ???

She is extending and stretching out her hind legs and seems to shuffle mainly from the left....She already has little caluses forming at the knee joint from where it rubs.when she drags herself...she doesnt respond much when i tickle or rub her feet but when i stroke her legs she starts to stretch.

Other wise she seems to be really tough and will put up a great fight for those nipples!

I no what you mean about vets.One has already suggested I put her down.

Im going to see my regular Vet with her soon.

Thanks for all your info and il keep ya posted.

Iv also taken some pictures im hoping to be able to post soon!

Thanks for your info


Re: she may have cerebellar hypoplasia (see link to CH kitty

Post by Barbara »

Thank You Critters for helping me find my way back to my post!!!You are awsome! I never expected to get so much feedback.This has been great!

I will let ya know how she is doing.


Re: Need adivice for paralized kitten.

Post by Barbara »


My kitten is only 8 days old..She doesnt apear to have a bump on her back however it may be too early to tell.

Ya know how when they are babies all four legs go straight out from their body. Well this kittens hind legs are very close together from the hip and tuck right up under her belly. This week, she is stretching her legs out, however they seem to stretch out from the left.

As I mentioned in the other responses she seems to have lack of bladder control.There is a clear discharge from her (butt area : )....Im not sure what that means.I have to get her checked out at the vets again.

I took a quick peek at your site and after im done here im gonna check it out. It looks awsome with TONS of links and info!!!Iv been lookin for that.

Your Cat looks sooooooooo SWEET....
Thank You for your help : )

Sincerly appreciated!

Re: Need adivice for paralized kitten.

Post by Barbara »

Iv never heard of that type cat! : )

She is a little Calico/ far as I know.
Don't worry about the
she seems to have a bit of a clear dischrge, I wondering if it may be a sign of bladder control problems.

Thanks for the INFO!

Re: Need adivice for paralized kitten.

Post by Barbaraa »

Thanks for your info : )
Just this week im noticing her behind has a clear discharge.I get her moma to clean her up.I was wondering if it might be an early sign that she might not have bladder control...Your cat sounds ALOT like mine.She is just 8 days old now.The vet told me the humain thing to do would be to just put her down!..I'd like to give her a chance though...I think she will work out fine.
Thanks for your story : )
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Expressing her bowel and bladder can be done, but

Post by critters »

it doesn't sound like you need it. You have to be shown by the dr where to push.
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It's typical for vets to want to put everybody down; ours

Post by critters »

have FINALLY learned not to suggest that first thing and that I'm fully aware that it's an option. As long as they're not suffering I go for it. I'm glad you're giving her a shot.
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