blood in urine/not eating

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blood in urine/not eating

Post by MissWhiskers »

Hi Everyone,
I am posting this problem for my friend Pam who will be checking for responses asap. In reference to her cat Trooper she states:
Last week I thought he was dying. He was bleeding out basically, through the urinary tract. What started as a little bit of pink in his urine, overnight almost, turned to pools of blood. I know if I took Trooper in they would want to do transfusions, and tests and he would be miserable. Well, miraculously, the bleeding stopped by the next morning. So I started him on antibiotics left over from .... He's come round pretty well, but I can't get him to eat. Do you have any ideas? I don't have any cyproheptadine, and can't figure out what to do. I've tried tuna, fish, chicken broth, bladder paste, hairball remedy, canned cat food, etc. He is nibbling at his dry food, but hasn't eaten enough to "poop" for several days now. His tummy isn't bloated or hard, I don't think he's constipated, but I give him a little laxatone just in case. He is drinking water. Any ideas?

I'll keep checking ...(for) any ideas...
.....this is what happened to him a year ago, which led me to find you. Except he didn't have as much bleeding then, just pink urine. Thank goodness the bleeding has stopped, cause I can tell he is anemic now. That's why I've got to get him eating to build some more blood cells.
I'm at a loss on how to get him to eat. I've tried everything...tuna, tuna juices, chicken broth, baby food, canned cat food, aaaaagggghhhh! I've put it on his nose, his paws hoping after he licked it he'd want to eat. He's beginning to get mad at me, and I don't want that. I don't want to make him miserable or make him hide. That site I sent said sometimes you just have to let your kitty decide what he wants. Some kitties decide that they've lived long enough and are ready to go. I hope that's not the case, but...

DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEAS FOR PAM AND HER CAT TROOPER AS TO WHAT MIGHT BE WRONG IN THE FIRST PLACE, AND THEN HOW TO GET HIM TO EAT, perhaps some thoughts on when to persist in trying to get a cat to eat and when not to, and any other suggestions you think might help our good friends Pam and Trooper!!
Thank you,
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Re: blood in urine/not eating

Post by CarolC »

In my opinion he needs a trip to the vet. Not eating could be a lot of things, you could check him for fever. A rectal temp of over 102.5 is a fever, the vet can give an injection to bring it down if that is the problem. Cats can have a high fever and you don't necessarily notice it by looking at them, you need to take their temperature. The blood could be crystals or a UTI, he needs to have his urine checked by the vet.
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Re: blood in urine/not eating

Post by janew »

I second Carol, left over antibiotics may not address his problem. He needs a vet visit & possible culture of his urine to see what antibiotic to use for what possible bacteria may be causing the urinary trouble (random antibiotics can 'mess up' the culture). If it is crystal formation irritating his bladder & causing blood, he may need to be sedated & his bladder flushed. Then put on prescription diet with appropriate antibiotics. It is not a 'do at home' thing & I am fan of doing alot of 'do at home'. This must likely is not life ending problem but needs vet attention promptly so it is not. A few days or day going to the vet will not make Trooper happy but could save his life for much more 'quality' time. He needs a vet visit..
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Re: blood in urine/not eating

Post by MissWhiskers »

Thank you ladies. I think you sound right - I just also know how hard it is when you have just spent huge money on another pet and just might not have the funds. I have forwarded the info as I think she will get the info quicker and I just hope and pray that somehow she will be able to do that. Actually, How much does a urine culture generally cost ? And is it ever possible to just do that without lot's of other charges, do you think?
Again, thank you for your candor!

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Re: blood in urine/not eating

Post by Christine »

She can try to get a clean catch and take it in herself for a test, which might get things rolling. As the others have said, finding the right antibiotic for the problem is the key. When Bailey had the worst one, they had to get the culture by putting a needle directly into her bladder. Perhaps her vet will work with her???
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Re: blood in urine/not eating

Post by MissWhiskers »

Thanks for that kind of idea Christine. I emailed with her last night and she was working on an idea to contact a friend who works for a vet who might be able to help in a couple of different ways. I think eventually she will be along here herself, unfortunately she has some other big issues she is dealing with...
I do thank everyone for their encouragement in what steps to take and any related ideas!

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Re: blood in urine/not eating

Post by janew »

In your orginal post for Pam, there was no mention of financial problems, it sounded more like she did not want him unhappy or stressed if he was going to die anyway or need transfusions & lots of invasive care with little hope of recovery. I answered with that in mind & still think it is the way to go. But if that not an option with her friend that works at a vet or working out a payment plan with her vet (she has so many, surely she has a good, solid relationship with them!) What antibiotics & their concentration does she have & does she have prednisolone 5mg ( it is used to relieve the bladder inflammation & happily makes them hungry)? Maybe a humane organization can help her out, we have several here that help out finacially stressed owners with vet bills beyond their means...hope Trooper gets help or it resolves. She should definately put him on prescription diet for cats that are prone to bladder problems or at least a low ph commercial food for maintenance if he does well...
Hoping for the best for Trooper,
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Re: blood in urine/not eating

Post by MissWhiskers »

I want to let you all know that Pam says Trooper is doing better. He is eating and is peeing normally again and has had a little poop. She seems very relieved.
I just hope the problem is truly resolved.
I appreciate all the suggestions and think they were all very helpful. Thank you all. I will let you know if I hear anything else about Trooper in regards to this situation.

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Re: blood in urine/not eating

Post by troopersmommy »

Thank you so much Karen for all your help, and for the help and advice of everyone else here. I can definitely take Trooper off the emergency list. With all your suggestions and "aids" he is doing beautifully. He's peeing, pooping, and playing. He's so happy to have his kitty girlfriends surrounding him and taking care of him. They actually encourage him to eat.

I am keeping him on antibiotics for another 2 weeks (advice from the vet my vet tech friend works for) and supplements (thanks to Karen) He's drinking lots of water with Apple Cider Vinegar (that's kept him UTI free for a year). I'd run out of it, and stopped putting a few drops in his water. Won't let that slip again! He's back on urinary tract dry food (instead of the Iams I had switched him to - big mistake), and A/D from Hill's (thanks to Karen). I also found a place to order C/D canned food for him. I alternate that with the meaty baby food/ kitty milk combo to keep him super healthy. I'm trying to express him as much as possible, although he's not crazy about it. He seems to have some "pinched" nerves waking up in his back. I can tell it bothers him when I pick him up, so I'm researching ways to express him without picking him up.

Trooper said to tell all of you "thanks for being good troopers" and helping out...and I ditto that. :wub:
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Re: blood in urine/not eating

Post by MissWhiskers »

Glad to help. Funny thing is - I think I learned alot that I myself may need to know for Cooper, the partially paralyzed (rear legs) Siamese cat I adopted this past summer, and also for Roscoe the black and white, appx. 5 mo. old kitten who I may be taking over for Desiree.
Please Give kisses to Trooper from his Aunt Karen and tell him his cousin Cooper says "HI". We love him too!!

And thanks to the ladies above who shared such helpful information!

Karen :wink:
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