Well, ain't this a kick in the pants???

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Well, ain't this a kick in the pants???

Post by Christine »

Night before last I got this squeezey feeling around my midriff I always get when I get acid reflux which I have been dealing with a couple of years. You can't get comfortable, no matter which way you lie down. I got up and laid down on the couch. I decided to try and lie on my side and all of a sudden, it felt like my insides all seized up and I felt as though I could not breathe. In what was now becoming a panic attack, I tried calling out to Glen and like one of those bad dreams, it seemed like nothing was coming out.but miraculously, he appeared and he called 911. The ambulance arrived about 10 minutes later and as they were walking up the steps. like another miracle, everthing stopped, even the squeezy feeling.

The head EMT was extremely nice and said that he was glad it was nothing and they would write it up in such a way that we would not be charged for the call.
We settled back in for the night and around 6:00 am, I woke up with it back. I decided to go in to see my regular doctor at 8:00. By 6:30,I knew I could not wait as I almost triggered another big attack. We decided to drive to the EMT station to see what they could suggest and maybe get that ride to the hospital.

Long story, longer, I am in the hospital, had my gall bladder removed last night and because my liver enzyme levels were off the roof, they will go in though my throat in the morning and remove some blockage (stones) from that area. Other than my tummy being tender and a major headache, I am so ready to get out of here.
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: Well, ain't this a kick in the pants???

Post by Bobbie »

Wow, weird... I heard this same story ten minutes ago from another friend, only she was camping when she got sick and ended up in the ER and then undergoing gall bladder surgery! I'm glad you are okay.
Bobbie Mayer
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Re: Well, ain't this a kick in the pants???

Post by mumpkees »

Little more excitement than I would care for! So glad that you are doing okay! Hope you get to go home soon!
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Re: Well, ain't this a kick in the pants???

Post by slshepherds »

Glad you are ok. Same thing happened to me 10 years ago. I can still recall how painful it was. Hope you recover quickly and don't suffer from any of the "side effects" of not having a gall bladder.

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Re: Well, ain't this a kick in the pants???

Post by CarolC »

Oh man, Christine, very glad that's over with. I'm sorry you have another procedure tomorrow. Is the headache from the anaesthesia? Be sure to tell the nurse/doctor you have a headache. Will you be able to update after the procedure? When should we expect to hear from you...any idea? Are you on wi-fi at the hospital or how did you manage to post?
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Re: Well, ain't this a kick in the pants???

Post by Bobbie »

I forgot to warn you about something... the pain meds.

When I had my gall bladder out I was in a lot of pain the next day. On drugs. Good drugs...

So I felt okay enough to use my laptop and naturally started looking at corgi stuff. Rescue corgis. I already had four dogs. But in a drug-induced stupor I arranged to bring home number five, Jack!

So be careful.... be very, very careful!
Bobbie Mayer
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Re: Well, ain't this a kick in the pants???

Post by Christine »

Since I have been here, I have received two does of morphine and a Loritab. The first dose of morphine relieved the stomach pain, but it took until just the last hour for the headache and the nausea to subside. I actually had the headache before the surgery, which was probably stress.

I sent Glen home to take care of Penny and Panda so he brought my laptop which is keeping me sane.

Unimportant things I am bummed about:

I was scheduled to do a 5K tomorrow and naively thought I still could participate! (By the way, the night of the attack, I had a Weight Watcher dinner and a key lime pie I had made with fat free condensed milk...I rejoined Weight Watchers a month ago.)

Glen and I signed up for a three part Photoshop class and Part 2 was last night.

The fact that I had to have a second procedure turned the out-patient status which would have cost $250 to the $1500 deductible situation.

We just picked up our car from having the transmission rebuilt.

OKAY...ALL DONE WHINING NOW. Very grateful that everything is being taken care of. They say I will have to be out of work a week. I have a wonderful boss and great girls that I work with
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: Well, ain't this a kick in the pants???

Post by janew »

Hope you continue to improve...that is scary.
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Re: Well, ain't this a kick in the pants???

Post by Christine »

Been back from the second procedure for about two hours. Couldn't believe I was asked to lie on my stomach (you are kidding, right???) Even though on of my allergies is latex, I got a latex bandaid over the last blood stick. Just waiting for the doctor for final information in the hope that I can go home tonight. and this is over with Thanks for the good wishes.
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: Well, ain't this a kick in the pants???

Post by CarolC »

Checking on you, Christine. I did not quite fully understand the reason for the second procedure. Gall bladder I understand. Is this second procedure something that commonly goes with gall bladder problems? I'm wishing you out of there and home, too. Sounds like they made you wait anxiously for the second procedure most of the day, you must have had a long day. Are you allowed to eat or have coffee? I am in a nice hotel in Oklahoma, they have Internet in the lobby. I would like to check on you again later, I can only say hang in there.
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Re: Well, ain't this a kick in the pants???

Post by Christine »

I barely understand it myself, but sometimes stones will obstruct the liver and they have to go back in to remove them too even though they remove the gall bladder. It feel like the majority of the time, I could not eat or drink waiting for a procedure and it was "when they has opening". The thing I expereinced he most was extreme thirst. I have been served two clear liquid meals and two "regular' meals, but I really have no appetite - allI wanted was to drink. Nursing staff is very attentive and sweet.

I have to stay another night while they monitor my levels and I guess to make sure there are no more blockages. The scarey thing is that I was told that my gall bladder was very diseased. I have never drunk or smoked and I seem to spend every walking hour worrying about what healthy things I should be eating. I will be doing some heavy duty reading and those of you who still have yours might want to do the same. (By the way, I still have my appendix) Until I broke my wrist 6 years ago, the only other surgery I have ever had was to remove a Morton's Neuroma from my foot.
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: Well, ain't this a kick in the pants???

Post by CarolC »

I don't know, stuff just happens. There's a gal at work who I think is 49, always lifting heavy boxes, has the figure of a 20-year old, exercises on the treadmill at home. She suddenly got sick last week, we sent her home from work, next thing we knew she'd had her appendix out! She was fine only tight clothing bothered her...hope you have some comfortable shifts or dusters you can wear for a while.
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Re: Well, ain't this a kick in the pants???

Post by LisainCAN »

Good gravy Christine! I just saw this now. I am so glad you are on the mend. Thinking of you.

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Re: Well, ain't this a kick in the pants???

Post by Christine »

Got to go home about three hours ago and I have been sleeping all afternoon. Five entry points and other than the normal tenderness, only one spot is burning and tender and it is not an entry point so it is probably attached to something that was. Have to go back in for a followup in the next few days. I feel like I can go back to work except for the fact that clothes touching my stomach are uncomfortable so I am doing some creative thinking. (Glen just said reminded me to slow down and not overdo it (not only can he read my mind, he can read what I am typing without being in the room!)

With all the good care I got, I got no aftercare instructions other than a few warnings about swelling, etc and of course, I could not think of any intelligent questions. If anyone has any suggestions, I am all ears and I will have a list when I see the doc next time.
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: Well, ain't this a kick in the pants???

Post by CarolC »

I am SOOOOOO glad they let you go home. They should at least tell you how much you can lift, or whether you should follow a special diet, don't you think. Christine, you had me so worried. Just knowing you are out of there is such a relief. Welcome home! Glen also read your mind when you were doubled over in pain and couldn't talk, pretty amazing! He's right, take it easy!
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