Ruptured tumor

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Ruptured tumor

Post by louiedoo1 »

Help!!! I have a 9 year old Akita that has has cancer that started in his spine about 2 years ago and we were told were it was it was inoperable. We decided to treat with medication and all was well. The cancer spread to his anal galnds and created a tumor that sticks out from the base of his tail about 3 inches long. The vet did not advise the removal of this tumor as he does not heal well from the cortisone build up in his system. Last weekend it broke open. I called the vet in a panic but was told that there is nothing that can be done and put him on some antibiotics and advised to keep it as clean as possible. That is all fine and good, but it won't stop bleeding. We have tried quick clot, cornstarch, pressure, cold compresses, liquid bandage, regular bandages. But it won't stop the bleeding completely. Now this weeked, while the dog was just laying there, it completely broke open, and now there is a hole about the size of a nickel in the middle, and the other part that was open is now squeezing out stuff that looks like rotten hamburger. There is no smell. Again the vet said there is nothing to be done. Does anyone know how to get the bleeding to stop? It sticks out far enough that I can put a bandage on it but he is soaking 3-4 bandages a day. Any suggestions?
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Re: Ruptured tumor

Post by CarolC »

I'm sorry, I don't know what would work in terms of first aid. Can you get your vet to refer you to a specialist, or can you get a second opinion from another vet? I think I would start making some calls first thing Monday morning. I don't understand the part about cortisone build up in his system. Is it from the medication? I think I'd be insisting something needs to be done?
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Re: Ruptured tumor

Post by critters »

Hmm. Wow. Maybe some of the new "high tech" bandages might help temporarily.
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Re: Ruptured tumor

Post by louiedoo1 »

Yes, he has been on prednisone for about 3 years to keep the swelling in his spinal cord down and his pain under control. He takes a very long time to heal with even a minor cut or scratch at this point. we tried to cut back on it several times but it increases his pain so much that he can't walk. I am taking him to the vet today and hopefully something can be done. They still don't want to remove it because the cancer has spread to his liver and he also has a tumor in his nasal cavity and he is receiving treatments for that as well. They don't think he will last to the end of summer, although i disagree. they told us 101 days ago that he would have to be put down, but he keeps bouncing back and fighting. i am just trying to keep him comfy and pain free. this guy still even loves to go for walks. i just hope i can get the bleeding to stop.
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