cheapest source for newborn size diapers?

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cheapest source for newborn size diapers?

Post by Bendy Kitty »

hey gang.
Butterbean is going through several diapers a day. I do not keep him diapered all the time but he needs them for protection when he scoots around as well as so he can enjoy nice fleecy beds and such without making a laundry nightmare (i currently have no washer or dryer here that work). yes his skin is doing ok with this.

I looked around on Amazon and on ebay. ebay has some very good deals on diapers. But I thought peopel in this forum would probably know the best source overall. he is wearing newborn size. I have heard that aloe is toxic to cats so I want aloe-free ones. the cheapest i found on amazon, while free of everything else, had aloe. figures.

thanks to having a tail and crooked legs, they stay on just fine.

thanks for any advice!

Butterbean, Bendy & co
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Re: cheapest source for newborn size diapers?

Post by CarolC »

I don't know how much you're paying for disposable diapers so I don't know if this would help? With Dolly I use an XS denim diaper cover and put a pad in. You can get 60 pads for $10 at Wal-Mart, but I cut them in half for a chihuahua, so that is like 120 for $10. I have a half dozen denim diapers because I like to start with a clean one every day because she bounces on her bottom. I machine wash the denim but you could hand wash in a dishpan. I dry them over the shower rod.
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Re: cheapest source for newborn size diapers?

Post by Simka »

I'll be very interested in information on this topic also. Zazesh is very thin and that 's not going to change. He weighs about 5.5# and I use the newborn (under 10#) diapers. The cheapest I've been able to get so far was 92 for about $20 at Walmart. They are Snugglers. Do these have aloe on them? I didn't even think to check the box for such an additive. I've tried putting him in onesies, fabric incontinence pants, cover panties, etc. but nothing has worked. He has a screaming biting fit if I try to put a onesie on him, and all pants fall off him so the pads I bought were a failure in this regard. Zazesh doesn't have bent legs but they were locked together by matting for a long time so have extreme muscle atrophy and are either out like stilts or bent right up. The disposable diapers do stay on as he moves around on his side (mostly) all over the top floor of the house.
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Re: cheapest source for newborn size diapers?

Post by wondergeorge »

I think Amazon is the best source for diapers. A friend told me that if you join the diaper club (or something like that) you get a discount on every order.

I swear by reusable diapers. I line them with panty liners so the diapers themselves don't get to soiled. I was able to get 2 diapers for $20 at the petstore (female diapers with the tail hole) and the panty liners are 60 for $0.99. The people at the store give me some really funny looks when I get Darwin's supplies. My list usually includes panty liners, diaper cream, and baby wipes. Not such a strange purchase, but I buy in bulk or go every week. I sometimes wish I could find a way to bring up that this stuff is for Darwin! :)
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Bendy Kitty
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Re: cheapest source for newborn size diapers?

Post by Bendy Kitty »

I've found that Dollar General gives me a better deal than i can find on amazon or ebay, but i appreciate your input! he has moved up from newborn size to size 1.
In loving memory of Bendy Cute Kitty 9/15/00-4/23/12

Meet the cats at Bendy's Home"
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