MD-8 week kitten w/rear paralysis looking for a forever home

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Saved! MD-8 week kitten w/rear paralysis looking for a forever home

Post by faeriefolk »

This picture was taken two weeks ago.  If you are interested and would like more recent pics, let me know.
This picture was taken two weeks ago. If you are interested and would like more recent pics, let me know.
Our sweet little bottle fed girl, Cherry Darling, has reached 8 weeks and is looking for a loving home.

Cherry is a lovely little calico/torti with white. She is mostly black with a mottled patch over one eye, orange streaks on her white neck, and white paws with toes that alternate pink and black. As she gets older, I am seeing more orange in the black fur on her back as well. She has the sweetest disposition of any cat that I have ever met. I think that she knows that she would not have survived in the wild and is very grateful for the loving care that she has received.

When we found Cherry and her sister, they were three weeks old. We took them in because mom was feral and very young and thin. We noticed right away that Cherry’s left leg was completely limp, and the toes on her right leg curl when the leg is bent, as though the tendon is too short. As she grew, she learned to get around on her front legs, dragging the back ones out straight behind her. Our vet thinks that she may have had an encounter with a dog that left her injured, but she couldn’t rule out some sort of birth defect.

She has developed some use of her back legs, the right one more than the left. She now walks on her front legs while pushing with her back knees. She can even go up and down our carpeted stairs! We are hoping that with exercise and massage her mobility will develop further, but we don’t know to what degree.

As her sister learned to use the litter box we realized that Cherry didn’t seem to have control over her bowels and bladder. She tends to just go wherever she is. She can move her tail and her anus “puckers” when touched, so there is some control there. Again, we’re hoping that will develop with time. One of the ladies in the forums here suggested that she wasn’t emptying her bladder purposely, but that it was leaking because it was full. I brought Cherry back to the vet yesterday and she showed me how to express Cherry’s bladder to empty it. When I picked her up last night to express her though, she had already emptied her bladder. So again, we’re hoping for improvement with time.

We are in Southern Maryland, but willing to travel a reasonable distance to put Cherry in the right home. We will be in Southern Pennsylvania on the weekend of the 16th of June and could drop her off/meet her new family near there. I will require references from her adopting family, including one from their family vet indicating that they are capable of caring for a cat with Cherry’s limitations. Cherry is FeLV/FIV negative, has been de-wormed, and has had her first FVRCP vaccination. I have this message set to notify me when a reply is posted, so reply here and I will closely monitor my email for responses. Thanks for reading.
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Re: MD-8 week kitten w/rear paralysis looking for a forever

Post by critters »

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Re: MD-8 week kitten w/rear paralysis looking for a forever

Post by faeriefolk »


Thanks for crossposting! I am so grateful for all of the help that I've found on this website.
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Re: MD-8 week kitten w/rear paralysis looking for a forever

Post by BendyMom »

So what is happening with this lil girl?
any takers? any interest?
is she still completely incontinent?


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Re: MD-8 week kitten w/rear paralysis looking for a forever

Post by faeriefolk »

No takers yet. Our little miss is still happily zooming around our house. She takes the carpeted stairs like a pro these days. I introduced her to the wonders of a Carrom board and all of the game pieces yesterday. She was batting things around for an hour before she collapsed next to one of the big cats and fell asleep.

So far, she is still incontinent. Although about half of the times that I check her bladder it is empty so she does seem to be emptying it on her own. My mom just left today after a two week visit. Now that I have the time, my plan is to check her every hour or so tomorrow so that I can see how frequently she is urinating. She still plays in the box and I often find her feces next to it. I wonder if the pressure on her abdomen as she drags her legs across the rim causes her to empty, which would seem to imply that she has some sensation, since she is going to the litter box area when she feels full. So today I put the smaller box inside of the shoe tray with litter in both. We'll see what happens.

Thanks for asking. We're still really hoping to find a loving home for Cherry. My family loves to camp and we are often away for long weekends, so as much as we love her we just can't keep her long term.

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Re: MD-8 week kitten w/rear paralysis looking for a forever

Post by BendyMom »

i understand. i barely go anywhere anymore. catsitting orientation here takes about 2 hours!
please keep us posted on her, I copied & pasted your original post and sent it to someone who might have more contacts. Have you put her on facebook? lots of rescue stuff being done there, too.
If you get in an absolute bind with her, email me directly at


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Re: MD-8 week kitten w/rear paralysis looking for a forever

Post by faeriefolk »

Thank you! I will keep that in mind. We did post her info and picture on Facebook and have had several friends re-post it. Hopefully something will come of it.
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Re: MD-8 week kitten w/rear paralysis looking for a forever

Post by BendyMom »

I know a woman in Florida who is looking for a special needs cat to be a companion to her. She had one who recently passed away, had twisted forelegs. I can see if she is interested in Cherry..


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Re: MD-8 week kitten w/rear paralysis looking for a forever

Post by faeriefolk »

That would be great! Transporting and the home visit would be an issue, but I may be able to connect with some of the folks on this site who help out in that regard. Please let me know if she is interested and I will see what I can work out.


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Re: MD-8 week kitten w/rear paralysis looking for a forever

Post by PooMoggie »

I believe I could help her with nerve repair and with finding an eventual permanent home. I would foster her in the meantime and make sure that she retains her affectionate and sweet disposition. This will ensure that someone will want to adopt her even if she always has litter box/continency problems.

Could someone get her to Morrisville PA? I could have a transport person meet her there and bring her the rest of the way to me in NY. Please write me directly at causeforpaws ....[at] if interested. Thanks!
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Re: MD-8 week kitten w/rear paralysis looking for a forever

Post by faeriefolk »

Thank you, but it looks like Cherry has a new home, pending pick up. I just worked out the details tonight.
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Re: MD-8 week kitten w/rear paralysis looking for a forever

Post by Jean »

Mary that is great news!!!!!! Did little Cherry go to someone local or someone from this bb ??
Glad she found a home. Make sure you tell them about handicappedpets so we can give suggestions and be a resource for them. Thanks for caring so much about this little girl !!!!/Jean
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Re: MD-8 week kitten w/rear paralysis looking for a forever

Post by faeriefolk »

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you Jean. I wanted to check in with Cherry's adopter and make sure that it was okay for me to go public. I got the go ahead, so I can tell you all that Cherry will be moving to North Carolina to live with BendyMom! I feel like Cherry and I both won the lottery. I doubt that every person who finds a handicapped kitten gets so lucky as to find an adopter who is so experienced and caring. I will miss the little girl so much. She has so much love to give and is so grateful for every snuggle and head scratch. But I know that she is going to have a happy life at her new home, with her new family.

Thank you again Jean for all of the helpful info that you gave me. And thank you to everyone who runs and maintains this site. It has been a light in the darkness for me these past weeks.
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Re: MD-8 week kitten w/rear paralysis looking for a forever

Post by Jean »

Oh, Mary that is absolutely wonderful !!!!!!!
You are right, you and Cherry did win the lottery !!!!!
Congratulations to you Bendy's mom!!!!
Mary thanks for taking in this sweet little girl and making her your top priority until you were able to find her a very experienced and forever mom.
We are so glad to have been a part of helping this sweet little one./Jean
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Re: MD-8 week kitten w/rear paralysis looking for a forever

Post by BendyMom »

I have been trying and trying to adopt another twisty, like Bendy was. people post these cats and "oh they need a home right now" and then they don't get back to me or say "well she isn't ready for adoption yet" or, best of all, "we want someone local" even when I've offered to drive five hours one way to get her. fine.
so fine. Cherry isn't the same as Bendy, but she needs a special home and I need another special kitty. AND fairefolk actually wants to rehome her and is willing to meet me part way. funny how i expect people to mean it when they say their critter needs a home (sorry critters, although if you ever need a home you are welcome here too).

I am looking forward to it and have taken Tues and Wed off so i have time to spend with her and getting everything set in a way she likes it. Butterbean plays way too rough to be with kittens, but maybe when she is older she can play with him. BlackForestCakeSnapeFurr loves kittens and mothers them and I'm sure will be delighted to see another kitten in the house. I know Isina will be happy to have another baby, too. the other cats will probably just look at her and think 'oh, another one. hi. here is where the food is and don't worry about pooping next to the box, several of us with functional hind legs do that anyway.'


Bendy Kitty
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