Is it possible for a pet to manage with two legs?

Please post questions about pets who are expected to undergo amputation or who have already undergone amputation here, as well as pets born with missing or incomplete limbs.
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Re: Phantom sensation in amputated legs

Post by critters »

Sandie wrote: if you'd like to see Bear walking in his cart (and running over my poor cat!) !
:hysterical: Just like dogs everywhere! :D
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Two legged dogs can swim.

Post by Sandie »

I hadn't researched this at all, and it wouldn't have occurred to me to try Bear with swimming, but he can! On a really hot day recently, my son was cuddling him in the pool to cool him down, and about 2meters away from a long shallow section just let him gently slide forward while his hands were close by and ready to catch if needed. With absolutely no trouble whatsoever he took off and swam to the walk in section, where he promptly gave himself a shake and sat down as if bored with how easy it was. Bear never stops amazing me!
We have just about given up on the cart, which I think he can't see the point of. He walks so well without it, and in a completely different body position, that it is a total battle to even walk a little way. Some days are better than others, and I completely get that this would be great for his health and joints etc- but he CLEARLY resists going in in, sits down more than walks and requires about half a bag of treats to go anywhere. About a month ago he seemed to pick up an injury in his left leg which caused him to stop walking for almost a week. I think it was due to one of the tumbles he took, or twisting to try and get out of the cart. His legs are so precious now, that I can't afford to do anything to injure them.
A question, has anyone with a dog in a cart found their dog has hurt themself in it and I guess I just think I don't want to do anything to jeopardize his walking OUT of the cart. It's a real dilemma.
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Re: Is it possible for a pet to manage with two legs?

Post by CarolC »

My 6-lb dog had a rear wheelchair she did not like and did not want to use, but we went hundreds of miles where I supported her only with a scarf tied around her waist, instead of a wheelchair. That way she got the support without having to go to the effort of moving a heavy object to get around. But I have seen youtube videos of dogs in front carts that are doing very well, just as I've seen videos of small dogs in rear wheelchairs doing well.

This link shows leash walking a dog with a front leg deformity, and one of the replies shows a dog with a custom wheelchair that is smaller. ... =3&t=15408
That is amazing about the swimming. :trophy:
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Re: Is it possible for a pet to manage with two legs?

Post by Christine »

Just love hearing about your little miracle! :wub:
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: Is it possible for a pet to manage with two legs?

Post by Benny2Paws »

I'm so sorry to hear Bear is resisting the use of his cart. My little Ben had his rear cart for the last four years of his life and used it without incident or injury. Of course, he never preferred a different way of walking, so he never really had a reason to resist. It would seem Bear is just much more comfortable walking on two legs and is determined to do so no matter what. If he were my dog, I would let him get around without the cart.

Ideally, the cart would be the best way to preserve his joints, back, etc., but only if he accepts it and uses it properly. If he's constantly trying to twist his way out of it, it's going to do more harm than good and he is going to injure himself. If he refuses to walk in it at all and his activity level goes down, his muscles will atrophy. You're absolutely right, his two good legs are too precious and cannot afford injury or to be weakened in any way. I would let him get around how he is most comfortable, but I would keep him away from linoleum floors, so he doesn't slip and fall. Unless he is being carried, I would also keep him away from steps and steep inclines, which will put a great deal of excess pressure on his joints and spine and could also create the potential for falling.

In the end, quality of life is the most important thing. If walking on his hind legs is what truly makes him happy, then that's what he should do. If the cart causes him nothing but frustration and injury, it's not adding to his quality of life.

Good luck, my dear. I wish you all the best!
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Re: Two legged dogs can swim.

Post by critters »

Sandie wrote: We have just about given up on the cart, which I think he can't see the point of. He walks so well without it, and in a completely different body position, that it is a total battle to even walk a little way. Some days are better than others, and I completely get that this would be great for his health and joints etc- but he CLEARLY resists going in in, sits down more than walks and requires about half a bag of treats to go anywhere. .
Yeah, I've got one of those do-it-MY-OWN-way kind of critters, too! :D I let her live her life, but I gotta admit sometimes I cringe when she falls and all.
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