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Post by Jasmine2 »

I have a 5 year old Dachsund named Jasmine and shes everything to me. about 4 months ago she jumped off the bed and couldnt move her back legs. The vet says she has a slipped disk and could get better but the chances are slight. Since then she has regained feeling in her tail and can wag it and every now and then her left leg will twitch. There is hope but she has been in a homemade wheelchair. She hates it and finds everyway she can to try to get out of it. she also has pretty deep sores on her legs from scooting since she chewed through her drag bag. I dont know what to do but keep her in a basket all day and its makes my heart break because she has so much life and energy.

Im hoping to find a used wheelchair for her and some advice on what to do and how to keep the house clean cuz diapers arent working. would appreciate any kind of help and im sure she would to!
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Re: Jasmine

Post by Jean »

Have you looked at the links that show how to express a doggies bladder ? Expressing would help with keeping the house clean. A lot of dogs don't even leak urine if they are expressed 3-4 times a day. Do you have a vet who is willing to work with you and would help you learn to express her bladder?
How large of a dachie is she? If she is small you could confine her to an infant playpen. You can often pick one up relatively cheap at a second hand store. Have you tried diapers? Using infant diapers will save you money over dog diapers.
Has she had any bladder infections ? Jean
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Re: Jasmine

Post by Jasmine2 »

My mom is a vet tech so i have had help. i know how to express her but she pees when she gets excited, scared, nervous, ect. She wont keep diapers on and her tail gets in the way. i have a big storage bin i keep her in but she learned how to knock it over and shes a big mommas girl so she whines and cries if im walking around the house and she cant come with. She has a cone on her head right now to keep her from licking her legs. I feel like lost in this situation because i ddont want her life to be any different than before. :(

Thank you for the help
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Re: Jasmine

Post by CarolC »

If your dog is wearing a cone because of too much licking he may need medication. Some paralyzed dogs will lick or chew as feeling begins to return to the affected area. It is a temporary phase they go through but some dogs can do real damage to themselves. There have been a couple of cases where the dog had to be put down because he did so much damage. For example, if the dog starts chewing while you are at work or asleep, you do not realize it is happening. You might think the dog would stop when they start to do the damage, but they don't. Supposedly it is because they are feeling sort of a pins and needles sensation like we do if we sleep on our arm funny and it goes numb--you know how it feels when feeling starts to return? It is very annoying for the dog and he licks and chews the area (his feet or wherever) to try to make the feeling go away.

There is a medication that will take care of that and stop the dog from licking and chewing. It is called gabapentin (brand name Neurontin). If your vet does not carry it you can get it from the human pharmacy.

Your dog may need it for a while. That is probably why he chewed through his drag bag. It's the first time I've heard of a dog chewing through a drag bag.
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Re: Jasmine

Post by Jean »

Is she on meds to make her easier to express? You could try decreasing them and see if she leaks less. Every one of my paralyzed guys takes half the dose recommended by the vet. I have dropped them to one time a day and have less washing to do and save a fortune on meds. I don't know if paralysis has anything to do with med metabolism or what.
It is very difficult to totally express a bladder they always retain some urine. Try expressing her and then give her 10 minutes and express her again. This will give the bladder time to reshape. You will be surprised by the amount still in her bladder.
A play pen or wire kennel would at least let her still see you and maybe she would be more at ease.
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Re: Jasmine

Post by Jasmine2 »

I would actually believe that she is feeling that. They twitch sometimes. I will ask her vet about them thank you.
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