URGENT! My dog was hit by a car last night.

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Re: URGENT! My dog was hit by a car last night.

Post by CarolC »

This is such good news. Amazing to hear he is hauling you behind him now! Wow!


Here is an article on canine rehabilitation. The part I wanted to show you is on page 18. It shows an orthotic (splint) on the paw of a dog with radial nerve damage. Here is a bigger picture.

http://www.ivis.org/special_books/Braun ... /fig21.asp

The on in the photo is custom made, but you can also get the ones in the links I gave earlier that look like this:
Yes, prednisone is a big help. My old vet used to also say sometimes the best medicine is tincture of time. :)
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Re: URGENT! My dog was hit by a car last night.

Post by LoveMakesTheWorld »

This is such a big help Carol. I think I will get the stint in the second photo because the first one appears to be for the back leg, is that correct? The pooch in the picture you showed is identical to mine. Did he have surgery performed? It looks so because the entire area is shaved. I'm not sure if surgery will be required or if the stint will help to heal the leg on its own. One thing he does have is perseverence and he is pushing really hard to get up and moving again. I just can't believe a few nights ago the vet was insinuating we should put him down and now he's up and alive and fighting to live. It's just unfathomable to me.

Another update: he pooped last night on his own...I took him the 2 days before and he was trying but nothing would come out. I guess this is also a good sign his nerves are working?

My newest concern is that I'm looking at his tummy and it's all red...I'm not sure if this is bruising or swelling from the hit but he is not whining or panting. Is this a cause for concern?
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Re: URGENT! My dog was hit by a car last night.

Post by CarolC »

Sorry, I didn't even think about front paw/hind paw when I posted the link/picture. They do make them for the front paw. Here's another link. The link takes a long time to open, sorry.


I don't have a clue on the red tummy. :? So glad he went out and did all his business. That is great news!! :D
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Re: URGENT! My dog was hit by a car last night.

Post by LoveMakesTheWorld »

Thank you again my dear. I'm going to purchase the one from handicappedpets.org... do I keep it on him all day or take off? I've kept his harness on him all day (to act like somewhat of a back brace) and he started chewing it off himself today and tore it (silly puppy).

It looks like the red tummy is indeed bruising from the hit. It's covering his entire stomach. Poor pooch must still be in a lot of pain. :(

Walking is getting better. I noticed he is stopping when he gets tired, which is good because he knows his limits. He will have to learn to urinate without lifting his leg now. Everytime he tries to lift his leg it inevitably falls.
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Re: URGENT! My dog was hit by a car last night.

Post by Christine »

My Bailey was unable to hold a squat so I kept her Lift and Assist Harnass on her all the time. It had a handle on top so when I would take her out to potty, when she began to squat, I would hold onto the handle and let her sink down to the right position knowing that I would support her. After doing it so many time, it is like I was in her head and just knew when she was ready to squat even before she did and I would brace myself to hold on for her.

Your boy might be chewing at the harnass because it is causing him pain in the areas where he was hurt so leaving it on all the time might not work, but using something to support him while he urinates will help him finish and not give up because he can't stand.

Glad to hear he is pooping now. Sometimes, the medications make them constipated. You can always give him a tablespoon of canned pumpkin (no spices) in with his food if he becomes constipated again, - it also works if his stools are loose.
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Re: URGENT! My dog was hit by a car last night.

Post by LoveMakesTheWorld »

Thank you for the canned pumpkin tip, Christine. I will be sure to try that. I took the harness off him. I just placed the order for the splint...hopefully it will be here soon because he is knuckling that front paw against the pavement and it's making me cringe everytime. I will continue him on crate rest for probably another week or so before we find him a new vet. I have enough predisone to last me another week but will surely need more after that considering I think it's what kept him alive. Do you think a neurology visit is still in order even though he is walking on his own, albeit very weakly?
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Re: URGENT! My dog was hit by a car last night.

Post by critters »

LoveMakesTheWorld wrote:Thank you for the canned pumpkin tip, Christine. I will be sure to try that. I took the harness off him. I just placed the order for the splint...hopefully it will be here soon because he is knuckling that front paw against the pavement and it's making me cringe everytime. I will continue him on crate rest for probably another week or so before we find him a new vet. I have enough predisone to last me another week but will surely need more after that considering I think it's what kept him alive. Do you think a neurology visit is still in order even though he is walking on his own, albeit very weakly?
You're VERY wise to handle the knuckling early, before it becomes a contracture. Contractures are extremely difficult to deal with.

Personally, I think I'd wait on the neurologist because I doubt they'll tell you anything new. Already walking is fantastic!!
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Re: URGENT! My dog was hit by a car last night.

Post by LoveMakesTheWorld »

So the splint arrived today and it is not good at all. I ordered the large size as recommended and the spot for his paw to rest in is way too big. I imagine the medium size would be way to small on him since he is a lab. The splint also collects so much dirt and debris from outside that it is such a hassle. Plus it is so heavy on him that he is just dragging his leg rather than walking on it. He moves much quicker and more effectively without it. He's hopping around like a little bunny rabbit--it's so cute. Now the bigger issue I am dealing with is him licking his paws nonstop, to the point where they are blistering and bleeding. I have to yell at him to stop, but he still refuses. I tried rubbing them with vinegar to give him a bitter aftertaste, but still, he won't stop licking from morning til dusk. Any suggestions? Should I do away with the splint? Hard to believe that a week ago the vets were telling us we would need to put him down and now he's back to his normal goofy self, minus the injured front leg of course.
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Re: URGENT! My dog was hit by a car last night.

Post by CarolC »

That's frustrating on the splint. I don't know anything about how the medium might fit. I had the same problem when I ordered a splint for my chihuahua. The smallest size was designed for cats, and my dog had a slender foot compared to a cat so the splint would not work. I don't know if your splint would work if you put a sock on and then strapped on the splint? Or maybe they have a return policy?

I am glad you posted about the licking. This is something that needs to be addressed right away to be safe. When a dog has been paralyzed and they start to improve, feeling begins to slowly return to the body. Apparently it is like us, for example if we sleep on our arm funny and it goes numb, then it starts to wake up, it has a pins and needles sensation. They think this is what is happening with paralyzed dogs. The prickly feeling if very annoying to them and they begin licking and chewing trying to soothe it. Unfortunately, even though it does not seem logical, they do not always know when to stop. They will keep chewing even when it begins bleeding, and they can do real damage. Several dogs here have had toes amputated or almost lost toes because of this, one dog chewed his private area badly, and I know of 2 dogs that have had to be put down because the owner said they did so much damage they could not be saved.

There is a solution for this, it is a medication called gabapentin (brand name Neurontin). It is also used with humans. Your dog may need to be on it for a while. The chewing is a temporary phase during recovery, and it actually implies feeling is returning, so that's wonderful, but you don't want him hurting himself. An e-collar (lampshade collar) will help temporarily until you can get him the medication. I would definitely try to get it asap, and keep an e-collar on him till you do. Otherwise he can chew while you are at work or asleep and you are not there to stop it.

http://handicappedpet.net/helppets/view ... 574#p26572
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Re: URGENT! My dog was hit by a car last night.

Post by critters »

If the splint is nonreturnable, you might be able to improve things a good bit if it's thermoplastic, as I suspect it is. You might be able to heat and trim or bend the plastic as needed. I've also had to go the route of a custom splint, and the best suggestion there is to try local orthotists and prosthetists to see if they're willing to help. Some commercial critter splint makers are willing to do custom service, but it's expensive.
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Re: URGENT! My dog was hit by a car last night.

Post by superozzo »

Give the pepcid an hour before you give the prednisone to protect his stomach!
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Re: URGENT! My dog was hit by a car last night.

Post by LoveMakesTheWorld »

Oh my! I've been giving it to him with the prednisone (per the vets orders, although, as many of you know by now, I trust his judgement very little at this point). The vet would not prescribe a full dosage of prednisone without seeing the pooch in person so he provided me with 7 additional tablets to give him every other day. I do not know how effective this will be (but hopefully it will give me enough time to find a better doctor).

As far at the left front paw goes, I guess it is what it is. He is literally back to dragging me during our walks and seems to be hopping fine on 3 legs. He is not knuckling that left paw as much as he used to. He is standing on it just for added support, but will not use it to walk. I'm scared about how this paw will progress down the road. Since his nonstop licking began, I've had him on the cone 24 hours a day. The second I take it off he is back to licking all 4 of his paws to the bone.

I took him for a bath today -- of course there were nonstop questions from other patrons. I swear one woman was about to call the ASPCA on me because she thought he was being neglected and abused. The fact that he did not have a cast for his injury and that his legs were covered with blisters and blotches from his nonstop licking had her totally perplexed...I guess I could have put the splint on him but he does so much better without it. I'm hoping this bath (and it was a very rigorous bath since I bathed him there myself) will bring some relief to his paws.

From the bottom of my heart everyone, from my family to yours, the brightest of holiday seasons and new years to you all. You don't know how much your support, advice, and love has lifted me up and gave me so much strength. When I was weak, you made me strong. May God richly bless all of you. I can't express my thanks enough.
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Re: URGENT! My dog was hit by a car last night.

Post by superozzo »

The licking concerns me and may be caused by the nerves tingling. If this is this case, dogs will lick and chew and cause damage, sometimes too severe to repair. I would discuss with your vet and watch him closely. They can prescribe gabapentin if this is the case since you dont want your dog to hurt himself.
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Re: URGENT! My dog was hit by a car last night.

Post by Christine »

Good luck finding another vet - thank goodness you are perservering. Your dog sounds like such a trooper who is determined to get better if you can just get this chewing under control. Does he even acknowledge the existence of the medication that will help this? Carol's post says it all.

I am glad you posted about the licking. This is something that needs to be addressed right away to be safe. When a dog has been paralyzed and they start to improve, feeling begins to slowly return to the body. Apparently it is like us, for example if we sleep on our arm funny and it goes numb, then it starts to wake up, it has a pins and needles sensation. They think this is what is happening with paralyzed dogs. The prickly feeling if very annoying to them and they begin licking and chewing trying to soothe it. Unfortunately, even though it does not seem logical, they do not always know when to stop. They will keep chewing even when it begins bleeding, and they can do real damage. Several dogs here have had toes amputated or almost lost toes because of this, one dog chewed his private area badly, and I know of 2 dogs that have had to be put down because the owner said they did so much damage they could not be saved.

There is a solution for this, it is a medication called gabapentin (brand name Neurontin). It is also used with humans. Your dog may need to be on it for a while. The chewing is a temporary phase during recovery, and it actually implies feeling is returning, so that's wonderful, but you don't want him hurting himself. An e-collar (lampshade collar) will help temporarily until you can get him the medication. I would definitely try to get it asap, and keep an e-collar on him till you do. Otherwise he can chew while you are at work or asleep and you are not there to stop it.

Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: URGENT! My dog was hit by a car last night.

Post by LoveMakesTheWorld »

It is hard to believe, I know. I still can't even fathom that on the first 3 visits to 3 separate doctors, all 3 of them more or less suggested putting him down, and now he is back to his old goofy self. It's unimaginable.

Oh, don't you worry Christine, when I find a new doc, this is the first thing I am going to tell him about. I'll wait to see if they bring it up themselves first. 8)

You all should have doctorates in veterinary education. :wink:
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